It was good while it lasted, but realistically we know a blue wave will happen and Trump will lose his majorities and become unable to push through his agenda.
What do?
It was good while it lasted, but realistically we know a blue wave will happen and Trump will lose his majorities and become unable to push through his agenda.
What do?
do IT
>economy unleashed by Trump
>vote for blue, progressive wave to go back to sickly GDP growth
Your assertion is going to prove to be premature.
>Reality is a giant toilet bowl
Historically, one might expect a pendulum move but the libtards are being so histrionic it probably wont happen. They are actually fucking themselves over which is pretty funny.
The plan is that it goes in total reverse, radical liberalism is the only way we can truly show the world who is right, Trump was just the trigger we needed. We will win eventually but there will be tough times ahead .
The only blue wave your gonna see is a title wave of salty tears coming from all your faggot friends.
Oh ya and sage
The first step is recognizing it, the second step is fighting it.
Complacency is going to result in things we really aren't going to like.
We need to constantly be fighting and campaigning.
Trump is the lesser of two evils, the country does not want what the left is selling in any capacity save for an very vocal minority.
Realisticly, the vast majority of niggers and beaners don't understand economics, and just vote for immediate gibs.
That's why the Dems have been trying to fill the US with as many beaners as possible. California is permanently rekt because of it.
>What do?
It's the economy STUPID.
The only thing most people ACTUALLY think about by the time they get in the voting booth, is their wallet. The Dems are going to get destroyed.
Yeah, because after 2 years of muh russia and the press demonstrably lying about literally everything, including the feeding of motherfucking carp people won't be able to contain themselves and vote democrat all day erry day.
you faggots are the least tactical political opposition on this board. do yourself a favor and post a sharpie in the pooper timestamped photo of op in thread
The liberals had their pendulum move- 8 years under fucking Obama. Globalists have had nearly 70 years of the pendulim move.
And were just one year under Trump and soft-Nationalism- by comparison. The pendulum aint swining Hard Left any time soon, were just getting started.
Look at the approval ratings, and Dems are energized to get out the vote and still have the demographic advantage
Our side can not progress without Trump failing,
It was fun while it lasted but we needed him for
the total reverse of agenda to which without our side will never be taken seriously
>it’s been fun but
Shills never change
>muh polls!
>muh new, edgy, "energized" #resist! movement funded by the same elites we claim to be against!
>decades of the overton window shifting ever toward communism
>it finally ticks to the right
Delusional. Nobody wants your shit identity politics and omnipresent government watching over everything and everyone.
Democrats approval ratings are less than Trump's.
For the party, but parties don't run for office. They just need someone less shitty than Hilary
I love that liberals think a blue wave is coming when the country has been trending red for some time now which has culminated in the election of trump. It's only going to get worse for you retards
This is still Obama's economy sorry drumpfies
Drumpf won't have Russian fake news bots next time sorry
Come on seriously guys be realistic
Like we can all calm down now "hahaha"
It was funny at first but I think it's time to look for a REAL solution
Look I like Trump as much as you guys but even I have to admit he's losing support
I mean to be honest that thing he did WAS kinda embarrassing
I'm afraid that our time might be ending :(
Everywhere I look it just seems inevitable
Come on guys listen to me
Give me yoooooooooouuuuuuuuusssssss
Boy that Obama. What a swell guy, making the economy boom starting on election day. What a joke.
The delusion!
My sides!!!
No way he is losing the Senate, dems are defending now 26 seats when you add Franken, repubs only defending 9. they will liekely gain seats in the seante. Pretty good possibility of repubs losing the house. Democrats have to flip 24 seats. The president's party almost always loses seats in the first midterm. 2010 Obama lost 63. 2002 Bush gained 8 but only because of 9/11 when the re-alignment finally did happen in 2006 he lost 30. Clinton lost 54 in 1994, Bush Sr. lost 8 in 1990 but that was really a third Reagan term. Reagan lost 26 in 1982. So as you see, pretty good chance they lose at least 24, however the interesting trend is that republican losses are usually in the 20-30 range, Democrat losses are in 50-60 range. This is because democrats have invested heavily in a demographic which is numerically superior in presidential election but is low information and does not turn out in mid-terms. So say repubs lose 30 seats and dems take the house. repubs pick up 3 seats in the Senate. Democrats possibly are able to get enough votes to impeach and it goes to the Senate they need 66 votes to convict. dems need to flip 23 republican senators which isnt going to happen unless Trump actually commits a major crime. Dems piss everyone off, the economy remians strong Trump gets re-elected in 2020 then republicans would almost certainly pick up 10 more house seats on his coat-tails and the republicans once again have full control of the government
i've seen enough, please, i've had enough of this cancer
If they lose 30 seats they'll still have majority
Funny how Obama never took responsibility for the rekt economy for his eight years. If obama's economy was so great, why was food stamp usage at an all time high? Why did homeownership go down while homelessness skyrocketed?
The market responded to Trump as soon as he was president-elect, knowing that he was very pro-business. Nice try though.
>If they lose 30 seats they'll still have majority
from what I understand if the dems flip 24 seats they will have the majority
Holy Kek, these Hildawg lefty pepes are seriously the best.
Oh yes it's right. I calculated with 400 representatives, not 434
No way man, it's got wabi-sabi and it's made with love.
>he wasnt here for the Hilldawg memes and generals
Tut fucking tut user
And at the moment that looks to be either Warren, some other cunt or a muslim. Boy am I afraid.
If the democrats were smart they would run a good looking ladyboy like Trudeau or Macron. Trump would have a big problem because he would lose all the suburban cuck males and soccer moms who wouldn't vote for Hillary, but could still pull it out because he is the God-emperor. Luckily the dems aren't smart and it will probably be some Mulatto woman and they will once again lose alot of the suburban cuck males and soccer moms