if duplicates Moore wins
If duplicates Moore wins
If duplicates he wins but then has a massive explosive shit on the podium, and then has a heart attack
The numerals which repeat where misplaced, here they are now tough
Fuck he's gonna lose unless I get them now
I don't even care who this happens to, I just want it to happen.
RIP lads
>if /pol is 90 shills/reddit faggots Moore loses
if duplicates Moore wins by a landslide
final re-roll
Agreed. It's just Alabama, so they could at least provide some quality entertainment.
I hope he wins.
lol watch dis
He will win. Bigly.
Relax guys, it's in the bag. Moore landslide. The start of more landslides for Trump peoples. Going to be a good year.
If duplicates, Roy Moore is a disgusting pedophile.
I'm from the future Roy Moore wins and it causes a huge commotion.
If triples Moore shits his pants
Kayla Moore the judge wife is going to beat the piss out Mitch's chink wife
>as the numbers indicate
If consecutive integers of 3 or more numbers:
>moore wins
>trump loses 2020