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misogynist, nigger, scarborough killed a bitch, is that misogyny?
>How can you support
he guilty as hell
literally fake news
Both need to be killed.
I love my president so much
Scarborough already murdered a young woman in his office
Grab this pussy you dumb bimbo
Because womens only purpose is for sex
>Criticising a woman is wrong
Yaaaawwn. Welp. That's another three reddit le SJW haters now in support of Trump
Because they have made it very easy to know what is good or evil. Anything the left likes is evil, and thing the right likes is good.
Looks like Mika’s face has been bleeding everywhere again.
Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Joe looks like a god damn psychopath?
inb4 dick sucking vid come out of Gillibrand taking a fat load like J.Law.
Fuck this Guy (Comrade Joe) Arrest him for treason.
And that evil bitch you don't care about the country. Sexually Harassed, you're mad Mika is the worst thing I have seen and heard during the presidency. That other bitch needs the D , shes just angry she has not had some in years with that shit attitude of hers.
deport Trevor Noah. Cut all tax breaks for MSNBC and Microsoft.
Mika and Joe are nothing but mindless adulterers.
[spoiler]I'd fuck Mika[/spoiler]
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA the liberal tears are delicious.
Mika is still butthurt over the Crazy Mika bleeding badly from facelift line.
I think Mika is sexually attracted to Trump.
And that sexual tension erupts into fits of anger because she is stuck with the faggot, cuck, murderer Joe.
>literally shaking
Lol walking memes
Are you going to Scarborough fair?
Nice pink shirt (wtf is that thing?)
lol of course their minds would go straight to the idea that he obviously implied sexual favors
I would not have been able to contain my laughter hearing that tweet read.
LOL look at her smile right after Mika reads the tweet
Haha this is the greatest thing I have ever seen. Trump really is the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you, Trump.
>Joe getting emasculated by his ugly hag nonstop
Top kek what a little bitch
They probably fucked while she was still married and Trump was single.
I never listen to these morons but OP baited me.
Mika started to laugh before Joe read Crooked then covered it with a cough.
I love how Joe sits there quietly like a pretentious fruit while the women flap their cock suckers.
does this angry short haired woman have children?
hence psycho joe
what a semen demon i bet she can't even imagine her dicking around a coffee shop on the set of a shitty MSLSD show would result in some fat freak 3,000 miles away jacking off onto printouts of her face
Not just looks like a psycho.
He murdered his intern Lori Klausutis.
i want i want
wow, that was quick
she is pretty cute, especially compared to that room
>m-muh press neutrality
They don't even hide it anymore.
Shut down the press and create Citizen Press run by actual citizens not highly paid corporate mouth pieces. They really are the lizardpeople from V.
Gotta love how they ignore that Donald Trump's skyscraper was the first built by a woman in NYC or that his Miss Universe pageant paid for women's education. All they can throw out are claims with no evidence around them whilst all their friends in the establishment are being outed as paedophiles and sex attackers.
Yes, she has two daughters aged 19 and 21, but she divorced her husband last year so she could stop pretending she wasn't getting cummies from Joe Scarborough.
>literally shaking
>white males
>hysterical harpies yapping away their stream of consciousness blather
>outrage over Tweets... again
I can't believe anyone watches this.
im not fat, but the rest of your statement is true.
>I can't believe anyone watches this.
And they believe this is their actual opinion and reaction not something they paid to say as political campaigners.
Tldr please
ugh, couldn't watch more than a minute
Oh my God it's like a stream of platitudes coming out of their mouths like diarrhea out of an anus.
They act like he called her a hooker, I read "anything" in parenthesis as him simply emphasizing that she was crooked, not that she sucks dicks.
>you're just scared of a strong woman hurr durr virgin baby tiny penis man small hands RESPECT WOMEN AND DONT CRITICIZE THEM DRUMPF REEEEEEEEEEEE
This leftist sexual hysteria is nothing else than projection. These people have been covering up, aiding and abetting perverts, victim blaming for fucking years. Watching their collective guilt rise up is fucking hilarious to watch.
>They act like he called her a hooker, I read "anything" in parenthesis as him simply emphasizing that she was crooked, not that she sucks dicks.
That's because they are projecting guilt over their own sexual misconduct. It's fucking hilarious imo
The 'slut-shaming' comment by Pocahontas was hilarious. That went further than Trump in the innuendo. And furthermore it suggested that it's OK to "do anything for donations" hint hint.
>audience cheering and applause the preaching to the choir
why is every politician an attorney
It's projection
The left actually does the sex for play in politics, so they think everybody else is secretly doing it
After this and what Elisabeth warren said, I'm starting to believe that women actually does use sex for political favors
Gillibrand invited Mattress Girl to the State of the Union. A psychotic whore who falsely accused a man and made an entire show of it even after he was exonerated with ample evidence.
Get fucked Gillibrand you cunt
agreed. very unprofessional.
>I'm starting to believe that women actually does use sex for political favors
>starting to believe
Oh user...
Because it is PROJECTION, user. They are projecting their own guilt over sexual misconduct onto others.
As some poster posted above he has said the same thinga bout tons of people in the exact same phraseology over years and years of time. Fuck he said it about Cruz, but no one gives a fuck becaue 1. They know its at least a little true, 2. SENATOR Cruz is a SENATOR so he has inherent power.... but gillibrand must be defended bcause she is wo-man. I mean for fucks sake if you want to be vulnerable and weak as a SENATOR thats on you not anyone else...
>My inner thighs are LITERALLY SHAKING.
Where's the obligatory 56% forced meme?
That woman obviously isn't white
Now this is something I can believe
This. Warren basically intimated that Gillebrand is a huge slut. Hilarious.
This is the first MSNBC video I've watched since around the time of the election and holy fuck this show is like a cult. They don't even care that they spend most of the time on their "news program" just insulting the president over social media comments rather than discussing what they would do differently. Serious question, are any shows not a tabloid like this?
why do the audiences keep getting older with these shows? Look at all the geriatric boomers behind them.
Guess young folks are not drooling sheeple like them?
Bunch of salty fucktards all around tho.
because they know how to operate around the law.
how can you support someone who killed his intern?
murdered his intern that he was fucking, got away with it because hes a cianigger