His waifu isn't disabled

>his waifu isn't disabled

>you will never cut the legs off her drawings
feels bad man

It's pretty easy to get there. Just grab the nearest blunt object and whack away.

Disabled girls are NOT for bullying! They're for tender love!


fuck you and fuck that pasta.

Can she still feel your dick?

One of my waifu is.

You should post her. It would make her happy.

>impling my waifu isnt disabled

Would you princess carry your wheelchair bound waifu or would you carry her on your back?


>one of my

Kill yourself

Stay mad betamax. You're just jealous because you're not man enough to handle multiple wives.


My waifu is mentally disabled.

Ah, a man of taste as well. Easily best girl of Katawa Shoujo.

She's blind and Finnish
She's twice the disabled!


Princess carry seems more intimate and romantic while on your back seems like what you would do for someone you're just friends with.

She may not have a disability in the traditional sense, but she does indeed need additional help to function in modern society.
