Vivid Strike! 05.5 OVA (Nanoha)

>[ron] Vivid Strike! - Volume 2 (1080p BDRip Hi10 FLAC)

>[ron] Vivid Strike! - Volume 2 (720p BDRip x264 AAC)

This obviously includes the 05.5 OVA. Seeding as fast as I can.

Other urls found in this thread: Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid - Volume 14 [English].zip

Totally Not a NanoFate Extra #XX - 「They Stole My Gimmick」

Please also note that there was another bonus comic included with this BD which I wasn't expecting but have taken the liberty of scanlating and bundling with both torrents. This one is actually #02.5, putting it before the previous comic.

Is the 1080 an upscale? And would it be too much to ask to include VividTrans's script as an alternative sub track?


Just what I needed, someone dumping a garbage can on my lap again.

les bump

>not Nanoha
Who even cares.

Call me when it's Nanoha.

Saving the nanoha franchise with every episode.

It has yet to save itself, let alone the franchise.

Fuuka BTFO

May as well dump it



How hard can it be to give all this attention to Nanoha.

I mean, she actually deserves it.

Thanks for your hard work.

I'm also wondering about this .




She's far cuter than anybody else in the franchise, and in animation in general.




And I know all of you despise it with all your soul, but A's is excellence given form.

Nanoha, you disrepectful scum.

How many parts is the OST split into?

No 1080p release without fucking FLAC bloat?

So the hate she gets is incredibly surprising in my eyes. All the evidence says that she should be loved by all. But the reality is the complete opposite somehow.

None I think? It was included in the volume 1 torrent and gave no indication of being incomplete.



Since the season ended, has there been anything else vivid related that I missed?

See, this is what I was talking about. Why is the Nanoha hate so strong? I wish to understand.

Not VS, but did you miss an entire volume of Vivid being done by some user? Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid - Volume 14 [English].zip

Wait I am confused.

Why is this one just a bunch of comics with a few episodes scattered between?

I see the .5 OVA, but where are the rest of the episodes?

In the torrent?

They're at the bottom of the file list. I know, I wish I could've forced a more convenient order but I couldn't without changing their names.

>stuck around 40% download
Just saying.

Nanoha is great. Are you all just jealous that your favorite shows aren't as good? But that doesn't explain the hate she gets from the staff working on the series, which is equally as intense.

No one's stuck. Some people are just spoiled.

is this the first bonus episode or the second one?

>draw cute girls
>name them harry and victor

At least in name they need to compensate for the lack of male characters.

No, that's probably it now that I think about it. It'd be very stupid, but I can't expect a lot from someone who hates Nanoha that much.


This fad is retarded. Don't involve Nanoha in it.

There's already a futa fanfic about Nanoha fucking Fate in it.

I did

Thank you!



Isn't that like 40% of all Nanofate doujins?

Scanlation catching up when?

Much appreciated, Ron.

>What's that bitch?
>Yer defense sux
Harry's a jewel

Good fucking lord I need to see this. For fapping purposes.

Well at least something good came out of it. Nice to see there's at least someone out there who still likes Nanoha.

Bitch-kun likes the futa?

>Of course Miura isn't helping out


Can we have a groupwatch sometime? I'd like to re-watch Vivid and Strike.

Or how about this thing? Did anyone watch this?

She's too busy being modest.
She's helping out my heart.
She probably cooked everything and is taking a rest.
Man, just shut up

Why don't you watch it on your own damn time? Why do you have to force everyone else to watch that shit?

Also that looks fucking awful.

Miura really helps my heart.

At relaxing because she is so lazy.

Are we going to get more of them or are they going to disappear?

Nanoha when, though

Your trash has had their time in the spotlight, it's time to get back to the good stuff.

Can Miura ever recover from being so dumb?

I wonder if Yuuno is alive.

Thanks ron!

Thank you

At least Reflection is going to fix everything.

I want to let you know that I recently downloaded the StrikerS Sound Stages.
The tracks included some heartwarming pillow talk between Nanoha and Vivio, as well as a scene of them eating sandwiches and treats outside.
I masturbated to Vivio's 6 year old voice while imagining I was Nanoha and imagining that the eating noises Vivio was making were actually from me kissing her while she sat on my lap.
I felt surprisingly good about it afterwards.

Nice blog.

Why are all Viviofags like this?

Are the any more OVAs coming in future BDs?

I really, really, really love Corona!

Me too, bro.

I mean, better late than never, but there's no reason for Reflection to have taken as long as it has. Now look at the mess it has to fix.

>replying to him
>acknowledging his existence


Just finished seeding the 1080p torrent. The 720p one has been done for over an hour. Thanks for being so patient.

It's the first. Volume 1 only had a comic.

Two more.

>vivid strike
Now there's an old joke. Thank you for your continued effort in destroying Nanoha.




I like Einhart-san

Oh shit Im glad I caught this thread. Thanks for all the hard work ron.


Is Nanoha the only good transition from loli to adult that people like?

Is any chance for Vivid second season? Strike is good but Vivid need continue with adaption.

I thought they said that was something they were planning to do. The Vivid BDs finally came out like two months ago so they must be doing something.

Seems like you're someone who should have his hearing privileges revoked permanently.

>Good fucking lord I need to see this. For fapping purposes.
This should be it. Not that it matters, but for some reason Nanoha is a succubus in most of the porn from this author.

Good chance, in a magazine they said they were planning 2 more Nanoha TV things soon, it seems likely one or both are more Vivid adaptation. I really hope they can get up to the massive title drop in chapter 61.

Could be second Nanoha thing be Force anime? Or that thing is dead?

It's technically possible. I find it far more likely they'd go for something less risky like more stuff in between A's and Strikers, a 3rd season of Vivid, or a 2nd season of VS.




>like more stuff in between A's and Strikers
That would be perfect. More kid Nanoha and transition between young girl and adult. Especially that part where she got herself fucked and ended in hospital would be good place for story.

It already got half an episode and an issue of the manga, it really doesn't need to be done again. I don't know why people are so hung up on it.

Same with bringing Alicia back, give it a damn rest already.

I'd like Force redoing/continuation so that we can get rid of the obstacle it currently presetns and there can be some real story with the Belkan descendants mystery that Hayate said needs investigating but nothing more was heard from that.

Isn't ViVid S2 confirmed?

There was some pachinko thing but I don't think that counts as an official announcement. Anyway, it's going to happen sooner or later.


I recently read through all of innocents and really enjoyed it. I thought it was super odd when they turned Sub into a boy and was totally confused for the first 6 chapters. Hope they translate volumes 3.



What's going on here?