This counts as a world event right? What do you guys think of it?
Net Neutrality
i love it
people should get the fuck off the internet anyway. Its degenerate.
Leave my internet alone.
The Removal of Net Neutrality will help leave your internet alone.
repeal it
Who cares. Just a bunch of rules for dumb neets. ISPs do all the physical work keeping the internet alive. They SHOULD have more say in how it operates.
Fuck google
No. It's an American event.
We have nothing to do with it.
Feels good.
Get fucked you redneck piece of shit.
what if Sup Forums starts it own international ISP?
we crowd fund and then pay Sup Forums to do it
The disinfo campaign for this shit is unbelievable. The fact that anybody actually supports ending net neutrality shows that it has worked.
>The Removal of Net Neutrality will help leave your internet alone.
How so?
>the problem is these companies that own everything so lets repeal it anyway and give them even more power to control the internet
>implying something like that wouldn't be shut down, branded as bigotry and its creators thrown in prison or character assassinated before it even had a chance to take off
dont care we have our own shitskin problems to deal with
Idk why this generation isn t doing crowdinvestment
pool in a shit load of money (it can be done, people pay the living of 1000s of youtubers monthly)
>get the shitload of money
>vote in an economic activity
>designate expert from within the community of investors
>vote a board of directors
>collect yearly profits from the company
we could be Sup, but you guys dont have vision
or maybe i am too much of a jew
>the companies that own,operate, and maintenance the internet doesn't deserve say in how it works
lmao google cuck
>German flag
>mutual funds
From a political standpoint, it would be a home run if Trump saves Net Neutrality. From a pragmatic point of view, it's hard to see how much damage can be done with just leaving it as it is right now. There should be other ways to encourage competition.
more of an american thing
They don't deserve to say how it works because they don't own it they just give you access to it. Does an electric company tell you what kind of appliances you plug into the wall? Does a water provider tell you can only use a certain kind of cup?
No but they can tell you you're using too much power and need to pay more.
That's all they want to do. That's exactly what they said, google and amazon need to pay their fair share.
Anything else is literally conspiracy theory tier arguments.
>Not wanting to pay for website packages
based pai
Like it matters where the public stands on the issue. They've been trying to shut down the internet for a while now. SOPA, PIPA, TPP, etc. Too many people are discovering the truth through the internet.
Kills internet
People have to go outside again.
>implement ‘net neutrality’ and let big government regulate the internet
>repeal net neutrality and let the free market increase competition and innovation in the industry
Should be pretty obvious to anyone actually paying attention and not letting entertainers/memes tell them how to think
You realize that quite a bit of websites are american run and therefor under US jurisdiction, and will be affected by these changes?
>using "take off your tinfoil hat" as an argument
Opinion discarded.
>kills the internet
>people have to go outside
>every remembers that they hate everybody else and a bloodbath ensues
>normies kill each other from not having facebook and whorestagram
>let the free market block Sup Forums
fixed that for you.
yeah, but what if it is just that reddit is taking the issue too seriously?
>srry but you can't go on any forums people might say stuff we don't like is that ok? too bad we control the internet
ancaps started as a meme and really should stay as a meme
Net Neutrality doesn't protect free speech and it's pretty unusual that pro-censorship anti-consumer corporate entities like Comcast, Godaddy, and Google are backing it.
I want that fuck Pai to resign or some bad shit happens to him. He needs to go.
I think you spelt
>re-implement existing law on net neutrality from 2005 before ISPs sued the FCC for classifying them as utilities (because there is no competition in this industry) and not information companies (like websites, which they aren't) and continue to lobby against.
>get fucked over by your ISP and pay more for less because you have no alternatives.
honestly, if the ISPs weren't trying to fuck us over why would they need to lobby? Wo actually stands to benefit from repealing NN?
You paid them billions of taxpayer money to build infrastructure. They did not. Now you applaude them as they balkanize the internet to make more moeny of you.
This is the future you wanted burgers. It was a fun ride. Enjoy your limited cable tv internet.
Ill se the rest of you on the euronet sometime.
this has nothing to do with charging for data. its charging for different types of data use differently even though the cost of providing said data is the same.
You midget-brains think just because it's called "Net-neutrality" that somehow means it keep the internet free. This is Orwellian language
>Wo actually stands to benefit from repealing NN?
The Jews.
Jews are more powerful than any government so this repeal is going to fail. Hell the majority of people in the US government are Jews.
Not an ancap I believe in roads. I do however have to ask, do you really buy the whole ‘ISPs will immediately start charging for access to new sites’ meme? You know Comcast is lobbying FOR net neutrality, right?’ Think about why they would do that if they could earn so much more charging for individual site access
ISPs already charge you for different bandwidth speeds, and all the costs associated with a non-neutral net in on the consumer. If you think that's what this is about then shut the fuck up and listen to someone who actually knows what they are talking about
Multiple ISPs already have patents for the technology that violates NN on their network. Countries like portugal don't have NN already have to deal with this bullshit.
a more complete list than i can remember:
>You know Comcast is lobbying FOR net neutrality, right?
If what your saying is true, why would they do that? Seriously, tell me, why would they do that? And why wouldn't they start charging for sites? There is nothing stopping them (Other than morality, but businesses never cared about that anyway) so why wouldn't they?
the most likely reason that comcast would support nn is because of the support they probably get from the government
but that's a complete hypothetical that i cant provide anything to back it up with
reminder that we're having a vote, net neutrality is not officially ending
also since when has something been bad because reddit likes it, sure they have a lot of cancer but that doesn't mean you should completely discard the argument
net neutrality is partially covered by some laws above it, apparently, but that's not the point
it's about the idea of whether you want to support the thing that is "net neutrality", which is the whole reason any of you can use this fucking website without having to pay more than going to Jewgle.
I can't wait for this shit to be repealed.
Those fucking Reddit tards have been shitting up multiple Sup Forums boards for a month and everywhere I go online I see banners and other annoying shit about it. The salt will be especially delicious.
Every time, they say the same shit, too
>it'll stifle innovation
>free speech is in danger
>muh fast lanes
>muh comcast
All of these talking points are made up. The only thing that will happen when these regulations are gone is that the cost of Internet access might actually go DOWN. Maybe YouTube and Twitter will get some actual competition that doesnt make money off censoring the Right.
Maybe I wont have to pay $70/month for 150mbps internet access. If anything gets throttled, it'll be on the end of the content providers like Netflix. They'll probably blame the ISPs while doing it, too.
some pajeet isnt going to end one of the biggest contributions to modern society in the US that easily. it's likely going to get shot down in court since Ajit has no solid justification for ending it.
>also since when has something been bad because reddit likes it
Obama's "Net Neutrality" regulations arent bad because Reddit likes it. Reddit just seems to be attracted to garbage for some reason.
>world event
No nigger, just you burgers.
>Ajit has no solid justification for ending it.
He keeps saying "if only you could read this" so maybe he does.
get fucked boot lickers
>I can't wait for this shit to be repealed.
Jews are backing NN so it highly won't get repealed.
Fuck "Obama Neutrality". Bring back the real neutrality from before 2015, the neutrality that always was there.
Your image is true your understanding is flawed. By removing net neutrality they will only gain power because cable companies are legally allowed to own monopolies. you have to change that first.
good. what are we, switzerland? sweden? 'murica AINT NEUTRAL. repeal it.
only communist cocksuckers want NN
nice reversed gif, you CIA faggot.
I’m going to DC on the 30th.
That’s where the FCC HQ is.
I could light a fire in a restroom and burn the place down.
Nice try shill. We have Net Neutrality specially forced by EU. The mobile phone company probably found a loophole , EXCLUSIVE TO ADDITIONAL MOBILE DATA packages after a plafond of Free 10 GB. (((ANACOM - National Communications Authority))) the meme supervising organism is checking if it complies with net neutrality or not.
You can see it is only related to mobile phone extra data packages
Don't know much about the CIA's top secret mind control shit, do ya?
I guess you haven't been read in to the program yet....
Realistically, will anything major change in two days, or is this just overblown sensationalism from people panicking about basically nothing?
Sure you would....and hey, livestream it while you're at it!
thats will be the greatest thing ever.
No more Amerimutts on Sup Forums
must be like heaven
Sup Forums is based in the US, it’ll shut down.
>overblown sensationalism from people panicking about basically nothing?
Pretty much this. The fearmongering is based on a ridiculous straw-man argument/image ("ISPs are going to tier their internet service into packages like cable!!!111") that they've been claiming will happen for over 10 years now.
It's hilarious how people kept spamming this image of proof of portugal's "lack of NN" when wireless carriers in the US do the SAME THING.
Most US wireless carriers have zero rating plans too where video or music streaming from certain websites/services don't count against your data cap.
It's fun to fantasize. But you to eventually come back to reality.
they DID have zero rating until the 2015 reclassification un-exempted mobile carriers from the net neutrality principles (which were first laid down in a 2005 policy statement), which is one of the (many) reasons that the 2015 order was put into effect in the first place.
>world event
>only USA involved
Uh huh yeah sure, we also totally feel sadness when remembering 9/11 yep.
Rio Olympics
what are you talking about
this is entirely american business
t. JewYorker
what the fuck is a Comcast? that's that weird shit my uncle in new jersey has, right?
we've always been TWC (until now, it became Charter)
At least research where the monopolies are in control if you're gonna draw a map
>We have Net Neutrality specially forced by EU.
>half a gig of data for non corporate run sites
neck yourself fagget
can you even breath with the corporate cock that far down your throat?
You are rather dense, aren't you?
Well then, this was fun.
Cable companies have filed in support of net neutrality
>because economics
Why do cable companies support such high cost cartels? Because it prevents competition from the bottom up.
>only the current cartels can afford market pricing
And American infastructure is vastly inferior to what is is Asia. The Asians don't have net neutrality and yet have fiber, multiple providers and see performance gains annually
Tough shit getting that in the present cartel market
>no, cartel pricing does not motivate lower pricing
Cable packages in Canuckistan are just dog shit
Complete NN history here. Pai lies and anti-NN arguments are total bs.
Romania has faster internet than the US. Thanks Net Neutrality.