**breathes in**
Other urls found in this thread:
This timeline is stranger than fiction
>the swamp is being drained before our very eyes
>nigger sexually assaults a woman
imagine my shock
Bullshit. He's gay and trying to deflect.
It's ok, he's black and the white cis male systemic racism forced him to do this. The same with rappers and NFL players, it's ok if they rape and beat women because the white man kept them down in the ghetto.
I like how you said this sarcastically.
link or kill yourself
this to be honest desu
Piggly if wiggly!
>no link
Kill yourself
Booker should play the race card as in " I couldn't help it , I'm black , it's in my nature
lies. he's a fag
A WOMAN? No fucking way.
fake and gay
>Booker wrote a column for the Stanford Daily as a masters student at Standford University.
>reportedly shows Booker admitting publicly, in 1992, that he sexually assaulted a woman
>shows that Booker grabbed a woman without her consent. To make the situation worse, the woman was so intoxicated from alcohol that she didn’t know what was going on.
20 years ago, maybe, but this is 2017. Sucking dick and getting it in the ass is less degrading in the eyes of the public than touching a collegues tit 5 years ago.
If I had to guess, he's getting his dirt out during a mudslide so he's in a better position for 2020.
>blatantly fake, literally no news outlets reporting this
>well over 60% of Sup Forums will believe it's true and for months dismiss any claim to the contrary as "fake news" or "disinfo"
what a time to be alive
Wait, who hasn't done this?
Was it a white woman?
he wrote it himself
fucking headlines
He should be excused because no one taught him not to rape
Right after Trump's win, CNN and MSNBC we're already speculating Booker as the DNC front runner for POTUS candidate
Trump Timeline. The gift that keeps on giving.
oh look it's fucking nothing
A news item by that intrepid reporter,
>oh look it's fucking nothing
You wish, soy goblin.
he dindu nuffins
Byline reads "Thomas."
Got a real source?
>Got a real source?
Stanford Daily Paper 1992
Is this my apertif for the coming Moore win?
Is that comfy ass pic the cockpit of a crane?
He's a nigger though. It takes at least 5 allegations to get rid of a jew, arab or nigger
Someone should shop a can of spray paint in his hand and silver paint across his mouth, Mad Max style.