Destroying the far left by pretending to be them

Why aren't we LAARPing as ultra-militant leftists more often?

Think about it: this could permanently destroy their credibility even in the eyes of the staunchest bluepilled media outlets. We should pretend to be Antifa members and spout absolutely horrendous, venomous rants about how everyone who voted for Trump deserves nothing less than to be forced at knifepoint to watch their own children be slowly flayed to death (that's the nastiest shit I can come up with off the top of my head, but I know Sup Forums can do even better than that). Or something similar like how anyone who even remotely opposes socialism needs to be "made an example of" by brutal sadistic torture.

The key here is to act so unhinged that not even the most cucked democrats will take the far left seriously. Eventally we'll coin a new term for the far left equivalent of "skinheads"; something along the lines of "redscarfs" should do nicely.

What makes you think we're not? It's easy to infiltrate their echo chambers and sow division.

We're not doing nearly as much as we should.

>implying we need to

Leftists are doing a mighty fine job of self-destruction without us.

what makes you think we dont

just wanted to add, the key is to not talk about it and give away what our shill twitter accts are, etc.

so they can never know if were one of them or not

you won't know we're doing it if done correctly

but yes it's absolutely happening and it's having good effects.

This, I've been active in leftist politics for years, genuinely, not a plant, and we see at least a half a dozen infiltrators every election year. It's sad and predictable, but these are our countrymen and where they are at, actually plotting against their friends and neighbors over political opinions.

with all the clown world shit they push they've become a parody of themselves. but some controlled opposition would be a good idea

There's a difference between "political opinions" and "actively destroying the country" because you're a bunch of non-thinking morons who only consider hurr durr compassion xD

Newsflash: every single leftist, communist, blm, feminist, Israel flag, gay, pedophile etc you see on Sup Forums is just another average Sup Forumsack LAARPing.

Who says I dont

Daily reminder: face of left pol aka final boss.
They will kill each other with aids, just stay away.

Thats would be great. There are so many options to be creative.

1) Attack Lincoln as a racist bigot (demand to remove emancipation memorial with kneeling slave)

2) Attack degenerate hollywood for recent misogyny and bigotry (how i met your mothet is a klondike. Barnie is a serial rapist, "naked man" is literally harvey wainstein, they used word "tranny" routinely and so on

You can’t be too over the top, or we will be outed as shills and then any over the top statements actually made by leftists will be blamed on trolls.

I’ve been meaning to make a thread on what each of us can individually do for oir movement over the internet. If it were the old days, we would go out and march and hang up posters, but it’s a different world now. We all need to have multiple twitter, reddit, youtube accounts etc and cause as much in fighting as we can.

One target is reddit. With all of the white liberals on there, i think it’s a good place for us to make the white commies realize that the leftist agenda is completely against them. Today i’ve been arguing with a bunch of libs on a net neutrality post and telling them they’re racist for supporting it when minority groups oppose it.

Yes, reddit is an excellent target.

Fuck off antifa!
You are just trying to save face, by attempting to make it seem, as if Sup Forums were behind all the idiotic leftist shit.


So we just pretend to be antifa pretneding to be us pretending to be antifa pretending to be us.

we have become that which we hated...

so then we just hate ourselves for hating the people that hated us for hating them

no you'll only shield the dumber of them, just stand for something and build a better world

You gotta be careful with this.

The Bible commands us not to lie or bear false witness.

While there is obviously merit in this strategy, the potential adverse side-effects are:
-You radicalize impressionable libs.
-Your "bad idea" is actually a really low-risk high-return and they run with it.
-You further unite what existing extremists there are when they come to scrutinize you.

Transparency and consistency is the best route I'd say. Go start winning souls to the Lord.