Be honest. When was the last time you watched Haruhi?

Be honest. When was the last time you watched Haruhi?

Christmas. I do so every year like a bunch of other people on Sup Forums.

A few scenes because I was thinking about them and wanted to get a chuckle only a few months ago. Full series? Quite a while.

Yesterday. I decided to stomach the Yuki fanfic again because I love any character interaction that isn't Kyon/Yuki.

Last week, actually.


Funny. I always thought Haruhi was more of a lazy summer anime

Never cuz i don't see garbage animu

yesterday :P

I agree. I may go so far as proclaim the endless eight as a metaphor for the dull, repetitive days of summer vacation

>Never cuz i don't see animu


Fuck off.

i tried in like november or something
was watching it with friend but she wasn't giving it a fair chance
i got fed up with her reluctance and we watched natsume yuujinchou instead

I tried watching it when it first aired and dropped it after only a couple episodes. I've recently been thinking about giving it another chance.

About 8 years ago

when Disappearance got subbed

Last Christmas with Sup Forums

Years back. I love it too much to ruin it by rewatches

They were repetitive, but I dunno about dull. Summer was a sanctuary considering how much I disliked school.

With Sup Forums last christmas

Kind of both for me since Christmas comes during the Summer Holidays

I want to celebrate with god.

I tried to watch it when S1 was airing, but dropped it because even back then it was a generic pile of shit.

I rewatch some parts occasionally to see if I can catch any suggestive screencaps

that forehead

Rewatched some scenes and episodes a few weeks ago, loved it and noticed a lot of stuff I didn't see before, despite watching it for the fourth time

During Christmas like every self respecting Sup Forums denizen

I watch Disappearance on December 16th every year.
The series is in my 'watch when I'm sick' rotation.

Both seasons and the movie in December, then all the light novels right afterwards.