Other urls found in this thread:
>took away my phone
>records herself with a phone
Did the nigress steal it?
I'd definitely rape her in the interrogation room.
Big deal, try being non-muslim and go to Mecca
Well maybe their community should cooperate more with law enforcement.
I'd dress up as the pope and fly into Baghdad international just to prove her wrong, but that would result in my head being lopped off with a sword by some faggot in a less extravagant version of my costume.
ill apologize with my dick
Who wouldn't you rape, Joey?
Instead of blaming whites maybe they should blame the fucking dune coons blowing shit up.
Tell your dad and his buddies to stop blowing shit up then.
Stop being a filthy mudslime animal, problem solved!
You're welcome.
(Oooooohhhhh. [Canned laughter])
Wow she's pretty
She doesn't look full negro though, maybe part North African. Full blooded Africans are by and large hideous.
Thank you pasta fags, we won't let them take Columbus monuments.
Did they cavity search her or were they unable because her carved out cunt was sewn shut too far?
Stop associating with villains.
release your inner fascist Mario!
Reignite the flame of the roman empire!!!
For a muslim nigger she is actually beautiful
So you're a Muslim too huh?
Fake, shilling for "muh views"
I'm sorry she wasn't sent back to the desert where she belongs.
Is this supposed to make me feel bad? All muslims and hijab wearers should be assumed terrorists until shown otherwise.
Fuck these trojan horse taqqiya masters.
>darkies complain about being persecuted
>still abandon their own people and flock to white nations
really makes me think
Do Islamic dudes mind if we abuse their women too?
>vilification of people like me
So lads, is she going to play the race card, the woman card, or the terrorist card?
Close your fucking mouth.
Your entire religion automatically villifies you by it's very contents, you dumb fucking cunt. Aren't you disobeying your goatfucking prophet by asking for help? That is a mans job, according to your peaceful literal pedophile prophet.You must now be stoned. I mean this, dead serious; this is the only group of people I genuinely believe are better off dead. I ain't getting my hands dirty, though.
Now this is winning.
Fucking fake news.
Schedule 7 and the subsequent terrorism act is a UK law.
Why the fuck would the Italians be using UK law.
Schedule 7, 1, 1, c
(3)A place shall be treated as a port for the purposes of this Schedule in relation to a person if an examining officer believes that the person—
(a)has gone there for the purpose of embarking on a ship or aircraft, or
(b)has arrived there on disembarking from a ship or aircraft an
(c) holds a lorry licence
fuck some of them somali womins are hot af
Would take on as a 3rd wife in the caliphate.
Have they considered, not wearing the terrorist scarf?
People it's prejudiced and not having that thing in your head would help a lot.
Unless your loving husband beat the shit out of you way worst than any inconvinence of course.
Why did they let this sand niggress get away without putting a hole in her head?
>join wacky cult
>wear wacky cult attire
>wonder why people treat you odd
>I'm so tired of the vilification of people like me
This is the fatal error of all snowflakes. She's in Rome. Italy has laws, but they're as free as a society gets. You're afforded a degree of free speech in a Western nation.
To use that gift to speak to the victimhood of oneself, rather than use that gift to speak up for another man is indefensible, and everyone knows it.
Stay in your country if you are so tired then.
Part and parcel of being a mudslimei guess.
Just don't use a hijab and problem solved.
somali women are fucking disgusting, cunts in this thread need to be gassed
I know right, they give birth to this magnificent beasts of allah.
Yikkity yack, dont come back
> so tired of being vilified
And we’re tired of your people raping and blowing people up cunt
I'll take "Shit that never happened" for $500 please
>adhere to an ideology world renowned for blowing shit up
>airport security is rayciss
she is beautiful
Is this the rare muzzie fishmouth?
She was probably flying from the UK to Italy they are notorious for these checks even if she is a citizen of the UK and leaving the country
She probably got flagged in the anti-jihadi system most likely due to a matching name with an actual terrorist
can't help it when these inbreds name all their kids aisha and muhammad
selfies are haram
Yeah Islam, apologize for the violence your religion induces.
somalis are all like that.
Why are you going to rome to begin with?
I wanna face fuck her
East African "men" a shit
West African men superior
Even racists will confirm this
I'll take things that never happened for $500.
So was it US customs that interrogated her or Rome customs?
Italy doesn't fuck around with this shit. Good on them. There's a reason they haven't been visited by the Truck of Peace.
So it was Italy?
This cunt is so vague she doesn't say who detained her just that she was detained under some act.
But I'm sure she would have specified if it was in the US because the bitch would know it would pick up steam instantly.
Saying Italy or Rome detained her wouldn't get any traction because they aren't the mean old boogie man like the US of A.
>West African men superior
That's why they were enslaved and shipped to the muricas, Go back to ivory coast nigger.
She looks like a turd I popped out a couple days ago.
It was in London on the way to Rome. I read the tweet.
>italy doesn't fuck around with this shit
>literally half the country is flooded with illegals shipped in by government protected NGO's
>prosecute people trying to stop the influx of illegals from libya
you really are a dumb motherfucker aren't you
And how about I take my white head to fucking Somalia and bitch about their shit
which building in Rome was she going to fly into tho?
please clap
Remember that video of the Italian innkeeper who desperately tried to stop police in half riot gear from letting African migrants stay in his inn gratis?
He was in tears and screaming his heart out for them to fuck off.
oh here it is
Rate her big Somali fuuto
She's obviously cosplaying because a real muslim bitch would be put down for doing that while wearing her towel.
>fish mouth
Every. Time. Regressive is as regressive does.
wow this makes my blood boil. i'm so fucking sick of this shit. have the niggers trashed it yet? these people should be shot for what they've done to Europe.
>wears hijab out of muh desty
>20 lbs of makeup
Maybe she should go back to where she belongs then?
Would fuck
french fags
I want to fuck her mouth and cum all over her face while she's wearing that slut scarf.
>slut scarf
oh boy, can this be a thing? kinda like how super slutty chicks wear like a dozen jesus cross necklaces?
She's wearing the uniform tho, why wouldn't they stop her to check.
I'd like to shoot her mouth and unload lead all over her center of mass as she's earing that scarf
>Girl is told "Don't do it" all her life and told to wear a scarf to appear modest
>Implying this wouldn't build enormous tension to jump on the first big white cock she could get
She'd suck one dry if she could get away with it, if she hasn't already.
To each their own I guess. It's a waste, she'd make a good breeder in a farm. Deport the males, breed the females, abort males. We could call it a harem diversification center.
If you're so tired of being vilified, quit being a Muslim. Islam is the most intolerant, bigoted, hateful, anti-freedom, anti-women, ideology in the world, not to mention it's a supremacist ideology. Reform or go back to the Middle East.
This stupid bitch could give me a nice bj
>bring in retard room temp IQ females to breed with stupid chads and smart betas
>make the 56% meme worse
yeah no, only if they're sterilized first
That's the history of the United States after all, isn't it?
Damn. Brown women are so ugly. I wish they'd detain all muzzles and stop letting them fly.
>segregation in the current year
What did they mean by this?
Good idea.
Underrated kek
>So was it US customs that interrogated her or Rome customs?
Are you joking?
>So it was Italy?
Yes, she did say Rome mate.
>American education
Rome is a city in Italy. The more you know.
She is pretty