Is extreme bullying a 56% thing?

Is extreme bullying a 56% thing?
Everytime i read about bullying, its always about the some kid in the US.

Does this thing even happen in European countries? I went to a Greek and German school and nothing happened there. Everyone ignored each other mostly

those who arent up to standard deserve to be bullied into suicide. that must be why europe is full of soyboy redditors


God bless the JewSA

Your autism shows.

You probably were the only one left alone because you are such a sociopath.

>t. Chad "son of Chad" Chadson

this is retarded. No one deserves to get bullied.
People are not taught how to defend themselves and i do not need to explain what bullying does to a society right?

And as long as you cant legally kill bullies no one is going to care.

All bullying is extreme bullying to liberals, just like Islam is the religion of peace.

>no one deserves to get bullied

Cuck. The real problem here is that you’re not allowed to fight back. If schools weren’t feminized shitholes kids who get bullied could punch the bully and put an end to it

Pansy who was bullied by turks detected.