This man died of AIDS

And used to fuck Tim Cook.

he wasn't gay, he had a daughter

Bisexuals can get AIDS and have children. Hell, even gay men can father children if the woman is in the doggie position and the faggot has a good imagination.

Sup Forums everyone
I bet this won't even get banned either the state of this board

This. And everybody knows he lived in a commune enjoying "free sex" while using LSD. Do the math.

Holy fuck.

Lurk wikileaks fag, they released that Jobs died of AIDS


> gay men can have children
> there is no such thing as gender

kek, seems reasonable, he looked more aidsy than cancery

Apple is literally gay

Go to sleep anons.
You Do NOT want to take the AIDS pill.

One organization causes cures and controls AIDS.

> sauce?
> sauce?
> sauce?
> sauce?

Massive election in alabama and this is all you cucks shitpost

This man was a jew
That's why apple crap is so expensive

>Due to the contradictory dates, possible evidence of forgery, strong motivations for fabrication, and few motivations for a legitimate revelation, the images should not be taken at face value.
On wikileaks own page about it.Jobs was a fool but he wasn't HIV+

>have all the money in the world
>get cancer
>oh shit, wat do?
>oh i know
>drink some homeopathic apple juice
Fuck this guy, seriously.

I don't believe anything....I just wanted to call you out for being a little bitch by asking for sauce when it's been on the internet for 8 freaking years.

What's the AIDS pill, user?

But rich fags don't die of AIDS. Perhaps AIDS + Cancer?


Always knew he had dick sucking disease.

Sup Forums here.
His ancestry was Syrian.
He was also a massive faggot.

but he was a rich guy that believed in alternative medicine

What is it with you new people who don't understand that gay people sometimes get married and have children.

Image's context?

Pretty stupid for the self appointed smartest guy in the world.

>ancestry was Syrian
Like if Syrian people were not semitic
Syrian people are semitic people just like the jews

'Schlomo Jobs' an adopted syrian jew who knew how to make a lot of money