Why does Sup Forums

Hate women?

>the future is female
>work place harassment is a real thing, Jacob. I don't care who your father is
>wage gap
>uterus burden
>not being as strong

Srsly Sup Forums the world is messed up. Why cant we all b like this little.girl statue and TAKE A STAND

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>Over-confident child about to be rekt
Sounds like every feminist I've ever met.

>Why cant we all b like this little.girl statue and TAKE A STAND

all I see is a stupid girl who's about to get impaled to death

Love trumps.hate

Um excuse me?

A good get by a leaf, what a rare sight

You are a pathetic cuck. All women deserve to be diapered slaves.

I know wtf. Dumbass girl.

looks to me like a sacrifice to moloch

U heard of pterodactyl porn?

No, I'm not a cuck. You would know all about it.

Can't believe Shadman hasn't been posted yet.

>when you realize that the bull represents economic progress
AH! everything makes sense now

gonna need more than some whiny cunts to stop the BULL

Bot detected



>the future is female

someone post the female x-games motocross video



>THIS needs explanations~ m#



Someone post the picture

Where is his silver lower leg?

the future is ai; humans are a previous step in intergalactic evolution
someday ai will control everything and everything will be much better. humans are hopelessly inefficient at accomplishing complex tasks


you leftists are so blind to what's happening and the world to come. these notions of the global village and all that bullshit is over.

We haven't had a vigil at Fearless Cunt in awhile. Maybe me need to call up some NY user Bros and get them on the webcam again. Thanks for bringing up a truly great moment in Sup Forums history!

U r welcome

Oh....she's still there. Now all we need is some NYC Anons to show up.

The reference on the wall is a inscription, of CLOCKWORK ANIMATION.


we don't hate females,
we hate bitches

See weaker womyn get abused, try to help and protect them from harm like any other gentleman and knight with big heart.
Being branded sexist, racist and got witch hunt'd
I dont want to have anything to do with modern western womyn

Little girls are O.K. because they are not corrupted yet,
I think we have to form some short of organisation to protect them so that they can grow up to be decent again and also destroy womyn generation, 2 birds 1 stone

i explain it for you...

People hate what they fear.

Where's your glorious feminism now user?




Women's independance from needing to suck my cock comes from white knights at the tax office beating money out of me to give to them.

At least I can be assured that this system is unsustainable and women's rights will be revoked one way or another. It's like saying a ball thrown up will be slowed and drawn back by gravity.

delusions of grandeur, much good that's gonna do.