Walking Dead Introduces Muslim Characters?

If you completed watching Walking Dead Season 8 you may have noticed increased emphasis on 2 new characters.

One helps Carl and the Hilltop escape and another gets a lot of face time(?).

What do you think the director's agenda is with these new characters and the loss of our old one?


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Everyone I know has stopped watching, even the most braindead normies are bored of it. Take note Hollywood.

Carl is going to regret trusting a paki

They'll be good for mass zombie-bombing later. Trust the process.

they gave this fat bitch so much air-time for literally no reason. the best part was when they had her running lmao, shit is incredible

a fat cow running, why, it's not even believable

>implying anyone right wing still watches this
>interracial couples everywhere, token gay characters all over the place, an out and open SJW writer that says he hopes he can make the series "even gayer"
>newest comic character is a sassy mexican woman with purple hair that goes on long rants about how great it is how few white people are left in the zombie apocalypse

Not sure why how anyone right wing could stomach going near it.

>fat faggot starts criticising islam
>"i know more about islam than any body Ever,including the writers"
>*braindead morons start applauding and sharing his video everywhere*
>see? people agree hence why i'm right

that guy sounds as pretensious and annoying as "The Amazing Atheist"

politically correct Muslim

I'd be down for a zombie fighting mujahadeen in American desert waging a jihad against the undead.

Bunch of Muslims/Arabs from Detroit, Canada, and Minnesota move to the desert, steal some horses and camels from the zoo.

Rick and such arrive at the Caliphate of Los Vegas.

And they'd be at war with Mexican and White biker gangs that combined into "The Horde."

They ride around fighting zombies in fucked up Harley's.

>Watching Tele-"black man fucking white woman"-vision in CY+3.

Technically, it's white man fucking black woman, but whatever.

Rick is bleaching Michonne?

the second guy is supposed to be there like in comics but they added the quran verses and focusing his character around islam intentionally, that fat whale was never supposed to be there and it was added last year just for the sake of the diversity and also when the story focuses on their safezone and the episode has some random shot in it it always focuses and shows her or her on the side, always visible so the goyim knows how she is a "peaceful muslim".

>What do you think the director's agenda is with these new characters
do we really still need to ask this lol

How long before Tariq is fucking Rick's daughter?
Next season?

I wonder do Muslim zombies eat pork?

I was too enraged by the SJW push with the Muslims, ironically the next morning the religion of peace tries to suicide bomb port authority.

Wait, I thought this show was over?

How apropriate they should make all the zombies muslimes! They sure act like zombies, they riot, impose their sick believes, and are imbread degenerates with all the defects so the makeup cost would plumit!

8 seasons roflmao i think i stopped watching when the governor season ended or some shit, i imagine the show isnt even about zombies at this point

I do not have the vocabulary (lord forgive for i am drunk) to explain but your title is just pure gold!

also wtf is The Walking Dead" meaning who the fuck watches T.V these days

Hello Bashar
How u holdin up?


He literally got bit to give welfare to some random shitskin he met at a gas station. Rick didn't want him to come in because he's a useless Achmed and Rick had better things to do. They're obviously only there to make subtle commentary on Trumps "Muslim ban". The last episode also features WE AREN'T KANGZ KANG Ezekiel growing some balls but then Morgan is gonna save him or whatever. The only thing the walking dead does properly is kill me niggers than Moon Man. Two of the only four niggers left in the show being in the same place at the same time has to result in the deaths of one or both of them. We can only hope the faggot crying about his dead faggot boyfriend dies next year when it comes back on TV.

Yes, it's fucking weird.

The governor was the last good thing. Rick could barely keep 10 people alive, the governor kept a whole town safe. He understood that when you hear howling, you go hunt the wolf not wait until it attacks the herd.

Of course the muslim is some fat black lady. She’d be better off playing the black maid stereotype instead of this hamfisted horseshit. God I fucking hate this forced diversity nonsense

>survives zombie apocalypse
>knocks someone out with a punch on the torso

Here's women should portrayed in a such an apocalyptic scenario:
>always around men
>the rate of physical abuse is about 50%+
>a woman would be lucky to go through the series without getting raped, as in, actual violent rape, not the drunk sex of today's society

Tell me something Musanon, do you really sit while you pee?

Yes I have been waiting for this thread on the walking diversity
Negan is the ultimate white male nightmare for sjws. They literally believe him and trump are the same

Also didn't the fool who plays Abraham compare trump to Negan, disgusting

Really? I thought the comics were better than the show, although far from perfect. I just got done with the one where Andrea dies

Lol the guy who plays Negan said that

The fact that she managed to knock out a battle hardened saviour soldier who survived a zombie apocalypse for 3 years is hilarious

what the fuck i hate negan now
Screw the walking dead, Negan was the best thing happening to that clusterfuck in years and STILL they manage to ruin it.

>subtle commentary
i'm suprised the show has got enough of a bloody audience for these new seasons. What are ratings like compared to before seasons?

Dude was too skinny looking to play Negan anyways. The show is shit. They don't even try with the gore/blood or gunfire effects. It's a disgrace.

>King Tiger dies next story arch anyways by the whisperers (garbage people equivalent). His head's on a pike on their border.
>Morgan was long gone before the whole Negan arch.
>Carl's alive and is slaying poon with Negan giving him lady advice from his prison cell.
>Remember when Morgan and Rick were looking at that cell a few episodes ago? That's where Negan gets to live the rest of his life.
>Negan escapes, kills garbage hipsters, saws off queen trashcan's head with his giant fucking knife and brings it back to Rick.
>Carl gets some serious bareback poon by headcase garbage grill and decides to become garbage pale kid.
>Mullet comes back and starts building lots of shit. Ham radio tower etc.
>Rosita cucks him......hard.
>Get's in contact with some people in Ohio via radio.
>Probably gonna fuck shit up big time and give away their location to "The Ohioans".
>Me thinks the "real" Neegan is in Ohio...what a twist.
>Haven't paid attention to comics in around a year so ????.

Is suicide bombing a particularly effective tactic against zombies?

don't forget the constant portrayal of white males as the villain and or the dumb, weak, or disposable beta

Couldn't they have picked a more sexy kebaba? Looks like a blak lives matter potato

Siddiq is Muslim?

I had no idea, in the comics he just cucks Eugene and not much else.

Dude had a badass motorcycle

People loved Merle.

The show is not even about zombies anymore. It's a faction war at this point, it's like a medieval kingdom war series but in that case you're better off watching vikins since that shit is cooler than the trash land of walking dead.

it was fun while they were constantly trying to survive and wandering, they'd take refuge somewhere but it'd never hold up, so they'd have to run.

Now that they have the wall, zombies aren't even the problem anymore, boring.

The show had some attitude at the beginning. Racist Merl, Carol getting beat by her husband, the show took risks. now they'd never let a woman get beat by a man or someone being prejudiced, unless it's gonna be against the mussies it'll show the world of how horrible whiteys are

Well the show has reached the same ratings as near the end of season 2, so maybe two more seasons left to go.

>walking dead
>season 8

I think I stopped watching after episode 6, season 1

Worst fucking big normie show out there.

Beyond boring at this point, it's plain painful to sit through

I don’t watch tv or play video games and if you would stop being such an insufferable faggot you wouldn’t be at the mercy of what (((they))) want to program you with either.

Will she an hero and go out with a bang?

How is she still fat?


People still watch this trash? I got bored around S4 when I realized every single plot arch is

>Oh no, there's zombies!
>Phew, we found this safe space to hide
>Oh no, we fucked something up!
>We need to leave this space and go somewhere else!
>Oh no, there's zombies!

Wash rinse and repeat.


I will stop watching, too many niggers to begin with, show needed more asian pussy.


this is true. I swear as soon as SHTF the first thing I do is beat my wife into a coma before I roll out.

wut? that shitty show is still airing? keks


You should put your gender down in that way. Men aren't animals.

Give David wood a listen talking about it.

>Mullet comes back and starts building lots of shit. Ham radio tower etc.
>Rosita cucks him......hard.
I haven't watched for years but lmao is the nerd banging the beaner thot?

Everyone knows the zombies are the muslims.

Honestly thought that show was done. Pretty garbage after "Neegan"

I thought the Muslim thing was interesting as well. All I could think of was how ridiculous it would be that anyone would still follow a religion after the DEAD COME BACK AS ZOMBIES. Come on. That would cure anyone of religion.

You think religion would make ~less~ sense in a world where the dead rise as magical monsters? I'm mostly agnostic, but if that happened I'd be trying to get right with Jesus even though it would probably be too late.

that's technically true.
christians, jews and muslims all believe that only god can raise the dead.

but the zombies are not the dead coming back, it's the living who are already infected turning into eating machines. the dead didn't actually come back to life before the outbreak, the dead who died before it are still dead

>being this much media brainwashed
>jebus fucking Christ
How about you go without TV for a day, and just go outside and see what it feels like?

Also, the only purpose for Muslims in a zombie uprising would be for cannon-fodder, since they're no different from zombies to begin with. We can always hope for one of these, though/

tv had a fun time with that episode.
Coral gets bit to save the based muslims.
Rick will now have to raise another mans child while his own died.

I dunno man, i LIKE Negan. Motherfucker almost always has something smart ass to say.

Shit, Negan is the only thing keeping me watching





A show which is about zombies and youre upset they have non whites in the show?

Is the earth supposed to be all white or something?


In the comics he goes full blown cuck for Rosita.
Not up to that point in the TV series yet.
My wife's son situation.

about time A german was represented

Normalization by placing these people in pop culture.

>watching modern day tv series

The show is far more MUH DIVERSITY than the graphic novel ever has been to this point. That definitely sucks.

Back off, Russian Hacker. Don't make me punch a NAZI!

I only hate watch now. I liked the premise of exploring a zombie world in more depth than a 90 min or 2 hour movie could do, but it's time to end it.

>Nadine marissa

don’t think she’s a kebab at all.

To be a true cuck he has to be banging her on the reg beforehand. Are they an actual couple or is he just an orbiter or something?

This, its all apart of the white genocide plan

Some men are animals, and if SHTF other men won't be around to protect weak, defenseless women from them

>those digits
>that comment

I'll try to get my racial slurs right next time

>this is true. I swear as soon as SHTF the first thing I do is beat my wife into a coma before I roll out.


>Every weapon is fully automatic now.
>Long scenes dedicated to showing flamboyantly gay men doing heroic things in battle before pausing to reflect on their gayness
>Rick telling Maggie she's leading him now despite her by an absolute Mary Sue
>Rick falling for a pavement ape like Michonne
>Maggie becoming the defect leader of the hilltop for absolutely no reason. Like she just kind of starts living there and bossing people around and everyone is cool with it cause reasons
>don't get me started on setting up a pile of logs in the road to slow down Megan which only served to alert him you were going to actually fight him so he was prepared instead of ambushinghim at the logs

The show is shit buy it's my one vice because I like zombies. It's the only TV I even watch. The characters have become so stupid in every decision they make that I like to watch them die because of their poor decisions. Then you realize these tactically inept idiots writing the show and still loving it will be our opponents in any new Civil War and I get all excited.


Everywhere just says African american

People stopped watching because it's been pure shit since season 2.

The show needs to die, its boring and repetitive

This. Also another thing that bothers me from that show is how all the group's are multicultural when in reality people would break up and form survival groups among ethnic lines like in jail.

Fear the Walking Dead is superior anyway, I gave up on normal walking dead around the time Season 2 of FTWD came out. Last season(Season 3) was incredible. Can't wait for the next one.
Also introducing Islam into "Vikings" based on the pure fake news story that normies jumped all over last year. One character adopted a Islamic orphan and said orphan killed her. Unintentional redpill desu,

Carl goes out like a try cuck, SAD!

>comfortable with AK-47's


This show was regurgitated garbage for normies from the very start. Who cares/is surprised.

This. Season 3 was boring as shit, I stopped watching after.

>No Muslim zombies that explode

What the fuck, this is a waste of time.