I'm really late but I just finished watching Haikyuu!!
Can we have a thread?
Who is your favorite character?
I'm really late but I just finished watching Haikyuu!!
Sebastian Anderson
William Peterson
Suga is the cutest desu.
Evan Turner
I like Nishinoya but in the recent season, I got into liking Tsukishima as well. He's so fucking cool. I've always thought of him as an asshole until the latest season aired.
Hunter Carter
I agree. He always felt the least fleshed out so I'm glad they focused on him in S3.
Oliver Kelly
They can't flesh out everybody at the same time. They'd end up just shining too little light on everybody and render the whole thing boring as fuck.
Gabriel Ortiz
Matthew Hernandez
Anthony Parker
Chase Powell
>Who is your favorite character?
None. The entire show is garbage. I bet you guys self-insert into the sausage fest.
Ayden Hill
>Who is your favorite character?