ITT we discuss and develop a decentralized digital ethnocentric cryptocurrency

ITT we discuss and develop a decentralized digital ethnocentric cryptocurrency.

Things accomplished so far:

1. Name is the Reichskoin with ISO-style currency code XRK 2. Logo is pic related (You)
3. Decided to fork Monero codebase with minor tweaks (e.g. changing the inflation rate) and start a new blockchain from scratch 4. Decided not to pre-mine coins or have an initial coin offering, and to avoid setting up a real world foundation of namefags to control this thing 5. Set up a Discord room Xftnx6p for ongoing discussion (You)

Things to do:

1. Keep the dream alive by creating follow ups to this thread to maintain interest (we will need anons running nodes/miners once the tools are set up)
2. Decide on monetary policy issues like inflation rate 3. Develop tools that make it easy for anons to set up a node/miner/wallet from information provided in this thread (e.g. pastebin link to script, list of seeds nodes to connect to in a post) 4. Have a fair launch (no namefags, no pre-mine, no profit to namefags from initial coin offering)

>Discord link for namefagging and advanced shitposting

Past threads:

What did we get up to last night?

Just look at the last bread. It's linked


Gonna have to throw this up matching the last ones time of the day

invite expired, faggot

(((They))) will end the internet if this happens.

new link

Nigga Xftnx6p is on infinite expiration time

We already have one. Its called BRITcoin.