>I need muh gunz 2 defnd myself frum da guberminte
Come on Burgers, stop larping.
>I need muh gunz 2 defnd myself frum da guberminte
Come on Burgers, stop larping.
and how many revolutions started out by using simple weapons to seize better weapons
This shit again? I know you're Canadian so infrastructure talk is lost on your kind, but the government wouldn't be too keen on leveling usable resources.
Again, I know it's hard for you to imagine anything with that mandatory five inch Justin Trudeau styled butt plug in place but do some research before you look retarded.
Look no further than England if you want to see what gun control results in. They're going Orwellian and there's no way to stop it.
Hello, Satan
>A legion of drones
Somebody post the screencap, I'm at a function with other tutors and being seen on P.O.L. is dangerous.
>A group of 200 armed american rebels approach a military compound...
Fuck off Satan(alphabet soup((juice))) I'm not telling you how many guns I've manufactured or where they're stored. Oh and I lost all my firearms in a boating accident.
You posted this exact same thread yesterday using the exact same picture. Please go back to fucking your dog, leaf cuck.
Luke 22:36-38King James Version (KJV)
36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
37 For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end.
38 And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough.
also how long have we been in afghanistan? pretty sure guns are even more proliferated in the US of A than they are there, despite our government's best efforts during the Soviet occupation
vietnam, afganistan. fuck off leaf
Says the fag whose country made vocal sounds an act of voilence
CORRECT! It's gonna take more than bombs to take over the USA. At some point, you'll needs boots on the ground. THAT'S WHEN THE SHIT GETS INTERESTING
lemmie know when they dont have any pilots
lemmie know when they run out of fuel
And as user said Liberals commonly insult our military by referencing these conflicts. By the way, how is weed legalization coming along?
>I get to post it this time
>USA = Afghanistan
Is this really the state of American education?
>90% of the military defects
>drone, tank, and other operators need to eat and shit
>Kill their families, kill their friends, when you get one you flay them alive and dump their mangled corpses at the foot of the bases.
The US has spent some 15 years fighting arabs armed with rifles and improvised shit using high tech drones and other military toys. They have yet to win.
If the government has such advanced capabilities why is it so afraid of some yokels and their guns?
The Viet Cong and Taliban disagree with you and have proved you wrong.
>murder traitor oppositions family in their sleep without a trace
>blow to their morale overnight.
learn how assymetrical warfare works.
>stop giving shekels to the goverment
Guns are to protect from the raiding hordes of niggers fleeing the cities once the food runs out and the water/electricity stop. We are only a major incident away from any city turning into a riot zone.
>on armed rebel approaches a summer camp attended by the children of high ranking govt officials
You can't occupy even a single street with an aircraft.
Maybe if you could, your retarded country wouldn't be stuck fighting a decades long war with inbred, stoneage goat fuckers.
Yes because they will use expensive military equipment against their own people, destroying precious infrastructure and making them completely irredeemable.
Holy shit I'm not even a burger and even I can see how this argument is retarded
>volunteers will shoot on their own people.
They dont pay enough for that.
>USA = Afghanistan = Vietnam
Really guys?
what do f-16s in Korea have to do with ME?
what does it mean to you over in germany?
and it must be a cultural misunderstanding, but in the US, we don't need to explain ourselves as to "why" we do anything, to anyone but a judge...
I have the feeling this happened, like it was yesterday at that time.
Oh ... wait.
Can i join
If anything, this just show why you need your gun.
>Believes high level government officials would send their kids to a publicly known summer camp in the midst of a revolutionary war
American intelligence at its finest folks.
what's your objection exactly
Leafs are such pathetic disarmed cucks.
Remember dont complain about Islam when your sister is raped by a Pakistani migrant, because Trudeau will throw you in jail for Islamophobia.
It is just logistics. Obviously insurgent militias are not going to be able to stand up to the central government toe to toe out in the open. But the more armed individuals in the populace the more logistically impossible it becomes to pacify an insurgent population. Ask every Muslim and African country. Whenever the government does something anyone doesn't like they get a million niggers in the streets with AK-47's looting everything in sight. Luckily white people are not niggers and generally respect authority
source of footage?
>existence of Iraq and Vietnam
Sage for stupid bait from a fucking leaf
Actually yes how will those jets get inside my house to round me up?
>implying the military would be against us and not fighting the communists
You are attempting to compare an American theater of war to that of Afghanistan and Vietnam.
First thing is first. If your military was able to train for several years in Vietnam and Afghanistan before any combat began, they would have won within a week.
How can you expect the American military to succeed in war in landscape and geography that they no nothing about.
Having the home field in war almost guarantees you win the war.
The military would crush an uprising quickly on American soil because that is where they have trained. They know the landscape, they know the terrain and they are used to it.
Or Sidwell Friends in DC.
>go to jewbook
>check out HS of the elites
>check out students
>collect intel via social media
>target gathering
Sort of like the Bernie Bro who shot up the congressional baseball game.
If you don't know the reason we have these guns is to genocide leafs at an unbeknownst time of our own choosing then Canada is even more fucked than I thought.
>Anonymous (ID: VArbvK/L)
It is simply impossible to pacify an insurgent population in jungle or forest terrain. They can hold out forever and inflict massive casualties on a professional army
>implying that troops from east texas would have any clue about the terrain in western North Carolina
Also, let's not forget about the strategic power of arson, supply disruption, and incitement
Which is why we're winning in Afghanistan after having been there for 16 years....
Similarly, Vietnam lasted significantly longer than the average Army enlistment. We had plenty of time to train for the terrain and still lost. I'm not sure terrain is really all that relevant given modern modes of transportation anyway.
Do you realize how much of the United States is just mountainous woods and rural countryside? It would be Vietnam/Afghanistan but worse.
Why would troops from east texas be sent to western north carolina?
Your military trains in those mountainous woods and rural countryside everyday. They know it like the back of their hands.
a regular army would never have any possiblity of pacifying, apalachia, the upper midwest the pacific northwest, the rockies or the sierras if those local populations became insurgent
I'm not sure who's crazier; people who think a militia could realistically secure a victory in combat against the armed forces (say, if US govt were to impose martial law) without using tanks or planes (only rifles), or people who think the government would literally resort to flying jets around and firebombing its own citizens.
The military could perhaps just use sound cannons and other non-lethal devices that would cripple anyone trying to rebel against them.
That said, I still believe that people who are against the second amendment are gullible softies who need to shut up.
Yeah and literally every citizen lives in it every day of the year, every year, and know it far better than two week training intervals that the military commonly does.
Fucking local police even have a hard time navigating this country, 911 response time is terrible in the US if you don't live in a big city.
This, part of having an armed citizenry is deterrent against invasion. Sure a country could try and invade the USA but it would be Vietnam on steroids.
Only an idiot looks at war in terms of winning straight up "battles". A gorilla war can grind down an invasion force or government force until popular opinion turns against the fighting. Look at Iraq or Afghanistan.
Despite the fact that there's no way the entire US army would follow orders to turn on the citizenry, government can't even keep planes in the air, they don't have enough man power to police the whole of the united states.
It's happened already against our army in Afghanistan and Iraq. Our military was handcuffed by public relations worries within the international community. Those pr problems would only be worse when it's waging a war against its own people.
The US is doing the smartest thing now. They're preemptively sending spies into militias and destroying them before they get a chance to gain a following.
Why am I not surprised it's a leaf with sand in his vag again?
So you cant think of one scenario where having a gun would be good? Die shitlib.
The military will likely be mostly reliant on roads to move troops around. Think about how easy it would be on some lonely mountain road to ambush a convoy of trucks or something. Any competent militia of maybe 100 people could do it no problem, and flee back to the mountains and caves they hide in between raids. They could keep that up for years depending on the size, scale, and level of organization the revolt has.
>Why would troops from east texas be sent to western north carolina?
Because we have guns, ammo, and we hate the federal gov.
You'd have to invade us, you wouldn't have much air support, barely anything to occupy, and you'd be slaughtered.
>they train there every day
Only certain units, only a certain amount of troops in those units. And realistically only a certain percentage of those troops remember what they were trained.
You really think ZOG will carpet bomb the interior of our country?
for the last time
You are wasting your time bringing logic into a gun nut conservative argument.
The biggest problem that would face a potential revolt is lack of organization, not the government. The movement would likely spiral into infighting without a very strong central leadership.
we wuz navy seels en sheet
I'm surprised nobody posted this yet
>Any competent militia of maybe 100 people could do it no problem
Whoa there. Fewer. People in these parts know how to set up traps... I say 20-50 of our men could wreck a convoy on a lone road.
>TFW no IRA trap gf
Remember that time a bunch of farmers and militiamen gained independence from the most powerful empire on the planet at the time
Not realizing that almost all the infantry is conservative.
you're a retard King Nigger literally sent his children to public school in washington DC which is a constant war zone
sure they get some SS protection but only like two units
>pic related
Appreciated and saved.
oh yeah , back in the FUCKING 16 AND 1700'S ...Before stealth , satellite communication , infrared vision and long range rocketry....oh yeah why the fuck cant we do that same shit now hmmmmm.
You post this idiocy almost everyday. Whats the point of doing it? No one with half a brain is swayed by this meme.
Fucking Leaf.
He could technically be talking about Vietnam.....
>technology hasn't advanced for both sides whatsoever
Nice trips
>All military personnel will be willing to attack US citizens
the army was held in check by other country's like Russia and china during that war if the government of the US attacked its own citizens no one in the world would give two shits if they nuked a state well maybe Canada.
>sells soul for colorful socks.
>A gorilla war
>top: available in the millions, 200$ per guy, works basically for free 24/7
>bottom: availability strictly limited, 999.999.999$ to build, 999.999$ to maintain per day
Why would troops from texas want to shoot up their own towns? You realize that soldiers are citizens of their country right?
>nuking your own country
Boi, do you want to know how i guessed you know shit about geopolitics?
>my dick is way bigger than yours and that means you'll probably never fuck me so why don't you just chop your dick off
t. increasingly nervous shill
>They're going Orwellian
this is very true i'm so thankful for being born in the US as opposed to England or anywhere else
OP assumes that our military would follow and order to attack it's out citizens and not turn on the .gov.
large areas of the country would never be pacified and would serve as strongholds to build a resistance movement ala the Organization in the Turner Diaries. Then just follow that same startegy. Make terrorist attacks on the cities which causes the militray to rack down harder. then sew racial dissent in the military between blacks, mexicans and whites. Morale among the white soldiers would be so low from apcifying operations against other white citizens that whole units would be subverted and then eventually the government would only be able to rely on nigger and mexican units and would be totally ineffective