Saw someone post this in a thread about the meaning of life but I don't understand it exactly. Can someone explain this?
What is this about?
Other urls found in this thread:
A retard with too much time made a shitty video.
Take this crap to >>/x/
I've watched a lot of this channel's vids in the past 2 weeks since they started shilling here. If you don't understand them they aren't meant for you. Be warned that these guys believe in some really fucking out there stuff, and their content is hit or miss.
Does this have any importance at all though? The 9 stuff was interesting.
I would say no, not anything that would be important to you. If it told you we were all going to disappear without a trace tomorrow would you really want to know? Would you believe it anyways? I wouldn't stress too much over it...
It sounds like you're holding back. I'm in a mood for going down the rabbit hole today
start with something easy like this
i’ve been watching the cracking the matrix series. i love bodhi mantra
I'm not a math guy, this 369 stuff all seems kinda schizo to me, which means I'm probably too dumb to get it and wouldn't dare to risk an assessment
I'll check that out. All this stuff is perfect for the Ahnenerbe posting that Sup Forums has been missing since the election
If this shit doesn't blow your mind you're not paying attention or don't have a frame of reference within which to understand it. Jews and freemasons that rule us and have made a conscious decision about nearly every single aspect of our lives being the ways it is, are very much into this numerology stuff, and they take it very seriously. The material physics and jesuit sciences the goy plays around with is nothing but made up bullshit . The real stuff is for the absolute elite.
How useful is this stuff though? Also, it did blow my mind, to a degree
as for the 369, my extreme skeptic of father is convinced that it means something and is applicable to life. he had always thought we used base 10 just as a preference(fingers), but another “vortex” math series on yt cleared up that we use base 10 because god does (nature)
this cracking the matrix playlist is pretty entertaining, i had a hunch that all mythos/religion was based upon the movement of the sky, and this dude has confirmed that with examples- i am ever so curious where this goes
Mathematics =/= Meaning of life
>Bodhi Mantra
Can we ban this faggot already? He posts his /x/ shit here ALL FUCKING DAY. If it's not some newage shit, it's about some prophecy which doesnt pan out.
But is this useful knowledge? Finding these patterns is great and all but how do the elites use this?
i link this video by mark passio as more of an example of how tesla used his knowledge, 369, and just how much one can influence the world using the correct techniques
Can I get a quick rundown on this Bodhi Mantra guy and his group?
Shut it down
black sun.... and idk.
this thread isn’t deleted yet
user ID dmwy3...
you can see his id in the previous screenshot i posted
The meaning of earthly life is to ascend to the Upper Circles (we're currently on the 4th Circle, which is an Intermediary Circle). The ultimate meaning of life is probably even deeper since there's even more advanced Circles past the 7th.
I hate to break this to you guys, but we aren't ancient nordic aliens. Hyperborea might be real but we evolved from DNA.
i see no reason why the two are mutually dependent
what does a rodin coil actually do? also is marko rodin jewish?
Holographic Disclosure
The Unmasking
Vladimir Putin: Traitor to the NWO
Illuminati introductory training video
>always do the opposite of what canadians say
i'm surprised you haven't invested in a proxy, that stupid leaf flag is a constant identifier that screams: "HURR DURR I WAS JUST PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED!!"
I can perceive fifth dimensional space/time.
Ask, I will answer.
doesn’t time exist in every dimension? so what exactly do you mean
wow wtf I just memorized that so I can freak out my friends and make them think I've gone off the deep end. Essentially what you've got there is some trivia. Telling people things like this is such BS, now you've given some moron esoteric knowledge with which he can do nothing but destroy and misrepresent. This shit is for Sup Forums's cream of the crop. INTP/J's, Autists, Neanderthals...
Attempting to understand this shit when you cannot is just a recipe for disaster. You should all be hesitant to even listen to these videos.
Did you take your meds?
If you need to let yourself go from ingrained feelings, you should begin to study the origins of the Old Testament and it's translation to greek. You'll begin to understand how deep the rabbit hole is.
Fifth dimensional space/time is the entire universe in a single equation. I'm still crunching it, so I can show work yet.
Time and anti-time is the 4th dimension. Add "Hawking's imaginary time" give quad directional "sub"infinity directions. this.
I know the shape of the universe and will eventually be able to map it, all of it, one go.
Time is just an illusion.
what’s that nietzsche quote about “how clever of god to write his bible in greek- and shitty greek at that” why did constantine choose greek? when they spoke latin?
I am INTP and an amended master.
Ask. I'll answer.
well, it takes me something that can be called whatever you’d like to type this out, but yes, i’d imagine the “source” to be everything at once, all light, all sound, all movement- hence why creation needed an opposite to distinguish itself
Literally a bunch of schizos who LARP about having unlocked the secret to existence. It was hilarious two nights ago there was a thread with two of them in it, just arguing really ruined any credibility the LARP had
can you be a saint a link it lol that sounds so amusing
What feelings? I have no bias to the point where I am cold and unemotional to those I love dearly.
I understand most of this, I just don't see any immediate use for it.
How can you access my Akashic records over the imageboard?
Yes. This sounds very correct to me...but my mind is elsewhere.
Know your shit, m9.
Direction of Dow Jones in the next 3 years?
The meaning of life is that life has meaning. Thus is the modt profound thing anyone will ever say to you but you will likely dismiss it as drivel. You cannot fail at life. You're entire life is purpose, but purpose is instantaneous meaning the sum of it all is found in each and every moment. Time is an illusion. Find peace and the rest will follow.
What's a better way to confuse and spread desinfo than poorly translated material?
I need to know if Heaven is white.
its literally "we've unlocked the secrets of the universe and other than doing literally anything of important we decide to just shitpost on Sup Forums all day"
Because some people have a hard time to aknowledge their religion is based on pooly translated or purposefully misleading material.
the "ultra enlightened" one caring about personality tests rofl
seems like heaven is the 6 months the sun spends growing food, hell is the 6 months we spend wishing we’d had
better preservation techniques
If you don't you probably don't know enough about them, and are probably too stupid to notice the patterns on this imageboard. SOrry dude lol.
INTP/J has a connection to this board's main element, and has a connection to features common in those with high levels of spatial awareness (AKA Autism)
It will go up and down every day until three years pass...but that's not the questions you should be asking.
This is literal cringe tier dude. no one cares about your personality type, thats some high school girl level shit
can I join your stupid club? 5 10 9 18 17 34 33
I was being sardonic. I'm actually searching for an authentic ritual to do this 21st, any ideas?
Why not?
Ahem, I have a wife kid. It's called Aspergers. Sperg. Spergy. Turbo, ultra or my favorite; hyper sperg.
The patterns make it important, not the result itself. INTP /J is a rare type and yet makes up like 50% of this board, that is called data. With that data I am drawing conclusions. I can't wait to burn all Canadians to death, I've been to St. Johns and you people are all worthless cucks.
I do. I see patterns in all puzzles now...since i ascended roughly 1 month ago.
CHeck yourself and your child for occipital buns and report back please
i beat your sardonism with simplism ;^)
lol ritual should technically reaffirm positive intentions, so for a darkest night ritual... id suggest some sort of “cleanse”, fire and water work well for that. clean your oven and wash your car- it’ll be sacrificial because it’s fucking cold outside, and when you come back in your house will smell of oven cleaner. badabingbadaboom, rituals for the enLIghTened
Seriously, some of this stuff is interesting and thought provoking and I believe ancient societies did have knowledge that we lost along the way about the beginning of man, but 99.9 percent of people who preach about "enlightenment" are schizos who can't answer a question plainly, and at the same time preach things like "sacred numbers in the Bible" that don't prove anything.
Should I wear a hooded robe while I wash my car? Honestly I was going to sacrifice and burn a goat with some friends...maybe drink some blood and hoist its charred corpse into a tree and meditate underneath it
I do, my blood type is A-, I believe that makes me from the 13th tribe, ocean farers. I am a Compass Maker. Brother to Masons.
I now know what all secret societies promote. It points to one direction, including genetics, physics, chemistry, biology and gravity and time.
Grand unified, indeed.
Very nice, and your kin? What is your geographic location? Your flag is throwing me off. What were the first steps you took to achieve your current state?
have you heard of Rudolf Steiner? old german dude, fascinating guy. he basically acknowledged that science evolved in the renaissance in a way it wasn’t previously able to, due to the separation between spirit and material- but while science took leaps and bounds, spiritual matters completely atrophied and therefore half of our existence was still being ignored. he argued for taking a “scientific” approach to spirituality, while treating materialism the same way it had been treated- so as to better understand the underlying phenomenon. i’m linking one of his lectures for the relevance
whatever floats your sacrificial raft- i hear Kohl’s is having a black friday fetus sale, or just swing by the back of macy’s to pick up one a little more aged. remember, the more fear, the more potential
What should i eat for breakfast lunch and dinner?
Thats not what "render unto Caesar" means. So many verses are cliches and completely misinterpreted. "turn the other cheek" also means the exact opposite what everyone thinks it means
Stop looking at flags, or faces, and look for Truth, user...lest the devil finds you >:)
What your body craves. Ask demb questions, get dumb answers.
BK has a $3.49 two cheeseburgers, fries, and medium drink deal
You're talking a lot but you're not saying anything
You haven't answered my question, cunt
What do you think of richard stallman?
Tell me about Kali Yuga.
true, i love telling people the true meaning, make them slap you with the hand they don’t wipe their ass with! and caesars money as opposed to the other currencies available.
He's perfectly correct that science and spirituality split in the western world but spirituality, in any way, atrophied.
I spoke facts, you're unable to digest them.
Change your flag, you're lost.
> This is my guide to God.
It's happening right now, as you can see, there are no Dharmic nations.
Ask a better one.
Dont know who he is, I study reality, not people.
No idea, man or god? Either way...concepts, not individuals!
No I haven't, but I will check him out. The idea of science and spirituality being linked is interesting, and would provide more meaning to the things that science itself can't explain fully. Thanks.
I am Buddhist and I push that morality and perspective within myself.
Do you?
hm? he had an issue with how spiritualism was still completely ignored “scientifically” and called for people to cut out materialistic views when investigating spiritual matters- it’s an entirely different way of viewing the world. he was about getting to know essences- basically in a hellen keller way, aka NO sense based observations, or rather you begin with those and then completely remove them and figure out what lurks beneath the physical form
Okay, this is my flag. I'm pagan, i do not believe, but i know there is different entities. Then, let me ask you, what is your world view, what do you believe in?
You don't know what Kali Yuga is??
>unable to digest "figure it out yourself"
You're unable to answer questions or access Akashic records even though you claim to have answers, you're LARPing and you're a faggot liar. I would challenge you to Holmgang if I could see you, you pathetic weak-spirit.
I would push a sword through your skull
He is correct. I spent 29 years pondering theoretical physics as an atheist...I was found BY God because I wasn't searching. FOR him.
I was spiritually dead inside.
Good. The Pagan Pantheon is the Egyptian Pantheon.
Who is the wisest god of your gods?
The study of esoteric teachings is also based on certain postulates and deductions that follow from these postulates, like mathematics.
20 years, not 30.
That based user post on Sup Forums a lot. You should watch all of his videos, and learn a thing or two. There is a lot of good information on that channel.
Owen Barfield was an oxford guy, good friends with c.s. lewis and tolkien- all part of the “inklings” club at oxford, he writes an excellent introduction to Steiner’s work, which is originally in german- so barfield translated most of it and was an advocate of Anthroposophy (the name of this whole endeavor) i found an alright introductory link but his book his better
Correct. All studies of nature lead to god, even if it's self, animals, matter, time or the electromagnetic spectrum.
I'm really really open minded. What should i be doing with my life?
He's calling for a gambit into a fight in one, and telling Caesar he can keep his worthless debased money in the other. Jesus was a fighter, brainlets think he's like Gandhi
Up to you. What's your goal? Live like a hermit in Tibet or on a beach, close to a night club, or building great works...studying the edges of knowledge or traveling?
All of the above?...well, then leave today and buckle up.
I am a fighter too. Jesus and I are alike in a little of ways most people don't see because the Bible is two books in one.
Know how to read eternal language and you'll see a second book. The secrets contained are SHOCKING.
any links?
isn't this kind of thing dependant on the number system and not inherent to the numbers themselves? how do you get 4 and 5 out of 45 if the number system isn't decimal?
There is only one god, the same cosmic force and energy behind Javhe and Allah is the same. However the wisest nature god is Fornjot, he is a Jötunn. They are eldest and wisest in cosmos, i find themraw and unrefined, but wise.
How many dicks do you suck a day on average?
I want to become a millionaire. I have ideas, just haven't in the slightest executed them. It's not going to happen overnight or in 2 years, but thats pretty much my goal. At the moment. I am pretty redpilled with the globalists stuff. I listen to alex jones every night when i go to bed