What is the prison sentence for impeachment?
As in, how many years in prison is he going to serve for being impeached?
Do you think he'll get the the max amount of time allowed by law for impeachment?
What is the prison sentence for impeachment?
As in, how many years in prison is he going to serve for being impeached?
Do you think he'll get the the max amount of time allowed by law for impeachment?
Other urls found in this thread:
There is no prison sentence for impeachment. Now kill yourself.
You guys must be masochists and insane because you've been BTFO for months and still haven't changed the way you think or perceive relaity.
Are we talking felony impeachment or misdemeanor impeachment?
First degree impeachment
>Thinks impeachment requires prison time.
Well shit, get Bill Clinton back in the can boys. Chop chop.
He's going to resign. Fascists don't often meet good ends when they decide to stay.
Huh? That doesn't make any sense.
Literally every news organization in America is suggesting that his impeachment is eminent and that will mean jail time for him.
Is locking him up the whole point of impeachment? If impeachment doesn't have a prison sentence associated with it, why is every member of the press making it into such a big deal?
I don't get it.
How much time did Bill Clinton serve?
For what?
You're a dip fuck. Impeachment is the majority vote to remove the status of President from someone. NOTHING ELSE!
He doesn't go to jail, your Hilltawt isn't going to be President. It just means we zap the fuck out of every faggot in this great nation.
for his impeachment
why don't you go and find something better to do, like get laid you fucking virgin
At least you changed the filename before posting. I guess shareblue learned from their mistakes.
Bill Clinton was never impeached. Why would he be? He never broke the law.
I know he was never impeached because he finished both terms.
>Bill Clinton was never impeached
wanna bet?
Your education and memory of history...
He actually was impeached. But at the end. It still stands. Trump, however will not be impeached
I'm outta here faggot.
>a president can be impeached and still remain president
Are you retarded? Pick up a newspaper some time and learn about the world.
>Are you retarded?
apparently you are
>as though anything the MSM sez means fuck all...
shut up hoe
Retards actually think impeachment means removing someone from office...
Did you not finish your high school gov class or something?
>Bill Clinton was never impeached
you fucking DUMBASS
Postin in a tarded thread!
Troll or product of fucked up American education system? The Constitution limits penalties imposed for conviction of impeachment charges to removal from office. Other separate criminal penalties may ensue.
Not an argument, also, mass replies should be a bannable offense.
Based on OP seeming legitimately confused about why Trump wouldn't face jail time for impeachment, and assuming that Clinton finishing his second term means he was never impeached, I have to assume the latter.
He was most certainly impeached, as was Johnson.
Personally I see no reason to impeach Trump and this comes from a democrat. His ties to Russia are very loose and have more to do with his aides than himself. The only reason to impeach him at this time is obstruction of justice in his handling the FBI investigation of his aides but because he's been so brazen about it and the Republican party hasn't cared a bit I don't see that happening ever. I'm afraid at this point he'll serve out his term which works very well for my party as we're using his incompetence to boost our voter turnout. We'd just end up with Pence anyway and how is that any better?
So leave him in. See you in the midterm elections.
>mass replies should be a bannable offense.
They never will.
pretty good trolling OP
would scroll again
Fucking delusional morons think Trump will be removed from office for committing a crime, when it's far more likely to happen due to senility. You actually buy all that Russia bullshit?
just like any other boss he the right to shit canned that faggot comey and he should do the same to bitch boy bobby m so piss off you fucking lefties.
Op here.
I just googled it. It turns out that impeachment isn't a criminal charge. I'm so confused.
The press had me believe that impeachment would mean Trump would be locked up. I feel like I have been lied to.
I thought we were finally going to get rid of him. I can't imagine another 3 years of Trump. It's so fucking depressing.
>another 3 years of Trump.
you spelled 7 wrong
None. He has too much money.
You spelled FOREVER wrong.
7 more years you fucking faggot
Fucking Bongs.
God bless
How old are you? Lol
What are you, stupid?
You have 7 more years of President Trump,
Pence will likely pardon Trump after he's impeached
I'm 43
How's your first redpill taste, OP? From now on don't believe the Media's lies.
Bill Clinton is already serving a life sentence being married to Hillary. Leave the man alone
this is rich!
let me guess, you have a college degree and buy into the super high IQ leftist and uneducated conservative memes.
lmao. and liberals wonder why we conservatives just point and laugh at you.
The penalty for impeachment is reelection.
> I'm so confused.
> The press had me believe...
> I feel like I have been lied to
> I feel like I have been lied to
> I feel like I have been lied to
You fuckin' THINK!?!?
Go search for all the other shit they lied about. Maybe it will help snap you out of the liberal delusion. Redpill in progress?
>What is the prison sentence for impeachment?
>american education
>What is the prison sentence for impeachment?
That's not how it works. But in any case, he's setting up his "incompetence defence" for other stuff (vid related).
lol this has gotta be bait, how retarded are you OP?
At first I was wondering, troll or retard? But then I saw you repeated impeachment / impeached to make sure that everyone would see you associate impeachment with incarceration, and I realized you're just a troll.
The Trumpenreich shall reign for a thousand years. Embrace it.
Why do you leftists want war so badly?
If Mattis calls the banners we will kill you all
Go back to school retard