I have a liberal teacher, what can I do to tell them to fuck off? He makes the entire class watch CNN.
Liberal Teacher
Get odd Sup Forums and do your homework
Ignore your marks for that particular class (I know it's hard to tell kids this but trust me you little shit) and spend as much time as possible educating yourself about natural sciences.
cry about it in class and say you're being oppressed
then shit yourself
God I miss being in college and battling with my shitlib professors.
oh shit you were that guy in class
Drop your shitty elective and get a different one.
Ask about their retracted stories.
bring your posse to class... don't be a faggot
front-row and far-right need to step on a landmine
Pay more attention in your ESL class
Unfortunately they have power over a portion of your future via your grade/gpa. So suck it up, shut up, and get a good grade, and leave a scathing professor review.
Why do these groups always look like they just stepped off the short bus?
Sign him up for every free, right-leaning paraphernalia you can find. Send it right to his school office. That's what I did years ago. It was fun.
Have him show the class the "CNN Gigapixel" photo that proves that Trump had a bigger crowd at his inauguration than Obama did and then ask if he still trusts CNN. Should make his head explode.
That's what all Sup Forumstards look like
go look in a mirror user
Ask him to show the class the 4 botched hit jobs on Trump from last weekend.
Just call him a liberal fuckhead. Learn a trade. It’s fun getting kicked out of college.
Pay his salary you little bitch.
That's brilliant. Let him have some of his own medicine.
And be dedicated. Every couple years sign him up for everything again and more.
1. Professor-chwan, what is more important - niggers or global wurming meme?
a.2. P:Of course niggers.
a.3. Then why the fuck do you want them to fail industrialism by bans on coal, etc?
b.2 P:Of course wurming, earth is more important than single nig.
b.3 Are you kidding me?
b.4 You are fucking a white male!
b.5 Mite-mite, guys. Professor is literally Hitler - we would never able to import all of the niggers here, but we destroy any kind of opportunity for them to go postindustrial. This is worst day of my life, I am literally shaking.
report him for child abuse.
Declare he failed to recognize your gender.
start pointing out the problems with their reporting
The real real problem with them is really that anything they blame others about is what they and their (((allies))) already did and can not wait to repeat.
North sold slaves to south, got money for war from the deal, then declared all of sold slaves free and LARPed as more progressive, because more money for war. South fought not for slavery, but against this scam. North wanted all the niggers out to Liberia. For that purpose Yankees flooded black communities with degeneracy, so they would eventually leave to africa. Plan failed, so the new plan was to LARP all-do-gooders and destroy the 3rd world altogether by ban on mineral resources. You think "greens" are absolutely insane to ban nuclear energy, especially MSRE, that is radioactive for less than 200 years with burning up to 99.8% fuel, instead of making 6000 years lasting wastes with less than 0.5% fuel burnt? You think they are insane to create carbon turbines and solar panels, that have enormous carboon, mercury and otherwise outright toxic footprints? Think again. They never could care less about ecology. If they would, they would at least promote hemp-fibers from hemp types, that contain no drug substances, like it is in natural hemp. But that would undermine the eternal Anglo cotton industry. So they only promote special drug types, that also grow only in warth. That shit goes on and on.
Democrats where the KKK.