When can I MAGA?

Mid level federal bureaucrat here. The deep state is worse than you think. My agency is filled with people who are pathologically opposed to anything the Trump administration tries to do.

My agency is in the executive branch. Therefore, we ultimately work for the head of the executive branch. That's Trump. People are openly and brazenly acting to thwart the administration's honest efforts to improve how we deliver services to the American people. It's Petty and salty, and it needs to stop.

We swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. Despite what the news is trying to tell the public, none of the things the Trump administration is directing us to do is in violation of the Constitution or any law. In fact, the direction coming down is spot on for fixing serious problems with such things as how we achieve the goals of NEPA, NHPA, and ESA.

I don't trust people above me in my chain of command. Most are well intended people, but they have bought into the anti Trump propaganda.

When will Trump have his private intelligence organization operational, and how do I report deep staters who are actively working against efforts to make America great again?

>My agency is in the executive branch
>People are openly and brazenly acting to thwart the administration
>I don't trust people above me in my chain of command
surely you can find someone in the chain who can trust
or find another way to report their illegal and obstructive activities

Work your way up, become high ranking agency boss and enforce rightwing policies and hiring practices.

Better not be a larp cunt

to add to this
wouldnt the fbi or some other domestic investigation organization be interested in what you have to say?

>made it that far
>wat do now?
LARPing nigger

put out some feelers with other gubmint types about where the PIC is recruiting/absorbing info, I wish I could help but it's intentionally opaque at the moment to keep the reds out

Keep making threads here about specific people/positions and 100% someone will read it who knows what to do

report the wrongthinkers directly to trump if he is your boss and let him fire them

It's bad man. You can't even say Trump's name around some people without them going ballistic. It's a mine field.

>When will Trump have his private intelligence organization operational
Sup Forums is Trumps private intelligence agency, we are just waiting to be read in on the good shit. So go ahead user, drop us some juicy shit so we can get to work.

>how do I report deep staters who are actively working against efforts to make America great again?

Have examples ready and be able to prove them, then get in contact with Devin Nunes's office.

That's a FEMA PIV Student ID.

I'm not, but other than posting pic of my blacked out gov I'd, not going to give other proof

ayo hol up, are you shit posting on your lunchbreak?

Umm...are you watching what's happened to our FBI? It seems totally politicized and filled with deep state never trumpers

either uninformed or shill


Yes kind of. Not shit posting though. Genuinely interested in fixing my agency

Nunes looks like the best bet, though I'd be wary of the people around him. I wouldn't assume there aren't any NeverTrump types in his outer office that you'd run into first.

If he has evidence of actual wrongdoing and not just people being lazy jackholes, he could contact Wikileaks.

You gotta get a new cac, it's missing some text detail on the bottom. They wouldn't give me my cac without it dunno why it was so important but it is what it is.

Kek. Keeping .gov workers in line even amen.

> private intelligence organization
Im sorry, what? I was with you up until here. Why would the president need a private intelligence organization when its in the best interest to keep EVERYTHING out in the public. Little birdies everywhere, low key drop some subtle memes in the office and start throwing stuff to the right wing press, here and plebbit.
Get it to Bannon why not?
Don't get caught up with Mcarthyism, just place the facts, be honest.

Write a letter to the White House explaining the problem in detail. I've a plan of action (POA) I'm sending there before the end of the year. It contains information that'll allow the President to send cut federal funding for California and send in U.S. marshalls with arrest warrants.

Proof of criminality is what Trump needs? Proof is what Trump gets.

not a shill and i know the fbi is politicized but also it's not completely fucked.
there are still non-partisan people in law enforcement
if you have evidence of crimes and obstruction then report it and report to multiple agencies
don't go all "im a magapede and people at work dont like trump" don't even mention him
just provide proof that your agency was tasked to do something and people are illegally actively trying stopping it

Oh yeah wikileaks is a thing.

Start cataloguing and keeping records on this. Make a paper trail to be used in future litigation or investigations into this situation. We have traitors in the government and they need to be rooted out and exposed as quickly as possible, with legitimate evidence and records of their sedition and treason. Any physical or digital evidence you can gather and collect will soon be priceless. You’ve been gifted with the opportunity to directly effect the outcome of this war. God speed, user.

TBQH I'm a bit disappointed that Trump doesn't seem to grasp the game here and didn't start IMMEDIATELY PURGING FUCKING EVERYONE from the various agencies of the executive branch. He should've gone full-on night-of-the-long-knives and kicked out all the shills, but no they've been in there over the past year

your agency is Sup Forums now
welcome to the bureau, agent

Do you have something actual "stuff" to report to?
If positive - reporting as high as possible skipping all the nay-sayers is the way to go.

I fantasize about offering direct assistance to some part of the administration. Not an ideological zealot but I believe in America and good government. If you literally have a job there and can't find an ally, surely I have no chance. I only wish I could fulfill the responsibility I took when I voted Trump. It's troubling to perceive that the federal government is regularly one step behind, playing catch-up with its problems and misusing Trump's abilities. Even more troubling is the thought that this administration may be short on experience or ability. I wouldn't say this to Jeff Sessions' face, I'm only being frank with you.

just document everything you see

With backups.

Trump here.
Dm me on twitter

would have given soros excuse to fund riots

Private, not secret.
I'd heard on you tube that Trump was forming his own intelligence group because official ones have integrity issues.

Generally what I see is people opposing new ideas and streaming efforts because they know it's coming down from Trump and his department heads. I just want them to stop their obstruction bs.

There is no exif on uploaded images anymore, hasn't been in years

How the fuck do traitors acquire so much power?

Do you have shit on people? People smoking weed during breaks, fucking the wrong secretaries, adding zeros to certain numbers etc. if yes just start naming names to the press. Start with the lower downs and work your way up.

It seems like you could blow the whistle on contrarians

Your HSPD-12 looks dirty.

Keep in mind, this is what we’ve been allowed to see. Unfortunately for his supporters, OPSEC has to be preserved to keep his enemies in the dark while they’re being rooted out. The corruption is so incredibly pervasive and entrenched, it’s like removing half the cells from a cancer ridden human body without killing the host itself. They’re performing a purge with surgical precision and intensity of focus as to not destroy our entire government and nation with the full truth, that if we’re to come out, would cause even the mildest normies yo arm themselves and seek justice. Those hopelessly indoctrinated would commit mass suicide if able to see even a fraction of the full picture. Dont allow the narratives being provided, by all sides, to cause you to lose hope. We’re winning, at a level I never expected, and the Cabal is being systematically annihilated around the world. Have faith lads. It’s all coming down. God bless you all and Merry Christmas.

Can you stop with this retarded larp please it's so annoying to read all the time.

No integrity.

The HSPD-12 is a standard in many workplaces.


This is the kind of encouragement I need.

Federal employee's are entitled to two 15 minutes breaks and a half hour lunch. Depending on the culture of the work place you can take these breaks together.

>Pic related its op

Nice just bought 100k

Yeah. Keep start a black book. I do believe there will be a purge in the next 1-2 years of the swamp and its minions. Trump just needs enough information to run a blitz strategically.


>When will Trump have his private intelligence organization operational
He'd have to hire someone intelligent first.

It's not like that. It's people spending their days using their interpretations of regulations and policy to resist change, even when they know they could interpret the regs differently and thereby improve how we get stuff done

Go tell Trump give him a list of names. easy.

this is such a clusterfuck on the ground level

I'm out. Gotta get back to work.

Thanks for the suggestions Sup Forums

don't tell the newfags, shhhh

Can you bend the rules for yourself as well? As in make their life hell with their own tactics?

kill yourself LARPing faggot

What’s trump like in person?

They are using beauracracy and legalism to impede him. Tell him. Send him a letter detailing how this is being done and the federal regulations being twisted. Be professional about it. Do it anonymously if you fear retaliation.

This is what I'm doing, but a little differently. I going to be showing him federal regulations that are deliberately or accidentally being overlooked, with an overarching plan that he can use to enforce immigration laws, construct the wall, and drain the swamp. I'm including legal documentation that prove criminal activity so that he can get his foot in the door.

I'm ex-military, Finance. I might as well be an unpaid advisor. My shits AAA+!

I wish I had a US government credit card.

I know a guy who works at the social security office near me, and the big laugh is that they haven't hung up Trump's photo yet. They're "resisting".

hope all the antitrump niggers in the government get the rope


Gather evidence of all traitorous activities. Record conversations, swipe emails, etc Contact an alternative media source such as Cernovich or Alex Jones, out the people to them and let them make the information public. They traitors will be gone in no time.

>Generally what I see is people opposing new ideas and streaming efforts because they know it's coming down from Trump and his department heads. I just want them to stop their obstruction bs.

You could honestly try reeeing about "We work for the people, I want to IMPROVE this country, not actively harm it" or similar bullshit in your emails so you can get paper trails for everything with them actively showing that they're actively harming the people just because they're assmad at Trump.

Then after 6 months to a year, just copy it all and mail it to Trump.

I've tried but have not figured out how to

OIG or the congressional committee charged with oversight of your agency

RWBS When?

If you really don't believe that a purge is already underway and that we (the Trump Nationalist movement) are winning, you're either not really paying attention or you are an absolute retard