Asking the hard questions ITT.
Asking the hard questions ITT.
She is Jewish. Judaism doesn't celebrate birth of Christ
Imnot a 56% so I dont know
>being mad about a kike hating Jesus
What the fuck are you even on about Sup Forums isn't alt right why would we have a problem with a Jew celebrating christ.
Only the Death of him.
She's jewish now goy. A good addition to the tribe.
>White House Invite says Merry Christmas
Surely you can summon up enough rightist suspended disbelief to get angry at someone for shitting on Christmas in favor of including the holiday traditions of people other than Christians.
Do you know what is next? The leftists are going to push to have Halloween renamed Samhain for "de-appropriation."
Secular Jew, so no fucks given one way or another. It's Hanukkah tonight, but I'm busy putting up the last of the Christmas decorations.
pic related, me irl
I'm so triggered that a jew didn't say Merry Christmas, literally shaking
low iq brainlets never heard of good-cop/bad cop
Happy Holidays
Ivanka confirmed /ourjewess/
She's a retard and Trump is playing her like a fiddle
Well done
I am more triggered this bitch still has influence and her husband hasn't met the same fate as Carlo Rizzi yet.
>less than 0.001% can read this.
She isn’t forced to do it, that’s the difference.
Nobody cares if you say happy holidays, people get angry when you force it.
I have no problem with happy holidays, so long as it isn't forced by political correctness.