Coolest president
You have to admit this guys. No other president had as much swagger as him.and michelle.
They own hollywood did yoh see their date night flick? So good
Coolest president
You have to admit this guys. No other president had as much swagger as him.and michelle.
They own hollywood did yoh see their date night flick? So good
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah, definitely more glamorous than the pres who fucked marilyn monroe...
...or that other president during the 80s who was a hollywoood star before
...or the current pres who was a reality tv show star.
Damn bro.
Also, just going out on a limb and going to say 1 id/` 1 post so everyone else just let this thread die
He was, but Sup Forums will cry nigger like usual. Because the girl they liked in high school liked the black penis
I played basketball with him in NC when he was campaignin in '08. He sucked ass.
He never was cool. Only the fawning media made it seem the case. The dude is a total nerd and without his massive ego, probably would have been a neet.
Stop believing in fairy tales and wake up to reality dude
epic 4 the win
Glad we can agree he is the 4th hip/hollywood pres
>nigga ball
>marrying a transvestite
>bringing back racism
>freaking Chad as shit
>being an Amerimutt president
Finicky cool people, and fuck Obama!
You do realize the movie Get Out was making fun of people like you, right?
Your an idiot. You tube Obama throw g a ball. Sage.
I’ve seen a few videos of him sucking ass at basketball. I thought he played in college or some shit.
Sorry Amerimutt my high school didn't have any nonwhites. Take your kosher cuckold fantasies elsewhere.
>swagger: to conduct oneself in an arrogant or superciliously pompous manner; especially : to walk with an air of overbearing self-confidence
I think Andrew Jackson was the most badass president.
Trump hands down has the most sawgger of any President. Pretty much everyone in the country has known exactly who he is as a person before he was President.
Pic one
Swagger like TR - nah, he’s just a nigger.
And he throws like a cunt too
Obama only seems like "the coolest president" because you only remember Bush and you automatically think all black people are cool. So, it doesn't mean much.
Michelle looks like a crackhead gorilla, Melania is a goddess.
Yea, real cool. Someone post video of him shooting free throws, i dont have it at the present. You will see how cool bath house berry is.
Forced "cool"
Yo, get at me, dog!
JFK was 10xs cooler than that fucknut. He had a sailboat and banged Marilyn.
Oh yeah I love all those wars he started.
no he wasn't. the worst part is that even a complete retard like bush somehow came as more likable than a guy who had billions and billions of dollars behind him pushing him as a good goy image all the fucking time.
Wtf I love gun running and political espionage against patriots now
Did you see Bush throw the first pitch at this year's world series. The fucking guy walks up does a quick pivot and throws it perfectly. The guy is sharp for an idiot.
Clinton was way more suave. Obama was obviously insecure and always putting on airs. Bill was just laid back as can be and playing the sax. No comparison, and I hate Bill, but Obama was "cool" like in a movie, cause it was so fake and fooled so many people.
>literally has Robert Kramer come by the white house to plan protests where cops go to the hospital
haha niggers are so cool bro dude haha menthol cigarettes and basketball lelele
unronically this.
>[insert comment on how I hate and criticize Obama on the most little specific things but I'll keep sucking Trumps dick and let him cum inside my mouth without criticizing a single thing Trump does because I have the emotional control of a 13 year old girl therefore I hate all liberals lmao I am enlightened the truth hurts the feelingssss xdxd]
this is a joke right?
>> nigger president
>> nigger ball
Look mom, no teeth!
Nobodys gonna let that genetic pile of shit on their basketball team you dumbass
And andrew kline is a fucking jew
>tfw a mutt is the first Basketball American president.
>tfw first transgender first lady
tfw OP is a faggot. Leave shill.
Obama throwing a javelin. No swag; definite curve in his swerve detected.
me building around this thread
He wasn't cool at all. He was insecure and talked down to everyone.
The media and hollywood which are branches of the Democratic Party called him cool and so in the minds of retards he was "cool"
As much as I don't like the Clinton's Bill, was kind of an actually cool guy.
This, bills policies were aids but the dudes an alpha, shame what they've done to him in his advanced dementia
Andrew Jackson was best
>cheese wheel
>Indian scalps
>many duels against jewish bankers
More swagger than Teddy?
Under rated
>so cool he started bawling his eyes out in a press conference