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No more liberal faggots please.

Id rather we annex Alberta.


I hope so. Let the US bend over for them and deal with their whining.

Just what we need, another blue state. Fuck off and have a civil war like men you faux french faggots

Youre fucking joking right?

No thanks. Even 50 is enough for us, though we can always use territory.

Fuck that, let France have them.

>we hate being part of this anglo country!
>we'll show them by... leaving and joinging this other anglo country

Pick one

No thanks, would rather have the beaners down south in Puerto Rico than you.

Why not all of Canada?

Faggots, all of you. America needs to expand. We have bring back the colonial spirit in our blood. We have to cuck Canada and take their land as our property not as a state. Think of Puerto Rico.

Hehe if we leave, Canada goes from le 77% face to le 70% overnight. Since we have epic language laws no burgers will ever move here. Also, trump is in power and may pass the raise act, so less immigration overall.

And then, we can force burgers to learn French as a second language


you dumb 56%er we're the most racist province, our liberal party passes anti-mudslime laws

You do realize that most of Canada is uninhabitable waste land, right? There is a reason why 90% of their population and infrastructure is literally hugging the US border

>he thinks that Quebec wants to substitute slow extermination for rapid extermination

Nah, this is a total meme that only Anglos and retards are in favour of

You will become our property not a state. No voting rights until it's proven to be a good investment.

>What is Alaska

America is an anglo nation and you should promptly kys if you say otherwise. You're either a kike or you've fallen for the kike propaganda

If we didn't have universal suffrage, this wouldn't be an issue. But canada is full of cucks and annexing it would effectively mean adding another California with a similar number of electoral votes that will be heavily progressive/liberal/democrat

Can't argue with those digits

Trips of truth.
Tredeucucks on suicide watch

The party is literally Anglos who live in Quebec and hate Canada but hate French people even more so they want Quebec to join the US so that they can leave Canada without being ruled by French people.

The faggots should just move to the US

They got fresh water like a mother fucker. I want that territory to join. Put some French back in my pool
USA would become the #1 producer of maple syrup overnight as well.

If this happens you can bet the Maritimes will want in as well.

That's going to be a flood of libshits we don't fucking need.

>Adding another state
>Saying bye bye to dat 50
Not gonna happen, besides we've been in line for the 51st state for a while now, in any case we either become the 51st or the Chinese make us their first American territory and have us praise glories to Mao.

Annex us senpai
We have oil!
Before it's too late! Trudeau is sending a gorillion derkas to Alberta every day.
We have a Muslim mayor! :((
On second thought...
Just kill us.

Quebec has MASSIVE fresh water reserves and produces 90% of the world's maple syrup.

Fresh water is the next gold
Maple bacon is the white man's gold

Is this the day of the rake?

You will never be the 51st state. Just stop trying, you bring nothing to the table. Guam is a better candidate for 51 than you

Get behind the line you faggots.

Quebec > Puerto
You can still be our side hoe though

Quebec has fresh water cause of the canadian shield. Your territory will win the next war...on controlling fresh water.
not to mention you got maple syrup (90% of world production) and horny french chicks.

Compared to the US, Quebec is very left wing.





extremely hot women in quebec but we dont need another california.
what does quebec bring to the table?


Shut the fuck up about water and syrup.

We already have two culturally French regions in our borders. They'll be fine.

Fuck off spic. They got fresh water up the ying yang. You faggots got aids

Quebec #51 ---> meme that shit america!
Then we go after the Yukon and transform the Alaska/Yukon territory into our gulag

Quebec is based but they should be their own country. They need to stay French. They're more French than real France at this point. US and Canada want to force them to speak English, fuck these imperialist scum. I'm not even Quebecois.

>Parti 51 is a minor political party in the Canadian province of Quebec that was founded in the late 1980s under the leadership of Serge Talon. The party proposed the separation of Quebec from Canada in order to seek admission to the United States as the 51st state of that union. The party had no success in winning any seat in 1989 election to the National Assembly of Quebec, and in the spring of 1990, asked the Direction of Elections of Quebec to dissolve the party because it no longer had enough members to form an executive committee.


If you guys took Quebec and Alberta I think I'd cry

See, this is the beauty of the USA. We have no need or desire to “learn a second language”. It is a stupid waste of time and energy. Memorizing the gender of thousands of articles is the epitome of retardation. Verb conjugations that are complex for no other reason than to be complex is insane. No wonder “multicultural societies” are economic losers.

Oh well. If were a state we would have to pay federal taxes anyway. It's better to live off gibs.

That would be great. Quebec is the coolest part of Canada

Québécois Pussy

Hot women, hydro, maple syrup and wood.
Also Quebec is neither Liberal nor conservative. They're weird. They like their degeneracy but they're also racist as fuck and all claim to be Catholic.
I live so close to Quebec that I get my beer there kek.


You are right, it's best if you all let us go, I don't want to have to deal with feminists everywhere, niggers chimping out or having to send our young men to die for (((them))) or unfit for service ungrateful "MUH HUITE SKIN" amerimutts, oh and the faggots trying to teach my kids that putting their dicks inside a man is totally okay. Enjoy your "American" dream John, because this little island might be a shithole but at least we don't have your social problems and your lack of moral, ethics, religion and culture you "superior" beings have.

Why not annex Canada at this point. Montana's National Guard could probably beat their military


The South will rise again inside French Canadian pussy

Yes! Please!

It's a meme party, just saying. They'll probably do worse than the Marixst-Leninists (they did worse than the Marxist-Leninists the last time they ran candidates)

Alaska here I'd rather we get Yukon

>can't handle the bants
Someone needs a hug?

Wait, can you expand on this? None of this makes any sense to me.

Ok retard

Glad you understand we don't want your shithole. Hope you gain independence.

We get our own gulag

I like it.

pay denbts

Because you suck ass at fighting insurgencies, and you'd get btfo so hard by a military that takes off their uniform, fades into the populace and knows your ROE, your TTP and all of your gear in and out?
Not to mention every Burger I've trained up here with basically died in the cold. Half of your army is spics and just shut down in -5 weather (celcius).

It's Quebec, it doesn't make sense to anyone.

Kill all the leafs. We will execute your Trudeau on live tv. Put his head on a pike and piss in its sockets. Kill the leaf. KILL THE LEAF. WE WILL PUT YOU PEOPLE IN CAMPS IN A WEEK

Yup. Other countries need to learn other languages because english is lingua franca. We don't need to bother because we already speak the universal tongue. It's just a pain in the ass that public schools still require you to learn a language anyway, even though nobody gives a shit, we barely learn any of it, and we just forget the little we know soon after.

>51st state

t. styx. No, we don't want those gooks either

Too bad Quebec cucked out back in 1997. I had a penpal from there (who was hot) and she was all aboard the secession train in high school.

>some Anglos live in Quebec
>some of them don't like being in Canada for various reasons
>they don't want to move because that's how they are
>they hate French people so they don't want an independent Quebec
>they create a party that advocates Quebec joining the US so they can be in a country other than Canada while not being in a French state
>literally the most niche minority party you can think of

That's it

>Jerusalem occupied by jews
>Jews want to occupy Quebec

Where in the Bible are you going to justify that this time, JIDF?

If they hate the french, why are they in quebec?

That there is the question that nobody knows the answer to

We don't need any more niggers

if thats true why hasnt the party there gotten more votes to become american?

t. illiterate
I never said I wanted Guam as a state, all I said was that they're a better candidate than Puerto Shito. That's it

I was meming. I live literally a stones throw from Quebec - and the majority of the people there are Anglos in that part.

Wait till macron sends you French Muslims and africans

spotted the kike

Nigger, California is more likely than us to become independent. (((Amerimutts))) make a lot of money here, they are not letting us go nowhere. They will just slowly watch us die or move from the island as its become more expensive to keep migrating here and turn this into their own Cayman Islands.

To be honest everybody hates the French

i'm down for that, here it is very right-wing in campaign.

Actually that's easy to answer. Certain parts of Quebec have had Anglo settlers for well over a hundred years. The Pontiac comes to mind. Tons of Scottish.

If Quebec separated, it would just be independent. It wouldn't join either the US or France

Realistically, joining America would destroy their culture as quickly as Canada is, quicker actually. They want to keep themselves alive culturally - it's the one thing I admire them for.

>Swallowing all the pills
Slow down sir


Also Quebec has the largest 'far right' organization in Canada, La Meute, founded by a couple of veterans. They're well organized and manage to avoid bad press for the most part.

Apparently not so right-wing that you're unwilling to place yourself under foreign domination.

Yeah but it doesn't explain this reasoning If they still live here they need to recognise that they will be a minority group in Quebec and that the French majority will hold most of the political power

Looks like America is waving it's hands up going for a basket ball shoot.

Why not fampai.

Vive le Québec Libre !

>Puerto Shito doesn't understand California can't do it alone
California wouldn't last as an independent nation. Too much leftist policies that are only working because of US subsidies. You becoming independent is far more likely.


Ah yes, the thing we really need right now is a flood of American negroes and Mexicans

Un jour on sera libre

Kinda reminds me of the carpetbagging kikes who move down here to the south from NYC and then immediately start demanding more liberal/progressive/marxist bullshit while constantly going on about how great Jew York is. It's just like, if you want progressive bullshit and you love NYC so much, fucking GO BACK

You have as many as our entire population lol. You'd muddy us big time.

if the Brits hated the Redskins, why did they come to America?

terrible logic

Well yeah, it is retarded lol, but they're not just going to leave either. They've been there for 100-200 years.
Personally I think they should stfu and learn French. It's a pretty language, and Quebec will soon be the last white french place on the planet lol.


That's basically it, it's horrible. It's also kind of like those Aztlan mestizos who immigrate to the US and then push for the state they moved to to join Mexico

>don't try to change anything politically goy