>Size: 49,500 (23,000 regular force, 17, 000 reserve forces, 5000 rangers, 4,500 civilians)
>Budget 14 Billion (kek)
>Less AA than ISIS
>No attack helicopters (super kek)
>Live in country sourounded by water, 3rd world tier navy unable to leave Canadian waters without US logistical support
Inb4 Snipers
>Even JTF-2 LARPS as Americans in US Multicam operating under JSOC; in laymans terms everything they do gets credited to big dick uncle sam
Syrup niggers, explain yourselves

Other urls found in this thread:éo_Major


>have wealthy neighbor dead-set on sinking trillions of dollars into defense
>wasting GDP on ships and helicopters when you can just leech off them and put the rest of your money into infrastructure and importing somalis

When you're aligned with the hegemon, you can just sit back and put your money in crypto and act like you matter. If anything we should halve our military expenditures and demand everyone else pull their weight. Global dominance is gay when it just drains your coffers and your national soul.

Even we have more soldiers kek

*Invades your country*


>What is War of 1812

America was never supposed to be the hegemon. It's not in our national spirit. But after the Wars, Europe decided they didn't want the job anymore and passed the buck to us. Ever since then, they've just used some fragment of the manifest destiny urge to get us to do all the international heavy lifting while they sat back and called us insensitive idiots, even as they profited enormously from saving on unnecessary carrier battle groups.

The cost of world dominance is uncontrolled immigration and self-sabotage.

>leafs continuing to take credit for british troops under british command

Your greatest military achievement against the United States is a myth.

A war fought between the British and US you autistic bugman