Daily reminder the trades are for those who couldn’t make it in higher education.
He thinks trade school is a better route than college
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>Education meme
>when there's a big wide world of people who will pay $200 to sniff my pussoir
Yeah. I'm on my sixth year, and I'll have my BA in Women's Studies soon and then all you white males will pay. You will serve me and lick my boots clean.
Trades aren't better than STEM, certain Business degrees, law (although this is oversaturated as fuck), or medical. However, they are a better option than every liberal and fine arts degree jobwise. Also there's a shortage of trades and most of the people doing them are old boomers and genx about to retire so they need more people and are going to pay more to attract younger people.
uhh hello there fellow human female.
I’ve worked in welding for 6 years and my first year as a CWI I take home 102k-105k depending on bonuses. Your fags are 100k in debt
Uncle makes 100,000 a year for the electricity company and he's 35. He fixes transformers and runs cable. He'll have a pension.
Trades are probebly one of the worst jobs to do in the long term
as a summer gig or something it's fine but if you actually plan to do it for 30-40 years i garuntee you will be in and around numerous work place accidents.
i havent met a single retired trades worker who's happy with how much they fucked up their body just to get a paycheck
It's good money but it comes at a cost
Earning $55 an hour as an electrician. Raining or too hot? Sit on my ass at home and get paid.
Man I wish I went to university.
less than 20% of all college students graduate
of those, about 1/3 get a job in their field
all in all, the percentage of folks that it pays off for is in the single digits
furthermore, most of the people who college pays off for would have been successful anyway
If you aren't in the top 7% of all students, look elsewhere
Not surprising at all. The “men” of Canada probably can’t even pick up a hammer without hurting themselves, eh?
Reminder its higher educated types that are sitting around with a thumb up their asses waiting for tradesmen to come fix an slight inconvenience in their lives. Oh and getting charged up the ass for it
How do I get a mechanic job where they'll give on the job training? Tech support for retarded minorities in a company where the higher ups are also retarded drugged out minorities is killing me.
I met a mid-50s guy recently who has done HVAC work his entire life. He was a smart spender and a shrewd investor, with a wife, two kids, and a seven-figure portfolio. Even STEMs have a hard time pulling that off.
im in Canada visiting family dip shit
i live in the U.S
Every trades person i've worked with has been in the U.S
Your argument is completely invalid
This does not apply outside of burgerland
I study a probably useless degree and im not paying a cent for it
>can only be taken seriously if pretending to be from glorious USA
Sure m8 whatever you need to feel better
>Paying for college
Top kek, why are Americans so stupid? Several European countries offer free college for American students.
You will get free college, and cuck the average taxpayer
>why are we so poor
>why is our country so shitty
>better go to school on tax payer dime so I can learn how to let refugees tape my wife
You're a fucking idiot. You can excel to a foreman's or supervisor's so easily it isn't funny. At that point you're use for your knowledge only and you walk around all day on your phone like I do.
>don't study a trade! be a useless schmuck like me with my communications degree!
>we'll just hire third world immigrants to do plumbing and HVAC for us!
I thought liberals were supposed to be smart?
Trades honestly may even be a better option for some kids who are like 3.0 and below who have no passion for any college major or just are completely average. Not everyone is cut out for STEM or into finance shit.
This, also nothing is completely useless. Fuck, even my shitty degree in political science was enough to give me a comfy desk job.
>Fucking Sweden
The reason it’s free for us is because your continent is so shitty no one would pay to go there.
Its not just about the money. Getting a good white collar office job that requires a college degree is physically easy, consistent and flexible. Many offer generous vacation time and benefits. Its comfy.
Someone COULD make more money in a trade. But its always physically demanding, often dangerous, and rarely steady year round work. Often requires travel. Like OP said, it comes at a cost.
>political science
>desk job
Can’t you just fuck a chick and produce 7 kids for welfare money like the muzzies? Instead of bitching about white genocide why don’t we just steal our enemy’s tactics?
I earn around 70 000$ (600 000 sek) every year by doing almost nothing. It's the perfect life
I never work more than 6 hours a day (including coffee breaks, smoke breaks and lunch)
>He didn't get a networking/database/VMWare cert instead of spending $40k+ on a programming degree
Keep your eyes peeled, I wish I had better advice but I just kept searching for something where I could work with my hands. I don't make a ton but I started at basically "cabin boy" and worked my way up. your I.T. experience would be a huge boon to you interviewing and you'd be better off than I was
>have to travel to make money
>only temporary work
Lol no
Don’t put you hand directly under the drill press user
>ALWAYS physically demanding
Walking is physically demanding?
You sound like someone who has never been on a factory floor or has been on a work site. Please stop posting about things you’ve only ever seen in movies
lemme guess you must be wymen.
but okay, lets all get college degrees. Gonna be good times when there are no plumbers, carpenters, steel workers, road workers, construction workers to create shit so we can all have a civilization....dumbass
>6 gorillion sek
What the fuck Monopoly money kind of currency is a sek
>sweden again
You couldn’t pay me 300k a year to live in Europe. Much less your 3rd world African infested shithole
>70k USD bro
I’m guessing that’s before %56 tax rate. Here in Wyoming it’s %29
Get a job sweeping floors or doing bitch work, and have some old timer take you under their wing
NO YOU AUTIST , in europe we don t have such thing as " AFTER TAX RATE " we usually tell our salaries how they are plain and simple .
Oh yeah, you gender studies grads are amazingly impressive, right up their with the art history grads, poetry majors, and the rest of the liberal arts waste projects. Enjoy your six figure debt as you sardonically perfect the art of barista at Starcucks. (pic related)
So how the fuck am I supposed to know which it is then? Fucking niggers m8 I swear
Bullshit, my brother is a line worker and makes around 150 grand a year at 24. Sure a person who is smart and can get into a great school could do that but your average college retard who goes to a state school could only dream of making that type of money. College is only worth it if you can get into a top 10 school, if you're just an average person and you're just going to a charity college like Arizona State you really have no business giving people life advice kek.
>pay 30 grand to learn something useful and earn a nice middle class living
>pay 100+ grand to learn your neurotic jewish professor's opinion on social justice issues, graduate, make 30 grand a year
Sort yourself out, OP
I love 1 post by this ID threads. This board always has the very best selection.
Made this Hannukah video for you too
In these tough economic times where a lot of people graduate from college and struggle to find white collar work trade schools aren't such a joke.
>took classes for personal enrichment, no degree
>worked in several trades to learn skills
>started 3 businesses in last 5 years
>hires college educated people to make me my money
>owns investment properties - single family homes that are completely paid for within 3-5 years using other peoples money and no mortgages
>most millennial college grads debt to income means they can't buy, and a lot of them get denied to rent from me for the same reasons
>my friends who went to college keep going back b/c they can't find a job that will pay enough to live and cover student loans
>mfw my other buddy dropped out of 10th grade and is one of the wealthiest people I know
>mfw I was making $35 an hour at 22
>mfw my college educated friends still can't break $15/hr
>mfw I only actually work like 100 days a year
>mfw my engineer and machinist employees respect my opinions and ideas bc they work
>mfw my college educated friends that are doing well want to get in on my investment group b/c it was scheduled to be worth $15 million in 10 years with only about 300k cash investment and is already WAY ahead of schedule
>mfw I know teachers selling cell phones, biomedical engineers selling sneakers, psychologists selling coffee
>mfw I'm told I missed out
>mfw I can get paid 1700 a month to go to school with GI Bill and still have no interest
>mfw going to the military is for (((losers)))
Pay 30k, start a business, and make big money if you're good.
Everyone in my camp community is or was self employed besides 2 people, one was an engineer for Lockheed and the other was some corporate admin type. The latter guy quit his job a few years back and now flips houses due to my advice and is much happier these days.
You can learn to be an engineer, doctor, lawyer, and a million other things on the job. College is a meme
If you aren't intelligent enough to articulate an advanced skillset, trade-school is a good route to make use of memorized behaviors and become more efficient.
>Mike Rowe: You've got to make work cool again
>Dirty Jobs' Mike Rowe on the High Cost of College (Full Interview)
>slide thread
I'll bite anyway. Modern academia is a joke only a fool could be proud of having accomplished.
You act like those jobs fucking grown on trees.
The thing about a real college education (STEM or Accounting) is that you will have the energy to spend your money and have fun on the weekends.
I've met a lot of tradies who also make a lot of money and don't have to dig ditches, but these jobs are few and far between. And fat chance getting one if you don't know someone.
I wish I could.
I'm Norwegian and I need to loan something like 300 000 NOK / 36 000 $ minimum to get a bachelors degree.
Allready I went to uni in Russia, but the blatant corruption I couldn't stand. Now I'm in the Netherlands and its literal Marxist indoctrination.
The only reason I see to go to a trade school is because everything would be focused on learning a skillset, but the downside is that the least intelligent and the laziest people go there. OK, less debt, but it makes for a shitty life unless I'm able to invest or start up a business. The market is allready dominated by a few firms that hire polacks and other eastern europeans and as for investment there is little to nothing to invest in that would make a profit.
The only reason there is a trade school meme is because there uni stopped being politically neutral and that there is a limited amount of academic jobs. Fast forward 20 years and everyone with a trade school degree are obsolete in the job market.
>I'll bite anyway. Modern academia is a joke only a fool could be proud of having accomplished.
I could never take this guy seriously as a badass drug lord. Everybody says it's the best acting of all time and blah blah but I just saw him as some old lame dude pretending to be tough. Made the show kind of hard to take seriously
Hi Tyson.
depends what degree youre getting. for example political science is a complete waste of time and money.
Whatever keeps your delusion alive, mutt.