Why does he like sucking kike semen so much?

Why does he like sucking kike semen so much?

Sup Forums will somehow defend this

Hes fucking based xDddd amirite fellow pedes?

This isn't news, Trump has always loved kikes. His daughter is married to one for kike's sake

he won because the jews let him

only a delusional edgly pol poster would think otherwise lmao

doesnt every president do this for every religion? i mean he can't just tweet GAS THE KIKES can he?

this and its sad as this used to be a true SNEK leaning board

Trump is a civnat, but he awoke the sleeping dragon of ethno-nationalism so for that I am thankful.

A bi-lateral effort to counter signal mud people in the middle east and also please the boomer demographic

You can't have a society where people don't step on snek with the sign is only written in english

Libertarian ideals are possible only in a 90% homogenous high trust society.

34d chess man

Why not?

you gotta work up to i would think

The Jews hate Trump but Trump is smart to be on their side. The more Jew pandering the more it will be hard for the kikes to vote Democrat.

Jerusalem being their capital for example>everything destructive they believe in

The fetishization of their holy city is their one weakness.

Sup Forums is fucking zionist as shit, just too autistic to realize it.

We literally had this same exact thread a year ago.

Trump is the most explicitly zionist president of the US ever.

> (((Trump)))

Atleast obama cucked the zionist shits with his last moves, but this time i guess drumps last move will be nuking iran.

Because everyone hates him and everything he likes....

He's getting normies to hate jews, because Trump "loves" them

Lol, he's put out happy wishes for a lot of religions, except Islam. He held a whole dinner with Indians for some Hindu shit. He's a Christian and this is a Christian nation, but that doesn't mean he should just disrespect everyone from other religions (except Islam).

War on

Kys be christian and respecting "Kikes" are you fucking retarded evangelic subhuman


What are you antisemitic or something, OP? Reminder that JESUS was a Jew and therefore Israel is our top ally and its safety is our priority when it comes to world peace, GOT IT, BIGOT?

Unlike your countries we have freedom of religion. We're civilized folk that aren't going to just start beheading people because they don't follow our religion.

Me love israel!!!! MAGA!

Keep believing that fucking kike head, without your subhuman puppet country the world and escpecially the middle east would be in much better shape.

>What are you antisemitic or something, OP? Reminder that JESUS was a Jew and therefore Israel is our top ally and its safety is our priority when it comes to world peace, GOT IT, BIGOT?

Did you really just say that? On Sup Forums? Seriously?

Nobody ever fucking says this

40D chess.

Deal with it, nigger.

A common side effect of autism is that you cannot recognize obvious sarcasm

Anti-Jew shit is just magical thinking, be a pragmatist you stupid nigger

the jews hate trump so much even though he recognized their capital as jerusalem?

what planet are you living on

Lol you keep telling yourself that christcuck
Day of the rope is coming

Do you ever think maybe we did get trolled by Trump? I mean we used to hate Jews and he's giving them everything they want. What do we get it out of it besides "progressive liberal policies BTFO" and drama

finest example of Sup Forums's mental gymnastics

I think we've all come to appreciate the level of delusion trumpfags come with. The man is a fucking liar but people lick it up.

cant argue with them quads. trumpniggers are literally indistinguishable from obamadrones


Reddit BTFO

Jews are Gods chosen people goyim. You will learn that soon enough. Khazaria will live again!

Sup Forums defends coalburners now, so it shouldn't be surprising. The board has been thoroughly subverted.

Trump has got to be the only person in the world who is simultaneously Zionist and antisemitic according to the same group of people.

>fourth quad in 6 posts the last few days

I am the prophet of kek

Why should we give a damn about the state of the world and especially the middle east? Fuck any country the isn't America. We'll start caring when yall sign over your rights and join the union.

He is just trolling the arabs by giving the jews most of his attention.

what is a petro dollar again?

fuck off to your cabin fjlordvr

>the businessman loves jews
literally nothing new

Trump is literally a Jew you lunatic

my best guess would be that anytime you are someone who deals with large amounts amounts of money, you will end up dealing with jews. i would not be surprised to find out that drumpf owes multiple favors (money possibly) to multiple jews from over the many years of large money transactions, borrowing, buying, selling, etc.....whether he loves to drink kike sperm i cannot say, but it seems very likely he has gotten assistance from multiple kikes over the years....i doubt its as simple as he loves the jew. but in reality he may have gotten nowhere without the jew.

>Sup Forums defends coalburners now
No, it doesn't. We attack drama starters like yourself for good reason. We want to win and Lauren isn't hurting us in any way right now.

>sees flag
Does your country even know what a GDP is?

Based as fuck, exposing the jew on Twitter

Anons mother is undercover coal burner

>Trump says something remotely positive about jews
>Fucking kike cocksucker puppet
>Putin tells jews im Europe to come to Russia and outlaws far right nationalist speech
>based savior of the white race

Happy Hanukkah, Sup Forums.

Israel is our ally and will be for all of time.


Lauren is making coalburning a forgivable offense.

We should be attacking skanks that make degenerate pictures like that. And she isn't making us look good, she's alt-lite and attacks us. Just because she supports Trump and makes some autistic videos at left wing protests doesn't make her good. That's like defending some anti-racist boomer because they voted for Trump.

>trump sucks jew cock
>b-but what about putin guise!?!?!?

t. Ahmed

Jews are our allies. You can go fuck off back to whatever desert shithole you came from.

>Jews are our allies
>that flag

It's such a tragedy what they did to you.

Hating Muslims doesn't mean you have to like Jews, by the way.

U.S.A. and Israel! Best allies! All naysayers will fall to the Trump curse!

Why do liberal retards think that your shitty kike talk actually changes our mind about Trump?

Why not just kill yourselves and get it all over with now?

checking them quads

He will get JFKed if he doesnt follow zionist protocol.

khazars are not the original jews though

(((Yael))), bringing U.S. and (((Them))) ever closer


I don't know ask your mom she loves sucking semen.