Are traps gay?

Yes. Based Pewds confirmed it today

I can't imagine imagine how buttblasted the left will be when he officially and fully converts his channel to conservative/redpill/alt right topics. Maybe Jon Tron will join him.


Another boring video pewds.

Sauce on that comic?

Actually traps being is subjective, something Aline to quantum states if one has to ask about it they are gay for you,do to your unsure nature.

his frog died today. I want to leave him a comment, but I'm too scared.

Is the term "normies" mainstream? Cause he says it at 5:58.

As soon as you check the genitles it becomes gay.

Why would anyone watch this kid? Did you all grow up with uncle pewdie and vidya and can't let go?

Anons from Sweden post a lot about Felix because it's a cry for help


Only 60% gay.

This is art.

Yes, you retard

..w-wut the fuck user what is this shit

sweden cannot be saved :^(


I don't get the debate.
If you have a prostate, you are a man.
If you insert your dick in an asshole and provide your partner with prostate are fucking gay.
Real men got to play the clit and pussy to make that woman to pay out and cum.

If their dick weights 200 grams, then divided by average female weight in the US, 74.7 kg, you get 0.27% gay.

Of course they are.

Jesus said so

I don't get the debate.
If you have a prostate, you are a man.
If you insert your dick in an asshole and provide your partner with prostate are fucking gay.
Real men got to play the clit and pussy to get that woman to pay out and cum.

It is now.

If you are attracted to the penis: yes
If you actively go after traps for their penis they also stop being traps.

>Pewdiepie becomes the Hitler of Sweden