Is it ever OK to hit a woman?
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only sometimes
Sure. They want equal rights, right?
generalizations are always wrong
>femen cunt harasses you with a baseball bat
>"oh but it's not OK to hit a womyn, better ask her to stob :)"
Legally: never. Morally: almost always.
depends how bad she burns your dinner
Define hit.
I've had a girlfriend clobber me in the face 10 times with a fist. Unless they're in the processing of drowning your children, that is never ok.
Several months later I returned the favor with a bitch slap from hell. Still not ok though...
Right? Yes. After she hits you back.
Is it the right move to make?
No, if the cops come they will still lock your dumb ass up.
Fuck yes and sometimes necessary. Don't be a kike. People need to be taken down a peg or two, sometimes they have vaginas.
Absolutely. Self defense is the only one you're "allowed" to do it but other circumstances are applicable too
It's absolutely essential and obligatory in some cases. When attacked by a women the response must be swift, if you wait more than 5 seconds you risk the female not registering the memory as punishment. strike quickly, strike the face, and tell her that men can kill her and to never hit them again, the stupid girl.
When they are being hoes you can always punch them
Is it OK to sometimes hit a man? If yes, then your answer is yes as men and women are completely and totally equal in both physically and mental states. If no, then the reasoning is the same.
Absolutely. The ONLY people who I have ever net who disagree feel females >=males.
I'm sure we have all met woman that have physically more bulk then us
OK, everybody who said yes (even a slap) hand your guns into your local police department. Even though you only have a misdemenor, you now banned from owning guns for life like a felon. (((Lautenberg)))'ed
Never with a closed fist.
Here is the only gun I have ever bought from a gun store.
*hands over hipoint
they're physically weaker than you are, you shouldn't have to if you're any kind of a man
Equal rights deserve equal lefts.
Yes, if you're a woman.
Did the woman hit you? Green light to hit back. Never initiate violence against anyone but always defend yourself.
When she's beautiful, knock her fuckin' teeth out.
Why are you in the business of giving women what they want
Exactly this
Is it ever ok not to hit a woman?
With an open hand and not a clinched fist you weirdo. Women are subhuman.
You're god damn right you filthy cunt
it's not OK to not hit a woman
if you dont hit them, they will think you dont care
Self defense. Otherwise nope
No. Violence against women is part of the feminist dogma, which is intrinsically tied to Cultural Marxism. Restraining against women and realising their weaker position is part of chivalry, which is what Cultural Marxism is trying to kill off.
The only situation in which you should lay a hand to a woman is when you're in real danger of great harm.
What if her whife knights attack you? Would you just take it like a good boy?
I gave a woman a black eye. She asked for it. She was in a punk band on tour and wanted one to "look tough" and every other guy at the show pussed out.
No guns for you
Sexist question assumes responses are male perspective.
>Thinking there are females on Sup Forums
>Thinking there are females on the internet
Whew lad, I can smell the metal in your piss from here you autistic fuck
In self defense, only when she could genuinely do you serious physical harm.
spanking is perfectly ok.