why doesn't he just donate the money he's going to save to children's hospitals?
>(((Marlow Stern)))
Really makes you think
Not everyone is jewish user
is he being blackmailed? working up the ladder for a better illuminati position?
Every blue checkmark is
Where did it all go wrong?
I wonder if Corolla thinks he's a faggot now
I remember when Kimmel first got his show and it was great. This idiot was always hammered and here was an episode where he threw someone’s watch in to a deep fryer because of his high moral code. Funny how I can’t find that footage today.
/ourjew/ Shapiro already rekt him. Kimmel is lying.
come on goyim please make everyone pay for my childs 3rd heart transplant that probably costs millions of dollars each
People, media and companies like him should be taxed between 45% and 75%
Part of the tax plan will negatively effect Californian home owners. That is why all these celebs are pissed at the tax plan. Jimmy is crying because he'll have to pay more. Remember, when a liberal accuses a republican for something it's always because they themselves are doing it. Multi millionaires in California are about to get hit so they lie and say it's a tax cut for the rich.
Does anyone really believe these celebrities would complain about something that gave them more money?
Fucking hypocritical scum
What a disgusting shameless shill
I am to the point where I just want to see dead democrats. I don't care how they die I just want to see dead ones. So go fuck yourself cia/fbi/dhs this is not a terroristic threat or a call to violence. I am just saying that the sight of dead democrats brings me happiness
Is he being sincere? This is the co-host of The Man Show. Pic related.
>More than 80% of American households know my name
>I pretend to be a leftist in the public eye
>I think Trump was our salvation.
>At this point not only would I ruin my child's life but I'd lose my career
Referring specifically to your "child" is an odd detail.
can you imagine being an overpaid liberal with your own TV show to spout off all of your bullshit thoughts and use children to advance your cause?
we need the Curse bad for this guy.
i dont mind socialism if my country is homogeneous and white
Look! More Democrats using children for political gain!
if this fucking guy doesn't have a top notch insurance plan he's not using his money wisely
that baby is deformed!! kill it with fire!!!!
Krybaby Kimmel needs a diaper change
>"I dont know what could be more disgusting"
Really? Cause you're doing it right now
How could democrats support a tax that takes away money from our CHILDREN and gives it to the BIG BAD CORPORATIONS WITH BAILOUTS? End death tax now!
link please
People STILL don't realize writers are the brains of late night comedians? They do have to prepare and invest weekly for a new show that obtains millions in revenue. No one can look at the credits list apparently. Nothing is sincere there.
If you want to insult anyone, it should be his writers.
How did it go so wrong for Kimmel when Carolla remained largely uncucked?
A millionaire holding a baby and crying for the poor children.
The ABSOLUTE state of the left. What the fuck is their problem?
What could be more disgusting? How about using your children as political props?
And yet what's the deficit from o'nigger?
anyone calcualted the tax changes for him, i only know it off Sup Forums but they removed a lot of loopholes? Most UK entertainers are using offshore, expenses and dodgy investments to hide their money in loss making companies, hollywood accounting 100Million$ in advertising costs on a 50 Million$ film kind of thing
Kimmel is a real douchebag,
libshits using human shields like they're palestinians now
Maybe he's playing a part.
Would his career have taken off like it did if he kept acting like Carolla?
If he came out as a Republican, what would happen to his career? To his child?
Yep, I didn't see any liberals crying about future generations being shackled with 10 trillion in debt from King o'nigger.
damn that'd be an interesting revelation.
how many more you think are just treating it like an acting role.
what if current year is a brexiter
Carolla is honestly not doing that poorly. He's estimated at $16 million to Kimmel's $35 million. Plus he's not contributing nearly as much to the decline of western civilization.
Why does it look this faggot has never held a child in his arms before? Di they just clone this one yesterday or some shit?
>I'm a real human bean
Jimmy Kimmel can write a fucking check. What does he make, 40 Million a year?
The fuck is wrong with that kid's forehead?
Remember when late night talk shows were comedy shows?
>Along with virtually every other American, I never knew Johnny Carson’s politics. I would not have been surprised if he was a liberal or surprised if he was a conservative, a Democrat, or a Republican. In his 30 years as host of The Tonight Show on NBC, he never so much as hinted as to how he identified politically. He poked fun at whoever was in power, Republican or Democrat.
>The reason he didn’t let on where he stood politically is that he believed that he had a much greater responsibility — to offer Americans of all political persuasions an island of good-natured fun, a place where everyone could laugh together, every night.
If it wasn't for CHIP you probably would have died from a lice infestation.
> why doesn't he just donate the money he's going to save to children's hospitals?
Go back to 3rd grade
This rich jew can't afford health insurance for his son?
You know ontop of all the sexism and objectification of women, Jimmy Kimmel also use to do blackface on his misogynistic television program.
Sure would be a shame if this came back to bite him in the ass.
Those sites are such bullshit. There is no way to know someone's net worth unless they calculate it themselves and tell you.
Carolla stuck to his guns and his career ended over a decade ago. Kimmel decided to LARP as a liberal and he became a household name.
Kimmel has been doing his show for 14 years now. I guarantee his net worth is not a cent less than $150 million
>Is he being sincere?
> Are children worth it?
Didn't Kimmel say he would never get into politics once? Why do this shit now?
More disturbing, Jimmy? How about using your sick child to shill for Democrats
Is this supposed to be funny? Because I think it's funny
Where did you go, Johnny? Where are your jokes now? Where are they, when we need them most?
My thought exactly. I don’t watch his show but some of my relatives do and he exploits the fucking shit out of his son for ratings.
Disgusting kike
That's a pretty normal way of holding a baby my dude.
Health insurance and healthcare has always existed for children prior to the ACA. So I don't know what you're talking about.
Never watched this shit but isn't it meant to be light entertainment and funny or something. If I got home and sat and watched that I'd be fucking pissed.
Umm did the baby consent, shitlord?
Have you read the tax bill. They are raping everyone. Did you actually believed the shill Alex Jones that trump was not going to the con artist reptile that we obvious smelled like?
His podcasts have been pretty wildly successful my man. Kimmel's show has only been in the good time slot for a few years now as well.
I don't have children, but if I did I don't know what I'd be willing to do to save its life. A lot, I imagine.
Hope I never have to find out.
>Why do this shit now?
Maybe he wants to push it to the limit. All of the weed smoking has made him intensely paranoid and insane - he thinks he HAS to act left, so he overdoes it, both to conceal and agitate for the sweet reaction to come. I wonder what Corolla thinks of this.
if it's real it's jimmy fallon
Yeah, You really don't know what I'm talking about
We all read it, it's nothing absurd like your sensationalist headline that took it out of context.
Holy shit, what is going on with that kid's forehead? Is that a tumor?
>unlike you I wasn't a nigger, spic, or redneck
just because you were a tick infested trash doesn't mean the rest of us were
People still watch late night shows?
I thought only unemployed people used to do that and nowadays they don't have TV, they just watch shit on their phones
Whats wrong with his kids head I thought he had a heart defect
With a pen and a signature.
That's an awkward way to hold a child. We should investigate and meme further.
God damn, commies
and neither do you sweetie. kthnxbai
Fallon has 2 kids though. even though is old writing partner is RWAF.
If the government didn't spend money like fucking retards we wouldn't want tax cuts as badly. Has nothing to do with deny children health care. Stupid fucking lefty
Kimmel is a sell out
No wonder he and Carolla split up.
>the spic is more based than the white man
Jimmy Fallon has 2 children.
Jimmy Kimmel has 4 children, but only 1 is sick.
Could be obscuring info, but why specifically mention child. Why not just mention family?
No it's not, no one grabs the crotch like that, hey usually let the kid rest on their butt.
i miss the man show. many a nights during high school i'd jerk off to girls jumping on trampolines
babies have diapers and piss and shit themselves often
your insult sucks because it's just reusing my insult
You're obviously the worthless trash because you and your parents were tricked by a republican into thinking you shouldnt be ashamed of your life because youre not a minority
Point being is that he can cover his child with his wealth and that the purpose of those tax cuts will require corporate entities to hire more people. Corporate entities like his value their wealth over their faux altruism, so it's no surprise that they aren't willing to take that responsibility themselves.
He probably thought that on the Man Show
Man i gotta tell you I'm not an evil person but i wish the fucking calamity on top of this fucking numale's head and give him something real to cry about. Fuck his kid too.
>That's a pretty normal way of holding a baby my dude.
Grandfather of four here. Not in my household it wasn't. Fucking gross pig.
If you want to figure out who this is, analyze how he writes. He doesn't use apostrophes, but otherwise uses correct grammar, which is a relatively rare trait that should narrow the number of potential candidates down quite a bit.
I doubt it's Jimmy Kimmel, though.
With jews you lose.
>We all read it
did you read the part of tax bill that said "OYEAH WE CAN DRILL IN ALASKA FOR OIL fuckers"
Jimmy Kimmel has done it. GEOTUS spared him thus far, but he just cursed himself this time. KEK will take something from him he holds dear.
It was written.
Is it not even slightly morally repugnant this man is whoring out his own sick son on national television on what is supposed to be a talk show?
Did Letterman or even Ferguson or Leno pull anythig like this?
Why don't people complain about Jimmy being a misogynist? I remember watching the Man Show on G4 TV. G4 was the hay day of uncucked programming until political correctness stepped in and Olivia Munn turned into an SJW (I mean I'm sure that she was already, but she didn't express it much). I miss G4TV
These days he's apparently a Trump hating, bearded Mother Teresa.
youre reaching real deep to insult a "liberal".
Can't you argue using arguments instead of memes?
I'm half a retard; yet I know the logic behind cutting taxes for big business. If it goes according to plan, American companies that fled overseas to countries with less regulations; should be returning to the US at some point.
Ok, that might be an overstatement, but he occasionally doesn't use apostrophes.