Live Updates:
>Roy Moore Rode In To Vote On A Horse Named 'Sassy'

>Pollsters throw predictions out the window in Alabama race

>Roy Moore’s wife defends him against anti-Semitism: “One of our attorneys is a Jew”

>Doug Jones got more money from Alabama voters than Roy Moore did

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First for Roy Moore.

>endorsed by Trump
Pick one

so did he actually fiddly diddly any children and how much reddit butthurt will there be if democrats lose to a literal pedophile

Any word on the polling? One user in another thread said that turnout was high in rural areas but posted no proofs

nobody knows yet, man. 50/50 each side

Any exit polls? CNN said they would have them 15 minutes ago, nothing yet.

2 hours and 45 minutes until polls close.

exciting. do you know where we can get the exit polls?

They are allegations as to if he wrote something inappropriate in some girl's yearbook that worked with him. They have refused to have it independently examined to see if it was actually him that wrote it. She admitted to "writing beneath it" already.

Fuck I have to go to bed and I want to see some libshit tears whilst they are fresh.

>so did he actually fiddly diddly any children
Well, girls in their early teens
>and how much reddit butthurt will there be if democrats lose to a literal pedophile
It's literally incalculable - the headlines are going to be gold

I fucking hate Horsey, worst political cartoonist ever, I wish Ben Garrison would finish him off already.

Liberals always repeat a lie over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again hoping people will take it as fact faggot.

Daily reminder that Doug Jones supports unrestricted baby murder, that fact alone is worse than anything Moore has allegedly done
Alabama anons do your duty

No idea. There were no people asking questions at my polling station, but I am just a rural retard voting in a church that can barely seat 50 people.


>not only a kidfucker but also a horsefucker
/mlpol/'s guy

Already debunked by handwriting experts on Sup Forums.

Just the right height, no bucket required

Here's the first set of exit poll data.

its over bros were fucked

moore is gonna lose its done

Plus the woman admitted that she doctored the yearbook.



>All accusations are accurate
You fucked an underage horse
Prove me wrong

Results are in!!!!!

does this tactic win votes?

praying moore wins


>55% for not an important factor
Yeah, it’s ogre. Put on your salt mining gear, tonight we feast

It gets likes from people who would already vote for jones I assume.

Should've rode in on a horse named 'Lolita'.




His horse is named Sassy. Can't make this shit up.

The butthurt is going to be yuuge.

Liberals and dems are praying Moore wins


Need to find out everything about this fucking kike he is always the 1st to comment on Pres.Trump tweets.

>Vote for a pro-unrestricted-baby-murder candidate to show your love for Jesus
Glad these people will be rotting in hell forever

>A Jew telling Christians to assume guilt before innocence.

The manlet kike needs to be gassed

>Guac Bump

I fucking love you Sup Forums

>unless you're a ___PHOBIC HATEFUL RACIST BIGOT LITERALLY HITLER, vote for X! What other reason do you even need?!

Does it, user?

Try telling that to the Ann Frank institute

>watching cnn

Turnout in Democratic districts approaching 2016 Presidential levels. Rural districts slumping.

Prediction: Jones wins by 1-2%.

if these are the best numbers they could get with skewed polls. it will be a landslide.

>no link

fucking hope not

Rural black areas you mean.


>not telling them they are retarded first
it's like they don't even want the votes

>His horse is named Sassy.
My sister's cat is named Sassy.

Mrs. Beverly Nelson now admits she added the signature and other material in an effort to deceive the audience.



>Guilt tripping people with Jewish tricks
>Somehow the (((Liberals))) are always better in their eyes

Jews will never not make me laugh. This guy dedicates entire days going after Trump and his son whenever they tweet and will post 24/7. He cant even counter the points made against him. That is how sad he is.

praying for severe nigger liberal salt tonight

ALABAMA DEMOCRATS OFFERING FREE RIDES TO POLLING STATIONS: Give em call here: (800) 484-0217 You know what to do. Let's send these Democrat taxis out to the middle of bumfuck nowhere to pick up nonexistent Doug Jones voters.

>Go to
>Click on advanced options
>Click switch to region
>Click on Alabama
Now you have a fake identity with a real Alabama address.

Also google what county the address is located in because they are going to ask that.



How will this being Banemas effect the election? Will Moores campaign be crashed with no survivors?

wew they got the time right, but the date is kinda important too.

Source or you’re just another shill

Pretty mixed, with some good news for Jones.

Holy shit haha is that for real.

Dems btfo themselves as usual?

>Ferrying people to and from polling stations
Almost hilarious

>A Jones win means the people of Alabama will be respected by liberals in more populous states

First of all, it won't do that. And second, that is a good incentive for the old boy types in Alabama to vote for Roy Moore and say fuck the east and west coast faggots

This, also if you live there get them to give you a free ride to the polling station and back and then tell them you voted for Moore

>my accountant is a Jew!


so am I


they're not off work yet

>literally nothing: the exit poll

that's it, moore is winning by a landslide

>Let's send these Democrat taxis out to the middle of bumfuck nowhere to pick up nonexistent Doug Jones voters.
Do nigger voices if you can, they'll put you at the top of the list. You can also try a Mexican accent, say senor.

actual thread theme

55% said the allegations weren’t important, Jones is finished

I would have issued credentials to The Onion unironically, and told them whatever joke article they write, to actually mention they used WaPo's credentials to get in.


William S. Nieves
Marvin K. Pulley
Neal M. Marler
Nicole S. Aichele
Patrick R. Welch
Charles L. Whisler
Ryan F. Jones
Michael P. Spencer
Dennis B. Knight
Joel E. Haas

If she wrote beneath it then she forged Moore's last name onto the yearbook signature. The message and "Roy" are in different color ink compared to the rest of the signature.

kek good work user

Bill O'Reily sez he has a tape of a woman being offered 200k to accuse Trump.

Also claims that Trump knows about the tape.
>trump knows about the tape
>trump knows about the tape
>trump knows about the tape

Very bigly if true

This guy knows that no one gives a flying fuck what liberals say anymore right?

Oh shiiiieeet
if true

arg you scallywag copypasta'ed me post

>horsey edition

>49% of those voting today are republican
uh-oh. Jones is going to win in a landslide

thats too obvious, they'll catch on

>ayo muhfucka, we wuz free ridez and sheit. Can a brotha get a ride from [insert address here]?

"We're not anti-semites, our lawyer is a jew!" -Kayla Moore

have either of the krassenbergsteins ever appeared on a fake news TV program or article? their engagement really seems to point to being propped up by 95% bots and 5% louise mensch-tier conspiracy theorists

Republicans love kikes and Trump endorsed him. How can Moore be an anti-semite?


RIP Glen

a true legend

thank you

Yeah no need to protect them from Lolita Express, totally legit form of electioneering the democrats have pioneered there...where everything the dems talks about is adults having sex with teens. Sure seems the dems have a great deal of obsession with this topic, doesn't it?

There's no way that yearbook is legit. It isn't even proof of rape if it were either. All the accusations are from 40 years ago and none of them are recent so I doubt they're real.

I wish she just admitted to forgery but it's just gonna be swept under the rug after this election though. Would have probably finished the dems.