I miss her Sup Forums

I miss her Sup Forums

install windows xp, watch the first 3 seasons and then kill yourself

Garbage taste, my friend
I want the cat

Same dude

We all do.

She deserved better than a shit serie like Bleach

Rukia is the only good about Bleach.

Ichigo won the best girl, so all's well, friendo.



Shit girl for a shit MC.

Fucking FUCK! Everytime I forget about that heap of shit ending someone has to FUCKING REMIND ME!

Blah blah best girl unquestioned.

didn't the Mangaka say in some kind of interview that he purposefully fucked up the ending because he had been on bad terms with the production studio? A friend of mine told me that, but I'm not sure how full of shit he was.

Feels like he paired Ichigo with the wrong girl on purpose.

#Team IchiRu

We don't know for sure, and probably never will. Doesn't matter, and the "Its was so obvious" IchiHime fucks will be eternally smug.

I've been playing for a year and I still haven't pulled her fuck it's not fair. I'll probably go all out on VD.
He was full of shit. Don't listen to word of mouth information.

I couldn't disagree with the IchiHime crowd more. Inoue was a bad heroine imho and the chemistry between Ichigo and Rukia was much more apparent. It always felt like the most natural pairing to me -- the pairing that actually made sense. They fought together, supported each other etc. while Inoue always felt like the taped-on childhood friend / love interest whose abilities were a one-off trick to further the plot.

Kind of mad about it too. But oh well.


>rukia is one of best thing in shonen jump

>I've been playing for a year and I still haven't pulled her fuck it's not fair. I'll probably go all out on VD.
Same boat here. I've been blowing everything I have on the current banner trying to get FB Rukia.
Got TT Rukia and FB Renji in my last multi, but still gonna spend every orb I earn until the banner ends.

>the story has ended

Hm. Really makes you think.

#Team LawfatU