Sorry to ask, but the thread was deleted unexpectedly. There were pics of this lass. Anyone save? Can anyone re-post? Wasn't there one of her in the tub?
fuck i hope so
who is this semen demon?
Yes. IMVHO, exceptional. Also, I think the fact that she's a commie and it's natural, being a redeemer and all, to wanna grudge f the commie out of her, makes her more alluring.
guaranteed shes got the herp and the hpv
Hey Canuck, thanks a lot!
Make Canada Canada again.
I want to nuzzle
post more
Thats the only one i managed to snap
Hmm, this is probably spot on, but in the land known as My Imagination, such things don't exist. Another example of that is that chicks don't shit either.
Really impressive tits for such a skinny girl.
Yeah I fucked her about 8 months ago she was pretty sexy
Someone send her a keks tan flag. If we could get her to flip. That would be so goddamn funny.
Her handle on Shitter is (or was) aug dog @augfrog. But I'm not on Shitter and I'm not about to sign up.
BTW, I'm new to posting...does everyone else have these mf'n reCapta's?
No, she is a commie he will not divide us degenerate thot.
Bump for more pics
That's not her. Has the real antifafu posted feet pix yet? I've been waiting...
She's been in the hospital
Definitely my favorite leftist thot
you people are pathetic
Here's the only other one I saved from before.
Yeah, this IS seemingly pathetic, I grant you. My (our) curiosity(ies) are just getting the better of us. Ultimately, is right.
You got to let her go man.
I found a girl who looks a lot like her but isn't far left, you just have to do a bit of searching.
Good luck.
My guess: traitor.
more nudez plox
Wood breed