Is this what Americans really think?
Is this what Americans really think?
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It isn't about safety more about the possibility of fighting back, If I lived in Paris or Germanistan I would conceal carry illegally if needed
Retarded thread and meme made by delusional faggot oversimplying a complex issue.
Sage and kys, slowly preferably.
yeah it's 100% what we think also a bunch of random people pointing guns at each other in a standoff happens every day in america
This is what a psycho who gets paid to draw comic strawman arguments that probably doesn't even own or know how to operate or handle a gun thinks.
Missing the niggers
Hope you saged that fart.
Is this what foreigners think Americans think?
Anyways faggot, educate yourself.
>EU flag
no it's about the ability to fight back
our founding fathers believed self defense was right that should never be taken
"I believe this, on the contrary, the strongest Government on earth. I believe it the only one where every man, at the call of the law, would fly to the standard of the law, and would meet invasions of the public order as his own personal concern. Sometimes it is said that man can not be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the forms of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question."
this is a bait thread, but i know sometimes you will encounter people who will use this argument, and you should learn how to debate it.
Small towns across the country have some of the lowest crime anywhere on the globe, but also some of the highest gun ownership per capita (usually 2 per person).
So why aren't there tons of gun homicides?
It's because the potential perpetrators know they won't get out of the town alive, and they value their lives enough not to kill anyone.
Not to mention the often monocultural society of these small towns leads to very little conflict.
is this what eurofags really think life is like in America? oh wait, you're just a flaggot!
well in that situation wouldn't you feel safer with a gun?
This scene plays out every time I'm at the grocery store.
i dont see any dead bodies
Its what liberals who have never been with 100 feet of a gun thinks
Take off the flag, yurocuck. Are you British? England is a perfect example of the fault in gun control. You guys are going Orwellian and there is literally NOTHING you can do about it.
A man having the right and duty to defend himself, his family, and his tribe is one of the most fundamental parts of the natural law. Possibly the most fundamental.
>legal gun ownerd are a danger to other legal gun owners
You're so fucking low IQ holy shit.
Yes, and everybody who's not reatrded thinks that way too and now kill yourself, without a gun, of course.
I just made a question, why is always so angry this board? fucking losers
Have a template
Men who tried to rescue their daughters from paki muslim gang rapists in rotherham were arrested. That's why we support the 2nd amendment.
This is a childish, retard, autistic depiction of a God given right to White Men
This is what the artist thinks.
>this argument
So where do these mass shootouts between law abiding citizens happen?
This comic is just a reflection of the artist's mentality that guns make people violent.
Yeah its called a mexican standoff for some reason
>not having a natural/built up resistance to bullets
Are non-Americans this stupid?
Where is my trans-fox-kin? I DEMAND REPRESENTATION!
To put it into a clear picture for you. It's not like a mexican standoff like your picture portrays, but more like bear warning sign at a national park. No one is going to fuck with the bears with ill intent.
Same will happen to a crowd with firearms. They're more inclined to target defenseless victims who won't ruin their plans.
Is this what non americans think goes on in America?
Funny how people from monarchies and dictatorships get jealous about the fact that we have basic human rights such as free speech and the ability to keep and maintain technology to defend and protect ourselves.
not really sure why else its so important to them if they don't live here.
>all whites
AHAHAHAHA you faggots and your fiction
We already know that most shootings happen in the most gun restricted cities in America, gangbangers shooting other gangbangers, the rest are suicide related. Sorry, a gun won't make someone kill themselves, they will do it regardless they have a gun, August Ames?
On the other hand, more people are killed by cheeseburgers; obesity related illnesses. So ban them burgers!
Thanks leafbro
To answer your question OP guns as a whole do make the community safer when in the right hands. Yes we have mass shootings but you have trucks of peace. The problem with our per capita shootings is an issue caused by the 13% of the population responsible for over 52% of homicides according to the FBI database. If we remove that percentage our country is a much safer place.
Pic related
About 25% of them, yes.
Disarming the public is a policy leftover from the monarchy. Unlike the rest of the world, the US broke away from colonial rule
She looks like Baby Sinclair
I used to think that the hurr durr flag toting dumb American thing was a meme but this thread made me reconsider.
You are right. We should also get rid of the military. This whole: If you try to kill us we will do so too thing clearly is delusional.
I conceal carry everyday and this literally will never happen
Guns make freedom , God gave us guns to fight Satan like in the Revolution when we kicked your ass back to Paris and defeated the European monarchy, cause king was a Satan.
Liberals have no faith in humanity, they think the average person becomes a danger willing to kill anyone if you arm them.
Yes only women and nuedered men believe otherwise. I don't know how kike media has tricked people that the possibility of a war on your front lawn is impossible.
> hurrr how would you stand up against a whole army with some rifles and your pickup trucks
> what has the last 70 years of wars in the shitholes of the Middle East and Asia taught us?
Gun laws do prevent a good chunk of suicides but it's culling out the mentally weak anyway.
How European countries deal with violence? You guys don't have any guns with crime rates are so low. It's a cultural thing?
Cartoon with shitty logic.
>Is this what Americans really think?
EU flag. Checks out.
I tell you what eu flag, if you come to my stead and set foot on my unsoiled acreage you will answer to god why you brought nothing to a gunfight. 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN IF THEY TRY TO TAKE OUR GUNS DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME
For better effect should also compare with other countries' statistics.
Yeah, people on this continent always make the huge mistake of assuming Americans think at all.
Are YOU gonna mess with someone wearing a gun on their hip?
It's because Europe is made up with a lot of different countries.
We don't have miles of no police stations thus having a weapon in a lot of cases so finding someone is pretty easy.
Most of Europe also legalized prostitution and a lot of drugs the US bans which means that anyone can buy and sell safely. In The Netherlands there was a study that where ever there was an easily available red light district, crime went down significantly.
The majority of actual gun deaths in Europe is criminals on criminals. Rarely citizen on citizen in my country. That's probably because mental health in recent years is becoming more important and more money is being put into research.
But yes, I think culture is a big difference as well. Americans had everything to extremes. If one is happy, they show that they are extremely happy. If they are mad, they get into a child like breakdown. In Europe, people are much more neutral. I never realized why Americans thought that European people were a bit boring/mean until I went to the US. I nearly had a burn out because the over exaggerating everything.
That type of (faking) behavior drives you crazy and it shows.
It's like those people faking fun times and great relationships online while the exact opposite is happening but then in real life.
I had a legitimate culture shock for sure.
Based leaf, shall be spared on the day of the rake.
>meme flag
It's because the potential perpetrators know they won't get out of the town alive, and they value their lives enough not to kill anyone.
False. Potential perpetrators don't care much. They are of two main kinds : habitual criminals who accept the risk (as seen with gang violence, the very real risk of retaliation doesn't stop them) and exceptional criminals who are pressed by circumstances into being careless.
>Not to mention the often monocultural society of these small towns leads to very little conflict.
That is closer to the truth. There is less incentives to crime in small towns.
Why would they have their guns out and pointing at each other tho?
>inb4 no answer
i feel so much safer!
Yes. Stay out.
No, that pic is what retarded sheltered leftist soyboys think.
Go to any hunting camp or fish fry in the South, and it's full of huwhite people with guns, and they manage to not kill each-other.
You really only see a problem with gun murder in huge leftist cities full of niggers and degenerates.
Yes liberal Americans really think that this is what majority white and majority gun owning regions of America are like.
I actually see nothing wrong with this picture.
I would feel 100% safe in a crowd of 100 men, all armed, if I was unarmed.
As long as they are right of center politically.
ffs it's not about partisan politics, it's about crazy violent people with guns like that republican voting cop who shot a drunk white guy for legally owning a rifle
Drawing a gun on someone is assault you fucking moron. No we wouldn’t feel safer with everyone pointing guns at us.
Are you literally a fucking moron?
Your local slavs are more dangerous than Muslims in those countries
>Don't forget the scapegoat!
of course.
its not up for debate you eurocuck, fucking accept it.
Fuck off, Abdul.
Lol you made them black
No. I'm sure.
brandishing a gun at someone is assault, you dumb fucking serf.
Not even remotely fag.
>NATO members complaining about self defense
>Granny tits that young
poor trigger discipline never point your weapon at another person its almost like these liberals have no common sense