
I am still disappointed with the ending of Tsuneki arc.

I hope Tooru end gonna be Good End.

>anything but a friendship end

You can stop hoping user. She's adorable but Shouchi is still an idiot.

At least MC took 4 episode to fuck up Tsuneki's arc. This is the first episode and he's already fucked.

Bad end flag has already been triggered. It will hurt less if you prepare for it mentally.

It's already over

That is her brother. Falseflagging not allowed here.

>tfw this is the reason we saw this

>He's still defending Tooru

>Good End
user, I

Yes NTR end! it's the only way to save this everything will be tragic or bittersweet end

100% cuckbaiting.
Normal people will write this off as "it's just her brother".
Cucks, or ascendants as I like to call them, know the truth. Thy know that author was indirectly talking to them with this.

It's bait just like you said. No cuckoldry will take place here. But it's shitty that they included that in the first place.

I don't know if it's just my mind being poisoned by the cuckposting in this place, but this honestly seemed like it was actually supposed to look like NTR.

It clearly was. I don't know what they are trying to do with this series.

Slutneki was shit and got what she deserved. Tooru will sadly get a friendship end, but as long as it isn;t as fuckawful as Slutneki's route, then it's fine.

Don't fall for the "just brother" memesters. Author clearly wanted to make you uncomfortable.

Of course it was. Probably to keep us on edge until the next episode. That's why they didn't show his face, and unless you watch it with Japanese subs (in which his name is shown), it's almost impossible to figure out who he is. It's pretty fucked up.

Fuck off and kill yourself.

This is the reason why you're always gonna be a cuck. You're content with being friends instead of grabbing the opportunity. MC could have avoided that end in Tsuneki's route if he just grabbed the opportunity.

I don't understand this. Did everyone close the episode after that scene, missing the timeskip where she came back and they started working together?

Are you people legitimately braindead or something? Even the god damn nips who were equally mad because of the Tsuneki arc were pretty chill at that scene.

MC can't possibly compete with Alejandro.

It has nothing to do with me being a cuck. It's pretty safe to say what this series is going for and it sure as fuck isn't a fulfilling romance. That's why I'm saying that as long as the ending isn't

>5 years of Spaniard glop

Then it's already better than the first 4 episodes.

Jesus, have some standards. This is considered to be a "spiritual successor" of Amagami and you're fine with an anti-climatic ending?

Nip otakus don't know the true face of Sup Forumsutism.

That's what it made the ending become worse.
>Are you the part timer-kun?
>Yes I am.

Indirectly shows us that they don't know each others.

I'm not fine with it. I simply know what to expect. The fuck is wrong with you.

MC isn't as assertive as Junchi.

I'll just rewatch Amagami

>nips are oblivious cucks
Wow, what a revelation!

So the people complaining are actually the fanfiction NTRfags? What.

>Never entered relationship
>Tsuneki said "lets be friends"
>Didn't stay in contact in final year after beach scene even though MC had her number
Mate, he got boycotted, never mind friendzoned, definitely not NTR.

Tsuneki is a good girl who got let down by shit writers who decided that wanting to go Spain to learn how to cook after MC tasted her food a few weeks ago is a rational human response.

>They didn't keep contact even in last year of school
>She doesn't recognize him "Oh you are the college student part-timer"
>She's had miles of Spanish dick in her by now and comes back with slutty midriff
Not what I call a good end.

Just stop. It's more fanfic to pretend like they will have a relationship after that.

user, that line implies that the bearded guy told her there was a part-timer working at the shop, but didn't specify who it was. When she got there, she saw who it was and commented on it.
Is the average level of intelligence for this sort of show always reduced by a set percentage? I should be more careful about hanging around here.

Tsuneki is shit and you know it.

I'm just so fucking mad about all of this

You don't know what NTR is.
By your definiton faceless old men fucking your mother isn't NTR despite always being tagged.

Illiteracy and ESL sub groups are to blame.

>She doesn't recognize him
But she only said that because she was surprised that him out of all people was the part-timer her boss mentioned. How hard do you have to be trying to misinterpret that line on that level? You'd probably make a good harem MC.

Because NTR is tagged anytime when when people get butthurt nowadays. NTR used to stand for wife/gf being fucked (un)willingly regardless of whether the husband/bf knew.
Tsuneki and Shouchi didn't even talk to each other after the beach scene, how is that fucking NTR, this is not even friendzoning, it's being blanked out.

>She enters restaurant
>MC obviously recognizes her due to change in expression and voice
>She takes of hat and says
>You're the college student working here?
>Completely neutral question, no change in expression
How was she surprised at all at seeing him, she didn't even recognize him (which is far more likely since they hadn't lost contact for 5 years and didn't even speak to each other in the last year of school)

Define good end.

>they end up together
>her grades suffer massively as a result because of vidya

Because that's what her arc is gonna be, playing too much vidya to concentrate on maintaining grades.

That's because she's a feisty slut. Did you expect her eyes to sparkle up and for her to jump into MC's arms when she recognized it was him, or to be about the same as always?

Hey, I'm not the one trying to say that the 5 year timeskip where they reunite and basically start from square 1 was a good end (and would be a good end if she jumped in his arms, that would probably be even worse), she was a lost girl the moment the writers decided to make her go to Spain for no legitimate reason.

NTR lost its meaning years ago, just get used to it at this point.

Well yeah, I'm not saying that "you said my food was good TIME TO BECOME A PROFESSIONAL CHEF IN SPAIN" was a good idea either, but at least they tried fixing it by bringing them back together. How they managed to do it so poorly that some people thought she completely forgot about him, now that's a mystery.

So what the fuck is going on with Seiren?

First arc had some weird mexican cuck bullshit

Now this arc starts with another NTR

Am I going crazy or is this anime a gentleman's anime?

They wanted to take the Amagami audience and put them on a ruse cruise.

>make anime based off upcoming VN
>anime is full of bad ends
>buy the VN to get the good end
>instead people dismiss it as cuck shit


Can't wait for the "5 years later Shouchi is playing at the arcade when he's challenged by Tooru" ending.

What did she mean by this? There's clearly enough space to just walk normally.

Totally forgot there is an upcoming game, if they pull off giving us a bad end for every arc and still somehow make that a good advertisement for the game I will be impressed.

>we had fun with video games, so I decided to go to USA to become the best player ever
>see you again in 5 years

>good at games
She's either staying in the motherland or going on a gook vacation.

She is clearly drunk and cannot stand on her own.

B-but Marvel!

So Toorus Route takes place in April/ May then?

I think most of the cuckposters know, and just continue because they think it's funny, but some are probably legitimately beyond saving.

I thought it would be better after Tsuneki but I guess Seiren threads will never be as comfy as Amagami threads were.

>I'll take care of your strap as if it was you
>actually I'll just give it to some kids I just met
Doesn't this imply that he's giving her away? So the first arc was netorare and this one is netorase?

Yeah since we are before 'comical market', next ep preview doesn't seem like a comiket one so maybe third ep is cosplay.

Yeah that was kind of dumb. But at least he tried to be nice guy. Fucking lame.

If we get a shitty end it'll probably be his fault.

Too many pol cucks have infected the site, anyone who posts there should banned from posting to the rest of the site.

Childhood friend will get the best ending!

>there are female anime characters who have had any sort of contact with more than 1 (one) male outside of family
Literally unironically why is this allowed?

I'd perform immoral acts with Ruise


>>>Sup Forumsrules/

>graduation ceremony

We'll see that this in Tooru's arc right?

Shitting the bed from the start.
This guy deserves whatever he gets, and we're unfortunately along for the ride.

This legitimately triggers me.

Oh shit did we ever get that last episode from sakamoto?

How is he not literally our guy again?



>hangs out with a furry and a perv
>pretty pervy himself but too beta to do anything about it
>plays autistic-tier vidya and has no plans for his life
>fucks up every encounter with a girl and destined to be a friendzone orbiter at best
Yep, he's our guy.

>so poorly that some people thought she completely forgot about him
No, those "people" are just idiots.

She knew him for like a week and then never talked to him again for 5 years


None of the conversations between the characters felt natural at all in this episode.

To be honest, neither of the characters are great people socially.

Amagami was RE4, Photokano was RE5, this thing is RE6. No, I didn't post on the wrong board, that's how it feels to me. They nailed a new format once, tried to replicate it, and now it's eating them alive as they fuck up more and more forgetting what made the original memorable. Hell, it even reminds of RE6 because it's route based, and people struggle to decide not which one is the best, which one sucks less.

Shame because they wasted good female designs on this pile of shit.

Yes Japanese BOY

No way, just people's reactions show how inappropriate that was.

>** 1,015 of / ** 1,005 of (***, 317 pt) 2017/04/05 Seiren

T-that's g-good, r-right?

S-season 2 l-l-looking good! (nervous laughter)

Is this the second BD?

Was this by chance written or directed by the guy who did the toradora anime ending? The slutneki ending reminded me of it a bit.

They just had it coming, and I couldn't be happier. I wonder if they can retcon halfway, as if if they have the time, or if they will go through with it and watch as it tanks like a rock and disappears.

It's pretty bad when MC's friends outshine him in terms of personality. Fuck this show.

For some reason, I thought that the episode being that dumb made it a lot better.

What if the arc ends with 4p gangbang between bros and Tooru?

>implying based Araki cares about human hoes

If she isn't covered in fur, then Araki isn't interested.

Araki should've been MC

He already wanted to fuck her furry avatar, just ask her to cosplay.

I bet Tooru will have to leave somewhere and there will be a brief time when he plays online games with her; where she says she loves him and then signs off.

I don't need or want to see his furry delusions every episode.
The fetishes during Tsuneki's arc were bad enough. Now turn the girl into a furry animal during those scenes.

He'll play MMO with her while she's getting fucked silly by her step brother