Obama hate thread


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That nigger's name aint Obama

Best American President of All Time!


Obama was the greatest president ever you suburban and rural retards.


Hello FBI.

Literally the worst president after LBJ.

The fucker's race relations shit will take decades to clean up from this country.





Hate threads are slide/bait

Does Sup Forums really think Obama is the worst president after LBJ? Lul

90% of these are outright bullshit. Good job.


Good goy, pretend like I wasn't a national disgrace and setback the GOP 20 years in politics.

The FBI doesn't care about past presidents. They get their very own SS detail for life.

Yet another political hitjob and oh look, Crooked Hill dog was in on it. Seeing a pattern here?

I hate that nigger more than I hate Hillary

>War criminal
>Nobel peace prize
Sapienti sat!

My kind of thread.
Not like he did anything, every sector of government did their job and had a window, they just asked King Nigger
>you want to?
he said sure and acts like he did everything single singlehandedly, fuck obama.
born in raised in the 2 biggest city in USA, Obama's presidency single singlehandedly destabilized the world. He was the fakest person I ever seen implementing real polices on fake merits, fuck em.

I would bet the farm that the nigger has at least a billion dollars in an offshore account. That plane load of untraceable cash he flew to Iran. I bet most of that cash found its way into the nigger's account.

You ignorant redneck. What the fuck do you know about race relations.

Ha! Now I can die happy :)

Well at least we know you're smart enough to copy pasta First President to.


Worst president since wilson

Reddit is that way >>>>>


Worst. President. Ever. Quadrupled the price of my health insurance. I have never seen such a direct negative impact by any other presidents

i know they are a waste of time

>When the CIA finally gives you permission to take credit for the killing of one of their own assets

What part of it was a hitjob? At this point, with the Nixon white house tapes in hand, what part of the Watergate conspiracy are you claiming is fabricated?

Hated his not quite low-key way of attacking things.

Made him an even bigger nigger.


Stop shitting out kids then, useless kike.

You don’t belong here. The name of the board is politically incorrect. That’s the opposite of your party platform.

Bin Laden was dead years before.

He was born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and started disinfo campaign in 2007 when he started running for president.
Your evaluation of his failures is correct.

>implying baby factories don't get subsidized everything and pay for nothing

i didn't say it was fabricated. I simply don't care if people break into the DNC. Honestly, I would be fine with Trump ordering hits on you all and selling your kidneys.

unironically worth it cuuck


Did obongo actually achieve anything besides shitty, faux socialized health that fucked over millions?

muh stupid rednecks

This guy still has a more fun life than you faggot

From everything I read about him, he was the shittiest person in the world to work with. There were periods of months were he didn't talk directly to anybody outside his own cabinet. He refused to work with ANYBODY outside his own, narrow political party (why all Republicans and a third of Democrats wanted to kill him). He really wasn't smart enough or sociable enough to be president (stuttered constantly and was horrible a debating). He broke the law constantly with executive orders, which were not a Fox News meme contrary to what people will tell you. He had absolutely no sense of national identity (unironic globalist). The guy was just fucking lame.

Here are some things about him that are more fringe, but likely are true. He was a Black Panther-esque communist in college. He isn't a Christian (Dabbled with Islam like all Black Panthers but probably ended up an Athiest/agnostic).

Comerely worth to watch the left cuck out, never going to vote dem

Completely ***

Those fucking ears

I wish this was remotely believable. It would've made the lest 8 years bearable.

Classic. Take any situation where a white boy would call for a national celebration and shrug it off. Typical envy.



I know. Sandy Hook was a hoax too, right?

>Years to clean up
You mean never, right? Current race relations aren't Obama's fault. They are the fault of demographic changes. You're fucking delusional if you think different races will ever 'le get along TM.'

Obama, believe it or not, acted like all minorities would that are in political positions of power. They favored their own kind by giving them whitey's gibs. A nigger can't properly represent white people. How is this hard to understand?

>be me
>17 years old
>just spent the last 3 years watching dead 18-year old servicemembers scroll across the bottom of the news everyday
>"based black man" with a good ghost-writer says he will end the wars
>4 years later
>0311 in Helmand province
>bloodiest summer of the entire war

Fucking nigger

Weak. Do you even understand how health insurance works? Apparently not. Low iq.

You stick out like a sore thumb, faggot.

There's been demographic shifts before without the racial tensions being so bad, quit apologizing for a feckless president who couldve improved racial relations cuz of his biracial background. Instead he was arrogant and blamed others for his shit legacy.


>Has good ghost writer
Nice. Forgot to mention that literally none of his words are his own.


what on earth convinced you that joining a war time army was a good idea?
Were you in it for the gibs?

>There's been demographic shifts before without the racial tensions
Fucking bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. Even wops and Irishman were looked down upon when arriving in America, and they're part of the same race (why they eventually assimilated). Blacks will never live in 'le peace TM' with whites. The same goes for spics and Asians.

We were young. Our movies and vidya and culture in general brainwash us into thinking we are still a Christian nation trying to save people.

Asians and Indians are model minorities cuz they're voluntary immigrants. Blacks can't even live in peace with themselves, did black on black crime decrease under obama?? No. He did nothing to improve race relations. Keep virtue signaling cuck

>liberals understanding how large corporations work
>liberals truly believe that large corporations pay 40% tax rate
>liberals truly believe this doesnt hurt your average small company
>liberals understanding anything ever

>A white nationalist is virtue signaling

Not a religious person myself. Was christ soe kind of warlord? I dont get it. Who exactly were you trying to save?

Did you not understand that the chain of command really goes something like this:
enlisted -> seargent -> low level officers -> high level officers -> appointed executive branch -> major international corporations and international banks + political action committees of israel

Did you seriously think you were 'fighting for freedom" or some other propaganda slogan? I get the feeling people joining the army are in need of a basic course on logic, reason and critical thinking.

Certainly could.

So when the Dems do something shady you take the moral high ground and call them shills and criminals, but you're perfectly alright with the GOP being not only completely corrupt but also criminal? You're a moron and should be barred from voting entirely.

btw, I'd never vote for a Democrat or a Republican. Anyone who'd support the two-party system has already sold out.


HAVE FUN Sup Forums


Only thing I worry about is the post Trump backlash that will happen when these Millennials start getting into power over the years.

A planet where apes evolve from men?



3/3, It's always funny when they make a chimp wear human clothes

That is concerning, btw not all millennials think like cuck fags, I'm 29 and abhor their bulll shit

Looking at this mother fucker raises my blood pressure. Fuck you op for putting up this discusting piece of shit. In fact I want to take you to court for eye raping me you fucking faggot!!! Kkkkkyyyyssss!!!!

He a gud boy. He dindu nuffin.

>"who exactly were you trying to save"

I distinctly remember familiarizing myself with sulfuric acid attacks before joining. Shit like that just made me assume the stuff I wasn't aware of was even worse (and it is).

As far as the middle paragraph: absolutely not. Were you honestly so red-pilled at 18 and fresh out of government-funded education? If you were, that's badass, but I was too busy with my social life and the (((curriculum))).

It's been a blessing and a curse though. A curse for the obvious reason: my naivety making me a tool for the zog. But the blessing is that I am now proficient at warfare. I have gone to fight (((ISIS))) as a volunteer twice since I got out.

If it wasn't for his rich, white grandmother, 0bama would have never gotten past community college and kept chooming in Hawaii, which would have left the US in far better shape.

"Obama is the best president" Think again

And as far as religion, I recommend listening to Kent Hovind CSE 101. I was agnostic most of these years, with a loose foundation in Christianity, but definitely not a Christian. Not to brag, but my test scores and IQ are pretty high, so I related the Bible to Aesop's Fables most of my life.

Kent Hovind CSE 101 changed that. Especially class #3 about Communism. Plus he is just an excellent speaker and teacher.

Now i am 100% convinced and never going back. Jesus was real and is real.

what's the point? he's not even in office



8 years America will never get back


You evil racists can go to hell, where you will find Trump and Roy Moore when they die. Obama was one of the most dignified and intelligent presidents we ever had.. much better than "king of the obsolete white trash" Trump.


8 years most Americans miss and wish we could go back to.

porch monkey

Obama was 100x better than the fat, stupid, sexual assaulter and tax cheat Trump.

Muslims have no place in a Christian country. Even more so in the White House.