if we paid all our blacks $5000 to leave the US and never come back how many would leave?
Reparations for Blacks if they leave
Not enough
You realize they can't leave.... it's not like they have automatic free citizenship in Africa.
Give them $500,000. It's worth it.
There's literally no infrastructure to keep them from coming in most african countries. You could probably just give them a parachute and say adios.
You could probably also make deals with african government officials. They're so corrupt that as long as they're getting paid they wouldn't care that they're just getting potential criminals.
honestly, we should do some research on what it would cost to make them go. $5k seems low, but $50k might work. even if it was $500k, over the long run it would be cheaper for the country, and as individuals we could profit by buying stock in luxury brands like Gucci and/or NIKE sportswear.
if it happens we gotta get serious about illegal immigration though because they might just sneak back in and continue nigging as usual.
>Offer them less than they already get in gibs over two months or less.
Yeah I'm sure they will take that deal
My concern would be more in the realm of public health rather than economics. I could see how in a certain sense multiculturalism ensures that whites prop up a public health system that keeps most blacks from living in utter squalor and spreading disease.
There's none of that in africa. It would just build. Imperialism really was beneficial for all parties involved.
>$5k seems low
how many niggers have you met
Well nobody would take them.
But, if you had blacks vote on trading their race card for 2k cash a piece, it would pass at 80%+
>offer blacks $1 million Zimbabwean dollars to go to Zimbabwe
Yeah, there are surely no public health drawbacks to having 50 million Negroes around.
You could just pay the countries taking them. They're all corrupt. They fuck over their own people all the time with the charity money that they pocket and spend on toys and guns.
Not saying they should be here, but them being left unchecked for years could be massively problematic for everyone.
"Don't dey got inflashun?"
"No, that's just an American thing. You're fine."
Meh. I don't know.
Literally no black would do that except maybe a few crazy ones
Life is too comfortable here
I guess you would still have churches with missions etc. As much as I don't want to live with blacks, I do sort of feel bad for them, especially the ones who try and live straight and narrow. It would be nice if there was some system in place for the ones with promise to be able to rise to prominence in their own societies, but alas white mans sympathy always gets taken for a ride.
Not even if in like 20 years there is basically an openly pro-white america that has control over media and makes it a low key uncomfortable climate for them?
It's a pipe dream, but self deportations are happening more and more with the mexicans. I Just wonder what sort of incentives would be enough for them to want to leave.
Acceptance of the White Man's Burden works fine when there are no Jews around to abuse both sides of that situation.
Ain't that the truth. I find myself agreeing with the Black Nationalists on a lot of things. Once two parties come to the realization that we are too different to live together I think a sense of mutual admiration is possible, but under this fucking jew mess we live in now it's impossible.
Exactly. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Eventually, either the Jews will cease to exist as a coherent, self-aware identity group, or the white race will be erased from the world and the history books.
There was a Texas oil millionaire in the 70s who use to offer blacks $10,000 (in the 70s) to go back to Africa.
No one took them up on it. Blacks are smart enough to know that the gibs are here not there.