Think about it. Even holocaust deniers admit Jews were rounded into camps. In those camps the chambers that were used to kill Jews are claimed to be regular shower rooms by holocaust deniers. Even if that was true that means the Jews were put in massive public showers. Imagine having to be in a shower where there are no walls or curtains and your dick is exposed to everyone. Putting someone through that because they are Jewish is immoral. And by the way men and women had to shower together. I'd be so embarrassed if I had to do that.
Even if the Holocaust Never Happened Nazis were Still Worst People Ever
Other urls found in this thread:
>just think about it
>What is the Weimar republic?
>operating in hypothetical
Considering your argument, you're right.
But "worst ever" is more like "worst evvveeerr" kind of TV-mode.
There's a lot of groups/people that have been 100x worse than that, in realthink.
Maybe in the 40s that wasn't considered too bad, same as Japanese in the US? Maybe that was actually considered pretty humanitarian? Wasn't there, can't be sure.
Have you seen the Spielberg oral histories in which the lady talks about the piano and singing clubs?
Communists were and always will be better oppressive people killers than Nazis
Whoa whoa, that's a very big word right there, thinking is way too much for the typical alt-right racist drumpftard high school dropout. You're expecting a miracle there. LOL!
>muh lolocaust
Um, sweetie? The Nazis were the "worst people ever" BECAUSE the Holocaust never happened. Most modern historians agree with this sentiment.
I just got raped by two people that were anti-holocaust denial... I lack historical knowledge to debate...
>Ok guys, we admit it, the Nazis didn't do all that super over-the-top evil shit we said they did.
>But they were still NAZIS. That means they were pure evil!
I have no idea
I doubt they had to shower publically in the U.S
Two strawmans in one post.
It's looks like a shower room cause it was a shower room. No Prussian blue means no zyklon b gas death camp
You have to be retarded to think majdanek was a death camp.
I'm thinking that I'd like to round up and gas every retarded leftist who uses meme flags here. Starting with you, OP.
Even if they were just regular showers look how shitty that is. There's not even walls to hide your dick against. No matter which way you face your dick is exposed to someone. Imagine having to shower with 36 people in there.
>mfw this is the best of jewish hasbara in 2017
HAHAHAHA kikey's are finished mate. Finished. 10 years and it's all over.
I just realized that I was literally holocausted hundreds of times in the Marine Corps. Where is my museum? Where are my reparations?
I believed the holocaust until a few months ago when I learned that all the gas-equipped concentration camps were in poland and weren't investigated until 2 years after the war. It's entirely plausible that poland gassed its own citizens who betrayed their country by allying with the nazis.
you seriously think the Japs were given individual showers in the 1940s?
We had shared showers at school. It sucked, but it was 100% normal.
$100 says Japs had shared showers in the USA & therefore your argument is invalid.
>purely for sake of argument
it was just regular showers
Third time's a charm?
>and your dick is exposed to everyone
t. dicklet
Also you are forgetting, that in those times, showering together was something that happened often in high schools, plus there is no evidence women and men showered together
only someone with a small dick would say that
OP, im going to throw you a bone here.David Irving. now go become a adult, and ditch the propaganda
They were never fully investigated, the first 'investigations' were Soviet frame-ups, and by the time the Commie puppet government in Poland fell the Holocaust myth had become too sacred to allow any actual archaeological investigations.
I highly doubt even in the 30s and 40s high-schools forced students to publically shower
becoem an adult and grow up
Dude, my shower looks like pic related and i consider it barbaric since the glass makes me feel like im being watched.
A fucking leaf
Wha tdo you define as small?
>we shared showers at school
Why the fuck did you have showers at school?
Public showers? Well fuck me, that's almost as bas as an industrial scale genocide. Who would have thought that the Nazis would be capable of such things
You had to shower publically?
everyone is equally malevolent.
you really are retarded, aren't you? find a greater nazi historian, ever..........
>Kikestani flag
Gym class FFS
>sheltered modern merkan literally thinks communal showers is worst thing ever just in case someone might see his precious dick
this thread is all about you, did you realize that yet?
>And by the way men and women had to shower together.
its world war, prisoners are being held, and this cuck finds this shocking? of all the shit to pick out of the war, and you include this? you should see what we did to dresden.
David Irring doesn't deny the Nazi camps RETARD he denies the gassing
I took gym class never showered. I will not go in a shower unless it's a luxury shower with jets since i find even if a wipe shit gets stuck to my ass so i need to blast it off with jets.
I'd rather die than have to shower naked with women. I don't let anyone see my dick but at least i wouldnt be as embarrassed if it was a guy especially if his dick was smaller.
>what is ancient rome?
are you really trying to educate ME on what david irving thinks? you should actually go watch all his videos if you are too fag to buy books. im talking about everything regarding the war. not camps, talking about everything that just makes you look like a complete retard.
>>I'd rather die than have to shower naked with women. I don't let anyone see my dick but at least i wouldnt be as embarrassed if it was a guy especially if his dick was smaller.
its world war. your a prisoner. no one, especially your captors gives a fuck about what you want. this is why i think you are a spastic. wtf does your thoughts in war situation matter? can you imagine, of all the worries you are facing, and your dick, is top of the list? do you know how insane you are????????
>forced students to...
>being this retarded
under your own logic, any country with communal showers are as "bad",as Nazis. Remember that Jews were criminals, they got "rounded" to convert them into prisoners so they could be deported to Madagascar, as of today (12/12/2017) we still force prisoners to shower together. The high schools didn't force you, but it was normal, nobody gave a fuck, expect maybe a dicklet like yourself that projects his insecurities all the way back to WWII
yes but jews even worse than nazis
They aren't naked they have towels
Yes prisons are worse than death for that reason and no its not normal to shower like that.
The worst part was they made the jews WORK.
Da chutzpah!
he doesn't know what the Weimar Republic is, why are you people even debating him?
It may not be normal for you, but I bet your ancestors did it several times, without being forced, why does it matter? Is not like if other men wanted to see your ugly ass, you're taking a shower, not modelling
>I'd be so embarrassed if I had to do that.
Well not everyone has the hang ups you do, loser
I'd be embarrassed too if I had a micropenis like you OP
Holy fucking shit how ashamed are you of your body??? This is woman-tier insecurity right here
Those evil bastards, making Jews wash because there was a typhus epidemic!
How dare they try and stop a plague, it goes against the will of G-d
Small is anything less than a 20 inch bbc
Anything your size or below
And manufacturing a massive lie to oppress innocent people for generations with guilt they have absolutely no responsibility for and poisoning the minds of children with lies is something really (((nice))) people do
stupid cunt
jews put people into camps for decades before nazis were even a thing
just thing about it
I had to shower publically in high school. Did I get Holocausted too?
WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG RETARD! Bolsheviks were and are the worst people ever, they are responsible for the death of 100+ million Slavs.
you're totally not trolling stupid
That's terrible
oh sure torture is totally not bad? SUUUUUURE
I do know what it is, you clearly don't
but some people do!
You argument against the mistreatment of Jews is you ar e ashamed of your tiny penis. I never thought about it like that.
>I'd be so embarrassed if I had to do that.
and that's why they get their own country
dog bless
>Thinking if you spam it enough you'll influence ppl on a mongolian frisbee forum.
This is something you shills will never understand. You will ALWAYS lose because nobody leaves this place without some level of truth inspired in them. Kikes have ruined everything in the world. They are responsible for every single degrading schism in the world today. Every single one of them. Hitler was a natural response in light of this development and the actions of generations before us had levels of proprietary justice associated with them. But by all means, stick around and argue that. You'll only get the inevitable redpill shoved up your ass like everyone else.
Except their country forces them to do it too! 2 year conscription for every Israeli where you have to get naked in front of other people to change and shower.
There is literally nothing wrong with torturing and killing Jews, faggot.
>Think about it.
I thought about it and the answer is no. Communists are worse than Nazis in every conceivable fashion.
They were better than them in every way possible.
>In those camps the chambers that were used to kill Jews
Implying implications.
The NSDAP merely defended their homeland from Jewish perfidy. Or are you implying the Germans should have let the rootless Jews overthrow the country's sovereign government and institute a state of genocidal terror like what they did in Russia? Because that's what Germans actually fought against. They found against people trying to enslave them. It just-so-happened that those people were Jews. Prior to the commie kikes attacking Germans, Germany was the safest state in Europe for Jews. But merely existing in peace is never enough for Jews. They want to rule. So they end up subverting and destroying their hosts every single time.
>Nazis were Still Worst People Ever
>jews - kicked out from 119 countries
>germans - 0
makes me think
Why The Fuck Do People Think It Is Okay To Type Like This
jesus fuckin christ
Show me where the jews forced people to shower publically. Also being kicked out of a country means they were victims and therefor good you brainlet.
What a laughably poor shill post
It is normal for human waste to feel that the "evil Nazis" were the worst of the worst because they put order in their country and put it around the world. These slaves know that the great, the divine, is bad for them because they depend on filth to survive. OP is a human waste. The Germans of that time were the most honorable warriors.
It's was called high school faggot
just bc your dicc too smol
Is it possible to asphyxiate people in the so called "gas chambers" kind of like if u leave the gas stove on in your house u can still die from lack of oxygen even though the house isn't air tight?
You don't shower publically in highschool
>muh showers
At that period the euros were slaughtering each other and what do you say.. MUH SHOWER
GTFO faget. /pol is not a place for you
>comparing being slaughtered to having to shower naked
You can't do that. I'd rather be slaughtered than have to shower naked. I once threatened suicide to my parents when they were going to send me to a summer camp and changing publically was the reason i didn't want to go. They called the authorities on me and I had to have a meeting with a psychiatrist and they said it's normal to not want to change in front of others.
>Nazis were bad because they made prisoners shower together
By that logic, many prisons and gym classes are also guilty of this.
If you had cited the Dirlewanger division, I might be able to take you seriously. But showers? Come on.
The shower plumbing was mounted by the (((commie russkis)) after the war. There is no drainage. The whole room would flood.
Communists were worse simply for the sheer numbers that they killed.
What happened with the Dirlewanger divison?
Except having to shower together is worse than dying.
wtf did i just read
Communists killed over 100 million through more excruciating means and you don't even care. Globalists have killed countless of people. You don't even care. You are the boogie man of your own stories.
Yeah us alt righters just let the MSM do all the thinking for us. Oh wait. . . . .
this is bait
i'm sorry what
>oy vey, I don't like that jews are more successful than me... b-better boycott them
Hitler was an SJW
It's sinful to be naked. I only shower with my underwear on.
you're a troll
So you think the Nazis were now the heros? WTf
This is a homicidal gas chamber
You know people in the military shower together right? It's really not that big of a deal unless you're incredibly insecure
Tell me the specific process for introducing gas into that room.
Guys they are using us for counter arguments when they attempt to push ops post as a median, realizing the population has grown aware and hostile of its zionist leaders.
I don't belive in Santa Claus and I don't believe in the gas chambers.
When I was 5 or 6 it was different.
>no walls or curtains and your dick is exposed to everyone
>not even walls to hide your dick against
HAHAA micropenis detected
Well i am incredibly insecure
Gas through the shower nosels obviously
grow up
No it's im worried i will get a boner but my dick is small as well. It's 5'7 above average but thats still considered small isn't it?
You are a LARPing piece of shit and you should be ashamed of yourself. Why are you claiming your OP is a homicidal gas chamber?
Can you name me one (1) holocaust historian who claims your pic in the OP is a homicidal gas chamber? With citation? No? Then get the fuck out.
Hey, it's the guy who can only poop at home, can't shower at college, and whose cousin went to prison for having severe autism and robbing a store for fun.
Wait till OP finds out that until very recently, we're talking before the war, it was still common place for entire families to sleep in/share one bed.
Hey, OP, did you know it was normal for entire families to share the bath water (and they still do in Japan)