How many italians look like Fabio?
Fabio is white.
I dont know much about haplogroups or whatever, but how common is people like Fabio in italy?
pic related
How many italians look like Fabio?
Fabio is white.
I dont know much about haplogroups or whatever, but how common is people like Fabio in italy?
pic related
I always thought he looked ugly as fuck desu
Italians look different in different regions, but most dont look like fabio
Gay lovechild of Kevin Sorbo and Scott Bakula.
*teleports behind you*
Nothing personnel kid
>Fabio is white.
What are you trying to imply Sven?
same thing with mario batali right?
I've seen several people with the same or some of his facial features, one of them is a relative - looking beyond the blonde hair due to being very rare in my area. .
>I dont know much about haplogroups or whatever
Good, that has no correlation.
Most Italians are niggers in disguise
blonde hair aside, is appearance in italy like a gradient of (northern being the palest?) mediterranean features or are people like fabio and mario super rare?
They look like normal europeans up till rome, and everything below that looks like nigeria
i can confirm this
Nope, that's an incredibly simplistic view of it, especially in Italy. For example, only Sardinia and certain places in the south have less blonde hair/blue eyes than my area, and i'm in the Valle Padana in the northern half, Etruscan and Gaulish territory, and it's not the only exception. On the average tho, we can say the south has more people of darker complexion due to neolithic farmer migrations, Phoenician settlements and such.
alright thanks
Northern Italian food > Southern Italian Food > Sicilian slop
Italians,Greeks,Spanish people, etc are white, i.e. their skin is white, but they are not blonde. They are Mediterranean whites.
Here's your (You), i won't discuss your statement to avoid giving you the illusion your heritage gives you any connection with the people from the Boot, or any legitimacy to your opinion.
Okay, Achmed.
only dirty kikes try to split up europeans on bullshit division points
jesus, chill out
So you can admit that Italy has been racially mixed
You're the type of retard that thinks 20% American Indians are white. Pic related is a Sicilian, they're not just white because it's convenient for you.
Okay, well that's barely Europe LOL next you're going to tell me Turkey is Europe, too.
Nose, upperlip and brow I can recognise in numerous other italians
hair and jawline don't really get close, but mainly because you can't expect this level of aesthetics in everyone
>it's another whites obsessing over Italian ethnogenesis episode
I know a Northern Italian middle aged guy who comes for business here every once in a while.
He looks exactly like Mario. Deep blue eyes, short stature and stocky, reddish skin, Thick black hair. Thickest mustache I've ever seen. Almost stereotypically "Alpine" phenotype.
He's also a fascist and an amazing cook. Cool guy.
The most aesthetic person I ever seen in my life was this italian doctor in a vintage photo of my dermathologist
No that is Europe you retard. Do you consider this Greek European? Southern, Europe and the Balkans has been heavily mixed, while Eastern Europe has been somewhat mixed.
It's not that they don't have a point.
For example, this is Sicilian celebrity in Italy.
Wow you people are complete retards. Western civilization is completely based on the Greeks and after them the Italians, both of whom were/are not blonde with blue eyes, but Mediteranean whites (nothing to do with "nigeria" though LOL). Blondies from Sweden didn't provide anything to the West except maybe from gay marriages as far as I know. Grow the fuck up, please.
huh? who is this glorious man?
i want to be like him
Did they always look like this, or are they mixed with northern africans? (serious answers, please. no memes)
whoah, an east Mediterranean type in Sicily, truly out of place innit?
I'd fuck her, but I wouldn't be proud of it
By the way why are swedish people obsessed with banging italians. I think it is caused by the urge of fucking something of human and the necessity of modern Sweden of crossbreeding with population perceived ad exotic. I have no problem of bleaching my people and give them some spare points in IQ but you should think at the sale of your own kind...people like the protagonist of vikings are getting rare
They were always Mediteranean. You can see that from the statues, paintings, etc. Also from genetic studies, especially regarding Greeks, which show that they are the same people. Until now though, since American fucktards created the ISIS and now the south European countries are flooded with "refugees".
Jawlines depend on oral posture and diet during development. The modern diet is shit and isn't hard enough to fully develop the jaw bone.
Jawlines like Fabio's are rare in any modern society.
Compare hunter-gatherer Cro-Magnon skulls to the average modern European and you will notice the difference.
If you can't grow non-impacted wisdom teeth then your facial development has been stunted by the modern diet.
I would bang but I feel a leftist vibe
>not knowing about Fabio
woggish people or boats didn't exist before arabs invented them obviously
>east mediTERRONEAn
More like arab to me, and so we have a problem.
I wouldn't, she's such a retarded annoying bitch.
I don't get why you retards just pretend the Islamic conquests and occupations never happened
>Of the 18 Emperors from Augustus to Commodus: 9 had blond or red hair; 5 had grey or white hair; 3 had no recorded hair colour, and just 1 (Hadrian), was referred to as dark-haired.
>Of the 18 Emperors from Augustus to Commodus: 9 had blue or grey eyes; 2 had "wine-coloured eyes" (whatever that may mean), and 7 had no recorded eye colour.
You sound like Freud
"hmm this swede posts something about Fabio, therefore he wants to fuck italians".
oh it's you, don't you ever get tired of getting BTFO every single thread you make?
North-african (Berber) admixiture concerns less than 15% of the Sicilian population, Greek admixiture around 35%, for a comparison. People on here seems to have a skewed perception of what military occupations consisted of. Gengis Khan's spoils of war were far from the rule throughout history.
that bitch looks Persian. Flip a coin. Might be authentic Italian with basal Indo-European/Central Asian look.
If it looks like a highborn Pahjeet, might not be an arab.
this bitch looks like Salma Hayek. This one does look Semitic.
Oh boy.... An Australian blondie drinking beers I suppose? Islamic conquest (i.e. Turks) DID happen, but it also un-happened. No more Turks here, we kissed them goodbye and tossed them into the fucking sea. Please read some serious genetic studies and don't link to the retards from apricity.
First of stop being so gay Sven.
Second, Fabio probably isn't even Italian.
Back when I was a little 3 year old kid and a bunch Italian volunteers came to Croatia to help the Croatian families that had to flee from the Jihadist scum in Bosnia.
They apparently fawned over me and my parrents , even offered money so they could adopt me... all because I was a blonde kid and that's apparently a rare thing these days in Italy (ps. my hair turned pitch black as soon as I entered puberty).
Fabio is probably some Austrian-Slavic mix.
>getting btfo
I don't though it's always just mental gymnastics you have to go through to make sense off it.
>people like the protagonist of vikings are getting rare
He is an Australian Anglo though. But yes, people with a full, symmetrical facial development like his are rarer because of
translating the Roman word/term for "brown" hair as blonde.
They called "modern blonde" hair, yellow or gold hair.
It's the same woman, her pseudonym is Levante.
>mental gymnastics
nordicism in a nutshell
when you interpret "capillum leviter inflexum et subflavum" as "light blonde", you're already disqualifying yourself from being taken seriously
Don't deny the moors.
You even call the southerners moors.
lol they can't unhappen, and it wasn't just Greece it was all med countries.
There may be some whites in these countries but it's just folly to try and deny they haven't been heavily mixed. Oh yeah and genetic studies show all med countries to have 1-3 percent of Negro genes.
Apart from that being bullshit, what about the blue eyes? Again you have to go through mental gymnastics.
I know this, and most breathing is a huge detriment to a healthy face development, but what foods are good? I have a two year old boy who’s quite cute I’d like him to give him the best chance at being a handsome man as I can. I had a deviated septum growing up and mouth breathed so I want to fix my mistakes in him. Do I have him chew rocks all day?
Not even a nordicist just logical that you can't include people who are half fucking Arab as European.
>when you interpret "capillum leviter inflexum et subflavum" as "light blonde", you're already disqualifying yourself from being taken seriously
Then what does it translate to and how do you explain the eye color? Again more mental gymnastics. You know the IQ of Southern Italy is 89 right?
~30% of modern Italians including south Italy have light eyes
only an absolute nigger(a much higher being than a nordicist) would think this is a proof of anything
>genetic studies show all med countries to have 1-3 percent of Negro
Not really. You blondies just need to accept the fact that Greeks and Romands where NEVER blonds with blue eyes. I know it's hard, but it is the truth. Your whole "civilization" is based on Meds.
This of course doesn't mean that I personally have a problem with blondies from the North, actually I believe all Whites must unite but people like you make it impossible. Go drink a beer, please.
>Then what does it translate
"hair with a tendency to golden"
> the eye color
absolutely and utterly irrelevant, see
objectively it's a positive thing, and the fact that northerners are no longer cavemen makes me think there is hope for niggers.
I have a fairly symmetric and strong jawline and i've been eating all kinds of meat everyday since i was a child because of parents selling it. Also, shitton of sandwiches, every day as school lunch, never in that fluffy bread for toasts.
lol you mean they have the same level of light eyes, which can fucking include light brown as Turkey? You'l never change your mind about this because your obviously a non-white Italian who doesn't want to face the truth.
lol niggers unfortunately have no hope at all. But the Northeners do have hope, they just need to stop bitching and acting like Greeks or Romans were the same phenotype as them.
>lol you mean they have the same level of light eyes, which can fucking include light brown
wrong, absolutely lovely damage control
How young are you?
stumped. She's hot, though.
In one pic she had her eyebrows raised to the upside down V, which made her look like Salma Hayek. She looks hapa-ish.
Bread and meat, you can't go wrong with good bread and good meat
If you think sliced bread is good bread you should abort
>implying I'm blonde
>t Greeks and Romands where NEVER blonds with blue eyes
Outright denial now.
>Your whole "civilization" is based on Meds.
Ahh and here it comes the med supremacy when the term "Mediterranean" isn't even a coherent racial group.
He's a Manowar member.
Look at what I posted retard
nice projection faggot
you might be right, but isn't that exactly how romans felt about pre Charlemagne northerners?
it doesn't include light brown you dumb ape, that's entirely your fantasy
light = grey, green, blue
>absolutely and utterly irrelevant
lol you act as all look the same as nords or something.
The only denial comes from your part, pal. But I'm kinda confused, what are you really suggesting? Do you really believe that ancient Greeks and Romans where Nordics? that it??
That's kind of amusing. You have nearly twice as many people with blue eyes per capita as the US, where it's only 16%.
Light includes hazel you retard and agian that map shows that "light eyes" include Turkey and much of the Levant as being on pair with all but Northern Italy. Your the type of person who will be the first to agree that Scandinavians are mixed with lap blood, but will just completely deny it for meds. You're a joke.
No but I believe they were white, if you look like this, you aren't white. But why do you just deny evidence?
Cmont try and debunk it or are just gunna do what this Italian does and claim that meds are basically nords.
Ma la vogliamo finire di rispondere seriamente a questi complessati del cazzo. Romani Nordici? Rinascimento Nordico? Gente del genere che non ha mai creato un cazzo nella propria storia, a parte i porno con i negroni e le bionde, possono giusto segarsi su Fabio.
no, it's not. They didn't have a word of "blond" as we have now.
The word used to describe their hair was something that has a light brown or brown color or some shit. The term for "modern blond" was "very yellow" or gold.
The eye color was all over the place. Eye color doesn't matter after the founder stock mixes since the elite men will take trophy wives with exotic features.
The Indo-European founder stock, particularly that of the Romans was just simply Central Asian in phenotype. After much success and conquests, they started taking blond trophy wives.
You see this in affluent Jewish families after rich Jews start marrying and breeding with trophy shiksas.
absolutely loving the damage control
my data is based on countrywide sampling from 19th century military recruits, the percentages are all there and it's ~30 countrywide, which is irrelevant anyways since nobody claims Roman elites were Sicilians or Calabrians
If Sup Forums only just stopped to talk about 'italy' and 'italians'. They are such nonsensical concepts. Lombards (in the sense of 'northern italians') and siculo-neapolitans have absolutely zero in common in terms of genetics, anthropology, culture, average IQ, phenotype and you can go on ad infinitum. They are simply two different populations. Talking about 'italy' is as chimerical as talking about 'Switzerlandturkey'. You can talk of either Switzerland or Turkey, putting these two set toghether brings to conclusions that simply make no sense. I just pray that Lombardy can free itself from the 'italian' hell; the combined action of siculo-neapolitans and jews is literally annhilating us.
Some were. Greece has Germanic admixture...
Sure northern Europeans didn't have great cities as the Romans and Greeks built. They still had kingdoms and towns, villages and developed technology such as metal working, farming, alphabet. They did have cities none as permanent or impressive as Rome though..
>no it's not we are incapable of translating words properly and we don't know what they meant byt so just believe me when i say they had brown eyes
Yeah piss off retard
I take that as a compliment
It's always terroni, no game.
Also, there's nothing wrong if they're not from Italian origins and they're nationalists towards Italy and its traditions. If they feel Italians and ACT like us, 100% respecting our traditions and costumes then - to me - they're Italians.
so you can have bantu Italians?
My family is from Northern Italy, we're white as fuck. Growing up, my dad told me never to trust Sicilians as they aren't real Italian, but I do like olive-skinned Italian women (not the super southern ones), it's like half the women I date, it's wierd, they seem to like me as well, I don't know, I guess it's my Nordic genes.
Was in Northern-Italy (Verona area) last summer for 1 month and I didn't notice anyone I considered non-White except one sub-Saharan selling watches or some shit.
Milano and Rome was worse than Oslo actually
gas yourself
based dad