So Jim Habbermann mess today with wrong ex-Muslim strong he will die pol?
Metokur ded
Other urls found in this thread:
>even ex-muslims are violent savages
All flavors of mudpeople do not belong in the west, they are simply incompatible with our way of life and should stay in their inhospitable deserts and jungles where they belong.
She just turned down her retirement in "ex-muslim"
What happened?
How the fuck should I know what is going on from that. Give us a quick rundown, faggot
that sounds like a threat, gonna gave to report "her" to twitter
>they are simply incompatible with our way of life
True... But my question still remain - is our gay jew die by stoning? Alcohol poisoning or will be blown to pieces by peaceful piece of TNT?
I'm an ex-muzzie too. What's going on goyim?
Is that the online girlfriend of dangerous alt right leader David Sherratt?
He questioned NDA for Kilroy free speech event ... and this is an ex-terrorist, it appears from nowhere, inform him about that NDA is for her safety and her security staff ... then begin to threaten him :) ...
Read what op said out loud. It will hurt your brain.
Never trust Ex-muslims. They are scum. They are the neckbeard euphorics of the Muslim world. The only reason they reject tradition is to embrace a life of degeneracy and decadance because (((Hollywood))) commanded them to do so. With their rejection of God and the religion of their forefathers, the sole purpose of their existence becomes unbridled indulgence in a life of nihilistic consumerism, smoke weed, drink booze and fornicate. They are truely pitiful creatures, like all "humans" without faith, forced to living a life without purpose and meaning. Verily a miserable existence.
So, corpses?
>Putting women in politics
>Expecting women to make rational opinions instead of basing their life on emotions
>Putting women who base their whol internet persona around the "ex-muslim" gimmick on a pedestal
Killroy sounds like another cuckfest full of Koshers and skanks
What is NDA and what is Kilroy?
nda is non disclosure agreement - in the case of Killroy Free Speach event they demand 3 years of keeping their mouth shut.
Religion of peace even when they aren't in the religion of peace anymore. nice.
I met an atheist former muslim. huge druggie and plebbitor.
Will it be live streamed?
im an ex-muslim what the fuck happened here
I hope so ...
Post that woman's information throughout local mosques and on Isis websites. They'll execute her for apostasy and the left will pretend to be confused on why that happened
from her tweets and retweets it seems like she's /ourguy/
How do you feel about Ahmaddiya and Shia muslims?
Why?? I don't want to ruin such a drama.. I'm not savage.. I want to see the stream with Jimbo..
Jim's common sense is ~holy~
>it seems like she's /ourguy/
What is Taqiyya?
That is pretty typical desu. I have no idea why the right wing in the West is supporting ex-muslims, they are a bunch of degenerates who support Israel, push feminism and race mixing and all sorts of degenerate shit. Also people who choose to label identify with the ex-muslim community are garanteed to be cancerous, it's like the sceptic "community". Normal people are agnostic, non practising or just not religious. But the "Ex-muslim" community are bunch of euphorics with daddy issues who project the sins of their shitty family onto Islam
The funniest thing you can do to piss muslims is to tag them on to gay Muslims and ex- Muslims. Don't forget popcorn
Ahmaddiya is a cult based around Ahmad Mirza of India. The relationship between mainstream Islam and Ahmaddiya is similar to the relationship between the Church of the Latter Day Saints (aka mormonism) to mainstream Christianity. Shias are generally based and even though I'm Sunni, Shias are definitely on the right side of history politically.
You know Ahmadiyyas legally can't say they are muslim in Pakistan?
I don't know whether a legal requirement is necessary but it's frankly a bit weird for an Ahmaddiya to pretend to be a mainstream Muslim when they explicitely reject the finality of the last prophet. It's like a mormon LARPing as a catholic or an orthodox. Makes little sense to me.
>even though i'm sunni
why not convert to shia, you dumb nigger?
Is pol just an e-celeb worshiping board?
Frankly the disagreement between Sunni and Shia was political from the very beginning rather than on matters of fundamental beliefs. So technically I'm pretty much a Shia.
I've heard another Sunni say something similar. Why not bite the bullet and switch to Shia?
These obnoxious types of people exist among ex-Mormons as well. WE ARE A CULTURE, MORMONISM IS MUH HERITAGE...
What's leaving Islam like?
so don't say you are sunni
e-celeb worshiping? I'm merely interested in ex-muslim/terrorist/taqiyya IS doxing capabilities... Can they find him? How sophisticated execution will be?
You still aren't welcome in Britain, Ahmed.
Isn't she basically signing her own death warrant by admitting she left Islam?
Hehe, you underestimate taqiyya - it's 4D chess!
Muslims are cousin-spawn, they're not capable of playing regular chess
Exactly! That's why they play shady 4d version