How did the British fall so quickly back into complete cuckery after Brexit?

How did the British fall so quickly back into complete cuckery after Brexit?

what is wrong with bongland

fake news

All the good ones left for the USA or died in WW2.

I bet T levels are fractions of the people that actually ran the British empire.

They are almost a perfectly molded sheep people that can be slaughtered at any time economically or in reality. Brexit did nothing more or less than reveal how extraordinarily powerless they are as a people.

What the fuck? What is the logic behind that statement? Link?

8/10 for making me look up if it was real

White people = advocates of small, limited government; hard working and independent
Immigration = means of creating a parasite class which will vote for larger government to take resources from the productive at gunpoint and give it to them (has added benefit of bringing in thugs who threaten violence against those who publicly oppose and obstruct the growth of the state)
EU = means of outright taking away the people's ability to stop and reverse the growth of the state through democratic means; reestablishment of royalty, except this time, with power over the whole of Europe
Collapse of the EU and reversal of population replacement = governments don't get to grow in power and size as much as they want

It might still be possible to turn this around without civil wars, but you're not going to get it from the current political class.

What did you expect when they put in someone who didn't want brexit as the replacement PM. I saw this coming a mile away. You have no control over what your government does in britian.

sack and burn this fucking witch. what are we waiting for

Looks like they're implying that the UK leaving the EU is like the South seceding from the United States.

Which is entirely retarded.