Programming is soyboy employment and it's a good thing we're offshoring it to lesser people. Get a job worthy of your people if you're White and this offends you.
Programming is soyboy employment and it's a good thing we're offshoring it to lesser people...
What's your stance on being EMT?
Shut up ur just low iq
What should I fucking do then?
Actually I was thinking of going into pharmacy, but I'm shit at math.
Honorable and actually useful to society
OP is right though, I bet your lack of physical labor as a useless keyboard jockey has left you frail and unable to secure what's yours without the state's monopoly on violence.
Every office iv worked In, the IT guys are either awkward white guys, or hypersocial Asian men who become Office SJW's.
They are lazy and slack and would rather browse Reddit then actually fix peoples computers etc.
Offshore the jobs to Pajeet. Sounds great and Indians are actually social in the work place.
EMTs are heros, you're on the right path.
I'm a programmer. I have a 6ft tall white teenage boy, my wife is based as fuck, constantly horny and super hot at only 32. Oh btw I make 6 figures in a no income tax state. Get rekt faggots
Men who participate in sedentary labor are weak willed. I bet you'll be too pussy to force your son to dump his gook fiance in a decade or two.
Dale Stop posting screen shots of Sup Forums in our work chat
>at only 32
> only 32
Yeah, super horny cause of menopause, fucking old bitch.
>Programming is soyboy employment
With that logic, soyboys made this website.
With that logic, soyboys made the internet.
>With that logic, soyboys made this website.
>With that logic, soyboys made the internet.
Yeah really makes you think
Now soyboys destroy it.
Yeah so?
We beat them up and took it from them, just like their lunch money.
We got rid of that cuck moot too.
I'm a programmer yet i do manual labor in my free time, you're just a brainlet
Is working in medical devices Soyboy?
While in college I did landscaping and was even a deckhand for a few summers.
Is being a teacher or professor soy boy tier? I want to become one to out kike the kikes.
To be fair, m00t got mkultra'd hard. He's working for the botnet now and sold us to a datamining nip (that turned out to be sort of a bro).
Depends on your personality.
We need men of action, philosopher-warriors. Basically if you go to the gym, can take a punch and aren't a total pussy and you're working on indoctrinating a whole new generation then I would say now. Being a parochial role model is good, being a cuckboy that just bends over to the harpy's in HR is not. I don't know how long you'll last before you get fired though. Even some of the theology teachers I had in catholic school were shitlibs.
Im a self employed programmer. Wage cucks = soyboys
Tibco BW consultant.... Because programming is for farmers
>if you're WHITE
>posted pic is clearly a Jew
Ya dun goofed.
Bite your tongue. Moot was a chad alpha male... reeeeeee!!!
Underpaid as shit.
I know teaching is a traditionally female job, but I think it is important for men, specifically conservative ones to teach. The US school system in many places is very anti-white and anti-male. All of my favorite teachers were white men to. I am a manlet but wrestled all my life and can take a punch.
So you're pro white manual labour?
That's asinine. Technology and stem is a top tier career path.
Sorry OP, I can’t hear you over my six figure salary.
>Go to uni
>Buy into CS meme
>Go into intro class, half the class are chinks
>Any women in sight are wearing cat-ear headphones or zelda merch
>At least 20% playing hearthstone instead of watching the lecture
>Hear no small talk not related to video games
Dropped that shit and switched out within a semester. CS doesn't exist for any functioning members of society.
I miss the days when computers and programming was a nerd thing, most of them hated politics, and just wanted to do nerd stuff. Why in the world did the cucks have to come to IT.
But I work software in a defense company (intelligence)
Not only cucked... Women made it the way it is now
>Programming is soyboy employment
You won't believe how much I'm getting paid
>he can't program
It's okay, OP. We were all brainlets at one point.
Good on you user. Best of luck. What do you want to teach?
Programming is logic and logic is for men
Either Latin or history. I feel like they cant fuck too much with the Latin curriculum plus the history of Rome contains so many redpills. History I would be more reluctant because ((they)) have been fucking with the curriculum.
Being educated is a very soyboy thing. Hell, civilization itself is very soy. Why use a fire to keep warm like a soyboy when you could bathe in the blood of that grizzly bear you killed with your bear hands?
>fucking old bitch
Too easy, and underpaid because of it.
Not even allowed to recommend aspirin to patients or start an IV.
Basically all an EMT does is stop bleeding, give oxygen, and get people to hospitals where the real work happens.
Paramedic is a step in the right direction.
But Nursing and Physician assistants are where its at. A couple of years of training and you get a real prestigious job, and not all nursing is the same, there are different bad-ass specializations, and you get to be in class with hot girls all day.
> be OP
> be concerned with "real masculenity"
> be concerned with "real white man jobs"
> spend time on an online message board for sharing anime porn
Goodluck with PA school though. The kids that normally were smart enough to get into med school are now wising up that wasting 8 years to be a divorced general practitioner who hates his job is not worth it. They're all going to PA school now and it's super competitive. Even the shit schools are getting good applicants. Factor in the diversity lottery and if you're a white dude with somewhat decent grades you're fucked.
I'm done with it, just paying off my loans from college and quitting the whole field. Fuck it, at 40 I'm ending it all anyways with the Smith and West Retirement plan. Any advice on where a guy like me should go for a real job? Which states maybe? Fl or back to SC selling shit at the flea market? I was thinking about carpet cleaning professionally.
Can confirm
I’m a former software engineer. Now I’m a Linux sysadmin. The programmers are major soy boys, and your typical feminist. Couldn’t take it anymore
Most men in IT are pretty wierd even as a sysadmin. I get mad respect because the people I work with known im not some fucked up manga reading, mmo playing faggot.
I hang out with the facilities / electrical / maintenance guys, and the guys in the machine shops where I work more than the other IT guys.
Would not reccomend selling at FL flea markets.Florida in general is a great place if you want to turn into an alcoholic.
>t. lived in florida for 8 years
Math is for kikes
Science is for niggers
Programming is for cucks
Real white men become plumbers and marines.
Only thing u beat, is yourself off, to trap porn. Faggot
OP is a soyboy
What's it to you ?
What about being a physical therapist?
Shut the fuck up. I've done long landscaping hours in Florida for years but have a passion for CS and programming as well. There are no doubt soyboys that get into it because they can't do anything else but a lot of the time they aren't even good at programming
if America is made great again, America will make the world great again.
Can you rephrase the question?
This is complete crap. Good programming takes not only above average IQ but strong discipline, logic, and persistence. I have met only a couple of Indians who were actually good programmers. Most SJWs are not good programmers. Most women are not good programmers. Only white people and some asians are actually good programmers.
That said, yes many people who become programmers are socially inept. That changes with age. Their EQ rises over time.
Here are some bonuses: air conditioned in the summer, heated in the winter, the air is clean, and you don't have to deal with insects, spiders, snakes, dirty oil, grease, or toxic chemicals.
i work in the business side of tech and confirm that this is mostly true except for the fact that most programmers are right-wing from what i can tell. Donald Trump always gets splattered all over our testing servers.
biggest secret in north american economy: Being a teacher is the best fucking job.
I was a TA and these people make 80k for only 200 days of work a year, benefits are unreal, the breaks from work give you so much freedom to pursue other things. I would srsly encourage you to pursue this if you are interested
Really?? Not here
We get pharmacology and ALS/PALS
From IV access to tracheal intubation, we have authorization to lots of procedures. And we're allowed to give medication, not only for trauma and reanimation.
I'm even on the rescue unit, ever saw those "Jaws of Life"? I work with those guys.
I have so much fucking fun tbqh
Yeah but I tried to work in a hospital and was so fucking depressing.
It's like an office work, and I hate that.
If making 160k working from anywhere in the world fucking the wives of all the "real men" grunts who could never afford a Tesla makes me a soyboy then I don't see how the term is demeaning in any capacity.
What the fuck is it to you?
Why do u care?
Hilldawg territory.jpg