I might have impregnated my wife. She shows all the sign, plus her period is late. I am doing my part. Just wanted to share, I'm just feeling lucky tonight.
I might have impregnated my wife. She shows all the sign, plus her period is late. I am doing my part...
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Are you white?
You may not believe it, but I am.
Go back to goatfuckistan abdul!
Considering it's Germany? Fat chance
Need directions to your local welfare office, Ahmed?
Whiter than you, Muhammad
Are you certain it wasn't Abdul?
You damn well better be.
It's bad enough we lost the Reich, we can't lose the volk it's self
Yes, I am sure.
56% is 56%, my man.
>MFW a German invented the Amerimutt meme but its now more applicable in Germany
And why didn't your Grandfather have the balls to die for Germany, Ivan?
Congratulations, man!
Good, keep it up!
But if you’re a fucking Ethiop then kill yourself and her nigger
>And why didn't your Grandfather have the balls to die for Germany, Ivan?
Because he was a true man and wanted to save his children from Ivan.
What about Achmed? I'm just double checking, germanbro, I know paternity test is forbidden in Germany and considering the cucked state of your nation it's better to be safe than sorry.
Gongraduladions :DDD
Sieg heil
I hope you're white and you knocked up a white woman. Congrats user.
Congratulations, kraut.
Now you have an even greater obligation to enure someones future. You better not be a cuck.
the american is immunized against all dangers; one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a mutt and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
It's literally impossible. I chose a wife who can't talk to strangers due to a mental condition. Nothing severe and not inheritable, but a total stop on whore behavior.
>You better not be a cuck.
Not in the slightest.
*Millions of German women raped*
This picture triggers the Kraut cucks
Congrats user! All best wishes and health for wife and child
>it's self
It's some kind of Christmas Merkel.
Be strong. Your bros are always here if you ned help.
How white?
>meme flag
slit your throat, Sven
Okay, now to outpace the brown people you've let in you and all of your married friends will only need to create a child 10 more times each and you should be able to barely keep up.
how does it feel like that youre wife have been impregnated by a big black cock with much better genetics then you? you will have mixed babies and you will raise another mans kids because you are a worthless white man
Sounds like you got lucky a few weeks ago. Good job.
leave Germany before it's too late, for your family's sake;
>CBRN substances have been carried undetected into the EU
>Paris...Washington DC, London, And Rome were specifically mentioned, as well as targets in Belgium
>Coalition forces have discovered thousands of plots by Isis to attack Europe
>ISIS supporters have posted...messages warning of the countdown “till the zero hour”
>"They want something that happens everywhere at the same time"
>the use of a Borak in an improvised bomb “could effectively disperse the sarin nerve agent.”
>The ISIS laptop contains a 19-page document in Arabic on how to develop biological weapons
>“We saw the future of this threat in Brussels and Paris,” said the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, adding that future attacks will be on “an order of magnitude greater.”
>wife is pregnant
>assumes it's his
congrats bro
Congrats Hans.
You're never truly a man until you have a child
Funny, you don't sound Swedish.
My daughter is 16 months now.
Gotta tell you, it is kinda weird when you realize that your existence is less important than someone else's.
I cannot understand parents that abandon their children when instinct directs me to literally do anything, up to dying, for my daughter.
Meine wird wohl auch schwanger geworden sein
fucking stop it you fucking mutt 56%
Traced back my ancestry back into the 1700's. Not a single ethnic involvement.
Clever man.
>I might have pregnated my wife
No you didn't Hans, Abdul from the kebab shop cucks you every Tuesday and he puts his brown sperm into your wife's prime pink pussy.
You are doing God's work.
Sehr gut!
If you are both Germans, then congratulations. Great job.
Hi Sven
the fuck is wrong with you Anglo cucksons these days also you are the one that is in londonistan so yalla ahamed prepare for sharia and Islam lol
Jesus, how do you stop from killing yourself?
>getting an abortion
part of the problem
you will be roped
But did you do the same background check on your girlfriend?
>got my gf pregnant 2 years ago
>we couldn't keep it because we are in the mid of our studies without jobs and i was suffering from crippling depression
>mfw it would have been twin boys
Congrats! Ignore the non-hwited in this thread
Many European countries truly are going through some rough times, but in most places you will almost only see pure white people, most foreigners flock in a few places in huge soviet style apartment buildings. What people in the US see in the news and on the net doesn't necessarily represent reality.
Just found out my wife is pregnant again last night. Cheers mate!
congrats user
my second is on the way. just found out it's a girl! my first is 2 (boy)
kids are a lot of work but they are also a lot of joy.
>mfw finanon admits to having an abortion
why would you kill an innocent child? what made you put yourself above that of the child(ren) growing within your girlfriends belly?
why are you such a self centred prick?
As far as possible, but the archive burned down in the late 1800's, it ends there. Still, nothing to be worried about.
You disgust me. I want twins so badly. I think my wife was pregnant with twins, actually, and lost one. She was walking up the steps and had sudden pain and blood poured out. We went to the hospital and they checked and the baby was fine. Having a girl in April, but I wonder if there were two
Hello fellow Huwhite man from the New World
>not one but two
I knew I wasn't mature enough to be as good of a father to them as i could. Not having job and no university degree would mean I would have to drop out and find a job giving providing them with the same low-class upbringing that I got myself and that i wowed to never make my own children go through.
It's alright ok. My wife was married to a white guy who abused her, cheated on her, and ended up getting blowjobs from a tranny. After leaving that beta white boi, ice had her every which way. Whites are truly degenerate and anti family. I've fucked her and breed with her 3 times already. My kids will eventually be fucking your kids. Enjoy your brown ancestors ;)
Well the evil one is the one that's still alive.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Rather be dead with brown ancestors than alive with a turbo slut of a wife
So instead you choose to kill them? A life is worth a lot and you took the decision to end, not one but, two lives on the basis of being in the low income bracket? Disgusting.
I refuse t see an innocent child grow up into this indoctrination. NEVER AGAIN---------------------- Tis is what fighting for the future is all about.
Before that, I was dating this blonde blue eyed nurse. She had broken up with her white ex, that literally loved being pegged. After meeting me, we spent the next six months fucking unprotected because she begged for my brown cock raw, and was on an iud. I was so potent, she got knocked up and the iud failed. She ended up having a miscarriage so I dumped her ads for another white bitch. She hit me up on face book just a couple months ago, and was trying to fuck even though she's married (you guessed it, to a white boi)
I hope you're not turboslut-shaming.
1 in 6 babies in germany are not from their real fathers. there is a 16% chance that baby is mohammed'S
I hope you have a pleasant life OP, and your children on becoming beautiful and healthy white children.
Best of luck user, I've got two kids and just nutted in my wife a few days ago while she was ovulating. I want another kid but I've been smoking a lot of weed and I wanted to get clean before I nutted in her. Wish me luck.
>turbo slut
>I am her second.
Just admit it, white bois can't compete.
Well done, lad. I'm happy for you.
I don't have an university degree and my current job is too shitty to sustain a family, you know what else I never had? sex
Why are you talking about your disgusting private life?
I was in your position one year ago. You will never believe how much this change your life. The taste for boring video games is gone, the feeling of emptiness is gone. The moment she became pregnant is the moment she became the mother of my childs and not the girl I am with. The moment she gave birth I felt happy for the first time in my life.
You will soon have something to care about. This is a good day.
actually, that was me that did that.sorry!
ww3 still coming, it's not just migrants
Letting all you whites know right now, y'all are about to get browned.
Congratulations, user. I wish you the best and will pray for you and your family.
congrats op you are not a faggot, may he be long in the cock. all heil the dominant y-chromosome
>tries to write some deep shit
>its self
your spic wife was had every which way by ICE to avoid deportation
You know, for 300€ you will be sure. If they say you are the father, it mean you are the father, 100% sure. If they say you are not, however, there is 0,1% chance that you are, falling to 0,01% if you gave the DNA of the mother.
I have knocked up 5 different women. Never felt any "magic".
What's fatherhood like? Does it make you happy?
Well, that's because you're an animal.
A turtle feels nothing when they have 50 eggs.
Come work in Finland. You can get 1400€ per month for 40h work week doing simple labor. I used to work in Chicken slaughterhouse where almost half of the workers were from Romania.
Why would be interested in anything you might think of. You never invented anything you sit behind the non-black internet in your non-black house, talking about what you do with non-black women, have you no dignity?
Bless you men. Being a good father is the most important thing you can do for western society. I wish you the best in your lives, may your family be happy and healthy
Post pic with timestamp, Schrödinger.
I've been a father figure to many children. I do a better job on them than their parents could ever hope to accomplish.
Nice try white boi
Sorry white boi, not black
thx for the offer, but I am learning a particular skill in my free time atm and planning to make a carrier out of that in the short future, my current job is to keep things running
family after financially secure and more free time (because I am not learning a trade). Just trying to make a point not to made ''happy accidents'' if you are not ready for them yet
This too is noble. Priest, teacher, even a coach can all do immeasurable good