Protip: You can't.
Please explain how this man "supports CP"
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That proved...what?
Isn't this the dwarf that wants to have sex with his own daughter?
>That flag
Ah, so that's his audience. I couldn't figure out why anyone paid any attention to this midget faggot.
lmao what is the actual explanation for this? what neurological condition causes this?
He doesn't support CP, nor does he want to have sex with his daughter. But let's keep being simple minded idiots!
Destiny is a retard his arguments are bullshit and he’s a manlet. The other day I watched him debating that quadroon Brittany and she said if they run tests and the baby is a downsie it should be aborted then he twists it into saying she supports banning the parents from trying for a normal kid. How does that make any sense? He also interrupts saying your so triggered when the guest is answering his questions which I find hilarious because sjws like him literally cry when people misgender some one call some one triggered. What a faggot.
Can you stop advertising your stream on /pol already/?