>There are people on this board that are genuinely against net neutrality.
There are people on this board that are genuinely against net neutrality
Other urls found in this thread:
WAIT A FUCKING SECOND. You're canadian? I seriously can't think of one thing that's worse than being canadian. Canadians are just maple syrup drinking, hockey-playing, apologizing faggots who worship fucking Tim Horton's. I'm sorry but I can't be friends with you anymore you leaf shit. Have fun being America's hat
lmao what a fucking faggot
There are people on this board who arent white
its not your internet, what the fuck do you care?
If you hate how americans handle their internet so much, pressure your government to create their own networks instead of leeching off ours then you leaf
Is this the american education meme everyone was talking about?
Fuck you.
I am against Obama’s “net neutrality” billjust like I am against the “patriot” act.
That doesn’t mean I am against net neutrality or patriotism.
El hombre impuro
O-o-of course not.
Heil Hilter.
why are leafs allowed to have opinions?
The internet has turned to complete shit post 2015 so I honestly don't care about NN at all.
Is this the same Lootbox Regulation Shill on Sup Forums?
Redpill me on this net neutrality thing.
I know Obama created this thing back in 2012 to look good, but how deep does the rabbit hole go? What is the FCC actually doing? What is Trump doing? Why is this happening?
That thing is 100% fake news
>net neutrality has existed as concept for awhile
>Orwellian? How is it Orwellian all it does is prevent companies from throttling websites
>storefront was shut down by a non ISP not sure how it's related
Sup Forums won't shut down it's just Sup Forums will have to bribe ISPs to get on favorable packages and customers will have to buy those packages or they'll barely be able to use the site. For those who aren't old enough to remember early 00s late 90s internet it was hell dealing with ISPs. Also remember we gave something like 400 billion to build fiber networks in the country, even big cities still have shit internetcompared to Finnland. Fuck them, let the jews rot. Or you can be a neo con traitor and listen to shitskin still for jews and jew lovers to rape your wallet. Getting rid of NN won't even help the free market as most ISPs have non competing or exclusive contracts for areas so you can't even go to someone else.
Nice try shill
Fuck off, shill.
> to get on favorable packages and customers will have to buy those packages or they'll barely be able to use the site
That never happened before though
Fuck poor people. Less opportunities for them to organize and share information is a good thing.
Alrighty, see you later then, fucko. Yobanoy urod blyat.
ISPs tried and wanted to do it. They want to be cable
I know it's plebbit but read the fucking links niggers
Nice argument race traitor
They did try to ban VOIP services that were competing with their phone service. Not a super slippery slope to start restricting access to websites that don't pay up.
>I know it's..
Then why the fuck did you post it retard? Get the fuck out of here.
I'm not a shill for shitskin and jews you fuck off newfag
Basically, net neutrality forces ISPs to not throttle (slowdown) websites of users based on what they view.
Brain-dead Trump supporters, large telecommunication companies and corrupt politicians want net neutrality gone so that ISPs can slow down your Internet if you browse some websites without paying.
In a no-net neutrality world this is what would happen
>be you
>try to browse Sup Forums
>internet slow as fuck, nothing loads
>call ISP
>"But sir, did you forget to subscribe to our Internet package that includes Sup Forums?"
>"Dafuck, I already pay monthly"
>"Sorry sir, but a special fee is required to have normal access to certain websites. Please buy this Internet Package™ to have full access to social media websites!"
>le trump supporter face
Don't worry though, it won't affect us.
Its bringing back Jim Crow laws but for the internet.
I don't want my daughter sharing no internet with the blacks.
trying to derail, shill? Remove meme flag.
>if you don't like nazis being censored by pro NN forces you're a race traitor
fucking retard
>think of the poor VOIPjews
the shareblue is strong in this thread
>he doesn't know the difference between Net Neutrality and net neutrality
>directly links to reddit
>calls me a newfag
Lmao the absolute state of Sup Forums
honestly the fact alone that Sup Forums hates net neutrality and reddit loves it is enough to make me think twice, reddit is so cucked it hurts to read
Wena conchesumadre
I didn't ask to be born brown
>honestly the fact alone that Sup Forums hates net neutrality
Sup Forums doesn't, only the trump-cucks like it because their "god-emperor" told them to
everyone else with at least half a brain knows how bad this is for Internet users and how profitable it will be for telecommunications companies.
Net neutrality is an obama edict that allowed places like stormfront, the daily stormer or anything else liberals don't like to be denied service.
That shit is going away.
>yfw redditors, collage kids and liberals won't be able to afford their cuck and BLACKED porn once net neutrality comes down
Here you go newfag
Here's an example of ISPs stopping VOIP that competes with their service. Can you imagine they'd say no to Zuckerberg shekels to shut down competing platforms?
Here's some more examples. But BASED POOJEET says to get rid of it! ISPs have never been owned by jews or engaged in Jewish practices before! GTFO new fat and don't let r Sup Forums hit you on the way out
Jew loving shill detected tell me how does getting of NN stop domain hosting websites from dropping clients? Further what if Trump loses in 2020 and Democrats use the lack of NN to directly censure websites? Fucking cucks I swear
I'm not against "LE NET NEUTRALITY BEST THING EVER." I'm just not retarded and realize that it's about as important as car regulations regarding the height and length of their hoods. Quit being a Ledditer and crying over spilled milk.
>Sup Forumstards get mad when content companies censor 1488 content
>some Sup Forumstards want cable companies to be able to censor too
I unironically think that everyone on Sup Forums who supports the cable lobby is actually just a shill, none of you are that retarded
Can someone explain what net neutrality is and what the deal with killing it is?
Isps and content providers like Google and faceberg are all evil, so no matter who wins, you will lose.
Why do you fucking care? Be proud of you and your people, faggot. Just stay away from whites and get the fuck off Sup Forums for once.
No one has actually presented an argument against me in this thread. Instead they've been blindly parroting actual jews and a shitskin will complaining about storefront despite the fact it's not related to this at all
Nigger Neutrality is over.
Stay mad faggot.
do you support 'Happy Loving Families' ?
well the name of a child killing cult, good job idiot, you support child killers aka joos
Letting cable companies throttle or censor network packets at their own discretion
Similar to letting UPS decide whether or not they want to carry your packages, at their own discretion(are you the competition? do they have partnerships with your competition?)
Agreed. We should make a new internet, with an IQ test for entrance
do you think, that they want to end the amount of people who get on the internet and take (((control))) of it, but then not the people using it, the same thing, without the actual communication part being involved? the control of teh people is what they want. They want to use it as
>image rrelated
I was told by some people who where literal pieces of shit, about this internet thing in the mid 80's. then when i was thinking how awesome that would all be and saying yea that would be neat talking with every-.. vbefore i could finish saying anything else they said, yea they wanted to use it to control everybody with. i understood immediately what they where implying. I told them immediately what their plan would end in. in their defeat. if you guys understand ill tell the tale with one picture
ITT: corporate shills and braindead trumplets suckling whatever comes out of the republican teats.
everyone is their competition. what it will turn into is them selling it like tv
i'm honestly looking forward to the internet turning to a complete dogshit mess with the repeal of NN so i can have an excuse to go back to reading books regularly.
Yep, and degenerate leaf posters
I'm not against net neutrality.
I'm against Net Neutrality™
I should be able to pay more money for better internet and not be limited by all your poor faggots slow xDSL and DOCSIS.
I'm paying for NG-PON2 and not some pleb tier welfare shit.
this smells like boomer
Same way I'm not against gay people, I'm against LGBT marketing campaign.
Not an argument. Not sure how that image is relevant I've posted links to examples of ISP abuse. Storefront wasn't shutdown by ISPs either. Your move jew
Funny you say but support a poo in loo jewing up the internet
Wow I butchered that one.
why do yuo complain when a website is slow about YOUR bandwidth?
Why do you guys fucking care so much about the mongoloid meme? We know that white Americans are the best type of whites along with Norwegians and non-meme Swedes. If you traveled anywhere, you'd know this.
>HA I have to pay more for something I already had!
You sure got me good sweetie.
Complete NN history here. Pai lies and anti-NN arguments are total bs.
It's a thing that didn't exist until Obama signed the bill, but apparently now if they revoke it the entire internet will go to hell and big internet will dominate the world. It basically is government trying to regulate the economy even more
I can't help it you are a poor fag who can't afford to pay for internets. How mad are you going to be when you have to pay an extra $5/mo to view over 10 youtube videos or like more than 50 facebook posts?
My superior chad internet will not be encumbered by your poor finances.
I don't give a fuck about net neutrality. It's a non-issue. I'm just pointing out that you're being a faggot by saying "LE NOBODY CAN CHALLENGE MY ARGUMENTS." Also, take off your autocorrect. 'storefront'
I want to be able to buy all the internet I want and as fast as I want it. I don't want my superior packets to be as slow as your pleb tier shit.
Getting real tired of this meme
>Obummer made Net Neutrality
No, net neutrality was constructed way back in the late 90s, problem was that the FCC didn't have the legal right to fuck anyone over (Comcast at the time) who broke the laws and got sued because shit was too vague. So they spent 4 years writing a new bill that forgot to fix that they STILL didn't have the authority to fuck them over because ISPs weren't considered under their jurisdiction because ISPs weren't covered under Title 2. Then in 2013 they DID do that, and in 2015 they won the lawsuit against them by Verizon that officially gave them the power.
Note that every time they tried to stop them before they DID force them to stop, but they got sued in the process because it was technically out of their jurisdiction.
>sponge bob meme
Genuine question. The instances of throttling are not THAT common. If you ACTUALLY read Pai's proposal, throttling websites will be still be a no-no. If an ISP gets caught doing it, the FTC goes after them, not the FCC.
>SpongeBob memes aren't funny
Google is for it. And right now they are throttling conservative sites, changing algorithms so you can't find what you are looking for if you are right wing.
Anything to bring that god damn company down a peg I am for and if they are apposed to this bill then I am for it. It cannot be worse than they are now.
Nobody on Sup Forums would be able to pass though
not gonna lie the hungarian looks the most chad out of all of them
yeah guys we need net neutrality, how else would we prevent ISPs from charging me for really stupid shit?
>already at my internet data cap for the month
Remark about >murican education when he actually says something stupid, moran.
I'm the faggot for opposing what jews and shitskins want? Are you sure you were looking for reddit?
I'm more worried about ISPs being able to fuck with my business and the website, more so then they already do.
it smells like retard
Throttling isn't the only thing they can and will do. Preferential treatment on certain apps, support for devices, package deals that actually give you what they say, supercookies and even redirecting your searches through another engine are all things that can be don't and have been attempted in the past if NN is repealed.
>already at my data cap for the month
Without NN they can take your data cap of, say, 500 and start throttling it at 300 unless you take the deluxe package you don't need or pay 5 dollar for this site that doesn't cost you any data from your plan. It's just 5 shekels goy, you won't miss it!
Yes, because we understand that anything the government controls ends up fucked beyond belief.
LEAFS may not get this, but then again, you've only been living in Canada for a few years, Chang, eventually you'll figure it out.
White American wins by far, dude. What the actual fuck are you talking about? Norwegians or Swedes might beat us if they were on there.
>Google is for it. And right now they are throttling conservative sites, changing algorithms so you can't find what you are looking for if you are right wing.
But he did?
Getting rid of NN will not only not change this, it'll make it worse since Google has the money to cut deals with ISPs but other engines won't, tightening the monopoly it already has.
You'll be able to pay for superior services including but not limited to your own dedicated server(s)! Everything from shared hosting run by a neckbeard who learned how to install apache and php last week to your own motherfucking shit custom built and administered by chads.
pathetic, stop shilling
>he said with no evidence whatsoever
I think redirecting searches falls under the same umbrella. Could be wrong.
> preferential treatment
I feel like this being out in the open wouldn't be as widespread as people think. There isn't a lot of evidence to suggest that it would be (unless you have a lot, not just a few instances).
For the record, I don't like what Pai is doing because I believe we shouldn't 'fix' that which is not broken, but I think Reddit and others are seriously exaggerating negative effects of this. Also, the very blatant astro turfing on Reddit makes me really question if there is not somebody with malicious intent pushing for NN.
>Reddit "the internet is going to be sold in packages" meme
It's crazy how truly retarded so many people are
who do you think these (((3rd party))) propoganda finder's people, things are?
ANd what i say is TRUMP done more for them than anyone else. I cant see who (he'd) want to get to do whatever here now.
From what ive read taht whole shit thing, taht theyre saying/you're saying the FCC doenst know what to do, is what they want to do, is get the FTC to do it all, because the FTC "can", FTC is shit btw, look them up, theyre the reason for the label age on CDS and shit im pretty sure if im not mistaken here, and the FTC can turn it into all that shit they want, which is just exactly what (((they))) want. they bitch and gripe and run their mouth all the time, wanting to be able to sell shit, like the JEWS in the church, and the internet is that platform they want. The internet is our free speech, communication
FUCK anyone who thinks differently on it
..cont cont>>>
I honestly don't care one way or the other.