Happy Hanukkah Sup Forums
Happy Hanukkah Sup Forums
thank you
Nice try but this was unsuccessful
Thank you unironically
Come over for latkas.
Chag sameach based OP.
*tips yamaha*
Fuck you kike. Zyklonnikah for your whole slimy race
marry christmas
God bless you Israel for protecting the word of God from the Muslim hordes
Happy burning traitor
A sheynem dank.
Happy Hanukkah
Christ believed in the God of Abraham and the Ten Commandments, hence I love Jesus :)
Hanukkah, the holiday where God rewards Jews for massacring innocent people with light for a couple of days.
Not Israel confirmed.
Hag Sameach my friendo
>Greek oppressors
>Innocent people
Please refrain from using religion-specific words, as they would exclude people from other religions.
It's Happy Candledays
The gas chamber is waiting for you : you will blow your candles here, useless jew.
shalom brother
may we spin many dreidels and grow fat on latkes tonight!
>be kikes
>every holiday sucks
>look over at euro christians
>holy_shit.jpg they look like they're having a good time
>gotta try to ruin it and make things about us instead
>do we have any holidays that time of year?
>yeah, Hanukkah, it's barely important and nobody really cares, sort of like lent/advent
>we gotta blow it up and push it as equal to christmas to detract from the goyim holiday
>we gotta force the goyim to start saying happy holidays because merry christmas offends us!
>we gotta remind them every chance we get of our menorah and star and 8 nights and pretend it's really good
Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit put out this on Instagram:
"Happy schlomoday dingus"
Is Limp Bizkit /ourband/?
My bad, it read;
"Happy schmoliday dingus"
ffs - you have to go back
Happy Hanukkah :3
all your holidays are based on genocides. should we celebrate the holohoax too?
*revs kawasaki*
fuck off go die faggot
w-ait we don t already ?
Happy thing everyone!
g*d bless us all! And to all a good night!
What are you referencing? Those holiday stories don't have genocides in them
stop playing the victim card you rat. listen to your master. everything is deserved.
>Not symmetrical
>OCD intensifies
I'm jewish by blood and don't really care about pushing religion on anyone or even believe that some text written 1000s of years ago is to be taken as gospel today.
Hanukah is a fun time for presents, just like Christmas. I think religion is a necessary tool to keep low IQ mongoloids in line.
I believe in a higher power but not necessarily the one in the bible.
I definitely don't stand with Barbara Spectre or anyone who wants to see white western europeans and their values destroyed.
Let's believe for a second that it's all true and these soros level jew lords got their way and white people were destroyed. How would they control the hordes of low IQ monkeys from turning on them? I don't think the Macabees are going to be able to pull it off twice.
Race realism is a thing.
Happy Hanuka pol.
Sharing is caring
There are tons of Jews who dig Christmas
they like self promotion and self dick sucking they do it all day, but nobody cares about their tribalistic self centered celebrations, they just look like pathetic inbred proselyte (which they are).
>should we celebrate the holohoax too?
Jokes on you. We are celebrating it already. 27th January is the National Holocaust Memorial day. No joke.
chag chanukah sameach
yea but in the bad way, i meant in the right way.
Do you really hate the every day average jew?
Do you even have normal jewish people in your country? Maybe all your jews are the kind that don't interact with anyone but themselves?
Here we have jews who are regular American people. I don't have anything in common with the Hasidim. I don't even speak to them but they don't bother me either. Do they do fucked up shit over there or something?
I've never been bullied by a bunch of thugs in yarmulkes with curly side burns. They've never broken into my car, stolen my phone, etc.
I get that you don't like what the jewish elite is pushing (I don't either), but that's also just liberalism in general.
I actually brought this up at shabbat once. I said, all our holidays are about people trying to kill us, did you ever wonder...maybe it's us? I'm not saying it is, but...we should at least do some self reflection and check if it's us.
My joke did not go over well.
to be honest all the jews i met were nice people, except one maybe.
but i truly hate the too much politized ones, and those in here. and those in the alt right that want us to fight the muslim and die for israel, a problem that they themselves created, and thanks to traitors jews open borders antiracist in europe like the average marxist jew barbara spectre.
>maybe it's us? I'm not saying it is, but...we should at least do some self reflection and check if it's us.
That's how leftist whites talk. On your way to becoming the ultimate cuck lad.
no it's the only way for you to escape an other destruction and taking responsabilities instead of being hysterical childrens.
On my way? Cuckolding is actually my fetish so I'm as cuck as they come.
>leftist whites
most of these you see are brainless puppets under jewish control.
It starts tomorrow you stupid fuck
if you didn't understood that you are stupid.
Happy Hanocaust.
>ugh, straight white males need to die if they don't take responsibility for those racists, rapists, enslavers and genociders, fuck drumpf and fuck white people
yea but in our case it's false accusations, in yours true.
jews are like niggers & arabs, if you don't oppress them, they become thugs, in the jewish case it's political and bankers thugs but still thugs. if you don't understand why we hate you, the only alternative we have is to destroy you. and you can't ask us to like you when everything you do is against our interest. so we'll hate you until you understand.
חג שמח
"God created France, the most beautiful country in the world with so much good in it, and ended up feeling guilty about it. He had to do something to make it fair. And so, he created the French people."
Go stick a frog up in your ass frenchie. Your country by 2060 majority muslim.
It's ironic how everything you say about us is pretty much exactly what a far left SJW would say about white people
>except in your case it's true lol I'm so clever
jews are like the turd in the punchbowl of life
someones always gotta shit it up and ruin it for everyone else
get a real religion you fat wannabe nigger kang slaves of egyptians
What day of Hanukkah will Muslims choose to terrorize because of Jerusalem?
Repeating numbers will decide.
so why have you been expulsed more than 119 times from almost every country of the planet if you are such smart and nice people? maybe because you are parasites?
yea but we don't live in a desertic shithole surrounded by billion muslims. even in the worst prediction, we won't be in as bad in a situation as you, specially if we are not here to defend your pathetic country that we even had to give to you incapable parasites.
first enemy of europe is the kike not the muslims.
חנוכה שמח
Do you guys of 'hanukkah' have time for oven?
fuk u kike.
You sure are optimistic about your condition. It's better to be surrounded by savages than live among them. The Muslims inside Israel are at least somewhat civilized.
Fuck you too, Seppo.
thank you
why there is muslims in europe? because there is leftist jews in power. it's our fault to believe in their lies but they are sadly for you starting to fall, and you won't scapegoat this time, you will be the first to go down the drain.
nationalist israelis & leftist jews in europe works for the same interests.
They're not even hiding anymore
happy holocaust
this is the sign that they are going to fall soon, everytime in history that they got out of the shadows the same thing happened.
>jews in power
I thought we were incapable. Apparently we control Europe.
They are mocking Torah and Judaism
yea because stupid people give you power, but you have not any factual power, it's all based on lies and propaganda, and white traitors.
but you israelis aren't very smart, you are only capable of fighting against childrens with rocks, europeans jews are above you that's for sure, you are closer to the arabs in IQ tests than jews that stays in europe.
against childrens and with weapons & money from the US ofc.
>you are closer to the arabs in IQ tests
You mean the IQ average of our country which includes all the Arabs in it?
Anyway, it looks like those European Jews are fleeing Europe due to the floods of Muslim rapefugees, so you must be happy about that.
the same rapefugees that they make the propaganda to bring all day long? i don't think so, without these european jews destabilizing europe there would be no more israel, and no more scapegoat muslims for the issue they brought. no jews financing & organizing "muslim" terrorist attacks, no sympathy for israel, the same ones that you use to fight assad. but you are an israeli jew, pretty stupid one who don't understand things.
you truly hope you can destroy europe and make us fight the muslim for your own interest at the same time, you are pretty funny.
*tips menorah*
Europe has been against us for a long time, if we depended on your support we would be gone long ago.
Also why would we try to destroy you if we needed you? Seems like a hole in your logic.
Blessings! May you all have love, grace, and peace! May God's Love shine in your life!
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us!
Happy Hanukkah, Isranon. What are people doing tonight? Here in the US, they have ridiculous "traditions" to compete with Christians, for example giving a gift each night that they light a candle.
nope there is no hole. you need a weak europe with the menace of a civil war that you can bring if we become anti-israel (lgbt, feminist & marxist jewish groups are for that, assisted by the medias), and a muslim menace so that we support you.
you 100% depend on the usa at least, europe it just need to be weakened & brainwashed into thinking israel enemies are evil (aka khadafi, assad, kim jung un, iran, etc.), countries that we have no interest to fight for, but of course kikes will always find a secret holocaust or a fascist to scapegoat to.
Thanks ameribro, merry Christmas to you. We light a candle every day and eat some doughnuts with jam, we also exchange gifts and baskets with candies and some dradles, but not every day. Not really any other traditions.
a terrorist muslims menace*, of course the others are friendly and the friend of israel.
I read your Talmud, Jew. Fuck your menorah.
nice to see that we were right when we said US people are pretty stupid and slave to the jews, and that christians were pro-jew cuck and anti-european faggots.
or maybe a jew who suck his own dick with multiple account who knows.
So you're saying that our plan is to make Europe anti-Israel (even more than it was before), and fill it with anti-semites, so that Europe would support us against our enemies. Makes sense.
Ah, hence the donuts with jelly and dreidels in the Google image, thanks for explaining.
>US people are pretty stupid
A lot of them, yes.
>slave to the jews
Not so much.
>christians were pro-jew cuck and anti-european faggots
You should hear the Serbian Orthodox Christians.
Thank you based frenchman, agree with everything you have said so far, the Israeli replies remind me of the Hitler quote about arguing with the Jews
why are we supporting israel then, or at least not standing against it? the plan is clearly working. and if we hope standing against israel, it will be pretty easy to start a civil war whites vs muslims.
it's useless to argue with the jews they will always keep their monotheistic point of view that they are free of any responsabilities anyway. they are not focused on world order, they are only focused on jewish interest, but even that they fail because they are too greedy.
I respect your beliefs even if I don't agree with them
yea some christians are good people, but paganism is more natural and connected with our soul, christianism is too abstract, race means nothing for them, it's not part of the family, their christian family is in the "clouds", or belong to the jewish race.