Really makes ya think
Really makes ya think
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(S)He wants the DDDDDDDD
Maybe I'm a little gay for admitting I'd fuck a passable trap senseless, but every single one I've met is bat shit insane. I've only known a few personally, but all 3 of them "attempted" suicide and self harmed. Their heads are a "cock"tail of hormones and crazy thoughts. Never stick your dick in crazy.
Is it common for trannies to fantasize about hooking up with their bullies?
>hot trap
>above 30s
Who doesn't enjoy a good hate fuck? Best sex I had was with one of my ex's after we had broken up.
i might fuck a trap with a pussy. At least i don't know that he's a trap.
He's drunk enough to fuck a tranny? Weird message
How did its chin get pointer - this cartoon is suggesting hormones change the way bones are shaped.....
>They think male to female trans look good in the end.
Whatever helps them sleep at night.
a leaf.
posting gay shit.
Nigga. You gay.
Have you ever thought that perhaps maybe a human being who doesn’t follow their biological intuition probably has a mental disorder?
Does anyone have the edits?
Fuck I knew of I should have saved them.
>not posting the original
There’s a edit, and someone should post it.
The fantasy is that mr bully comes around and can't help but be attracted.
Pure tranny delusion.
Step 4 is rather suspicious
Yeah I know that. I was just trying to say there's always a bunch more that accompany it. Then you add hormones on top of it and, holy shit, they're suddenly 10 times crazier than a bipolar pregnant woman.
If Dante saw this there would be another ring in hell for faggots who make these
Why is he so angry in the last panel doesn't he want to be recognize as a (girl)?
That picture will never cease to disgust me.
I think it sounds kind of hot to be honest, but you know only as long as you believe trannies eventually can become women or close enough to women rather than the abominations they actually are.
This person looks like an uruk-hai irl
>Not posting the original original
if I wanted to stick my dick in a piss hole, I'd look for a fucking cum dumpster. My thing is girls with dicks, dude.
>not showing the original
Should say:
"Nice try, faggot!"
>the bully that picked on her(male) becomes her lover
it's /r9k/'s dream come true
Nigger wat?
so brave
But i'm hotter than she
this unironically
also I fucking wish guys would tell me I have nice hair even if it's a joke
Look at it.
The fucking state of the modern world.
What's wrong. Democracy n sheit is cool. The pope too is okay
Every trap comic creator ethier doesn’t pass well enough to ever deal with this or the chad they transitioned for rejected them or in Brianna wus case..both
>Really makes ya think
No, it doesn't
So, you’re hot for putting your dick in man ass if the man looks girly.
Girls don’t have dicks dude.
Shes gonna fuck him
These faggots are so deluded. Nobody finds them attractive.
Straight men are not attracted to chicks with dicks.
Artistic license. Artists do all sorts of weird shit on accident.
>I love tofu
the original soyboy
pics pls
looks like an escaped prisoner trying to fool the cops
Uh, no.
Makes me think about the necessity of a purge in education curriculum.
It cannot produce children, it's worthless.
lemme drop a little present for u nigger
what did you run out of "pick one"'s and "defend this"s faggot? fuck your memes are shit.
Jesus christ