how does it feel soy boys, this is a good thing for america you whites need culture , white or brown your grand kids will speak spanish.. More and more white girls are dating hispanic chads . Its funny white guys want change but all they do is sit around making it open season on white women .
America set to be Hispanic by 2050
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how does it feel knowing your indian ancestors got cucked by eurochads from spain?
that guy in your webm is an arab and that girl is swedish.
dont care
Spanish do not racemix like white and niggers faggot OP. You are obviously not spanish, as racemixing as spanish you are despised by your family as a whole, unless you have the retarded half breed indian niggers then you're not spanish in the first place. Next spanish inquisition when?
>Spics literally can't even recognize their own race
where does it say he is a spic
how long until spics and nigs have civil war over belugas?
pedo stash
greasy slick back hair
strong enough back for that humpback
100% beenarino
That’s an Arab guy and Swedish girl.
it literally says on the bottom left that this was recorded in "sverige" aka sweden. there are no beaners in sweden
I'm sorry but pedo stache are a predominantly white trait. just pointing that out.
I saw more white guys with Hispanic girls than vice versa when I was in California. And a lot of 56% faces where I wasn’t sure on the race.
This. White people are the niggers of the Spanish world. I hope to never see anymore racemixing between our races in the future. Especially white girls, your women are hilariously retarded especially when it comes to genetics.
I would rather have mexicans than muslims
Fuck you euros have fun in your shitty ass country's that are getting invaded
Fuck you spic.
This is what all of you latrineo garbage say.
Right Atleast Mexicans are Christian
this pls
Hispanic's not a race
All these brownfags are mestizos
>spics are a race
You're not a race
well that guy is pretty good looking can you blame her
>That's old data
I work at a pharmacy and I can tell you most racemixers are poor and fat/ugly whilst also picking up Suboxone, which is a drug used to treat opiod addictions. Not really concerned about race traitor degenerates when they make up the bottom of society.
he ugly af. if she wanted a spic she should've gone with this handsome muchacho right here
Hispanic is not a race, guarantee the majority of Hispanics knocking up white girls aren't 4 foot tall mestizo indians.
nobody is ever going to speak exclusive spanish in 30 years. how many even speak it on Sup Forums, nobody.
Doesn't seem legit. They only counted Mexicans and none of the other latino nationalities
He’s not even a spic.
The video is from Sweden.
I know it is. I was just thinking he was a student there.
Could be but more likely he’s some eastern migrant.
>White people are the niggers of the Spanish world.
>talking bad about Anglos
>in American
why the fuck do you live here if Spanish are so great? go back
not just Christian but Catholic.
Feels bad man :(
there are plenty of Spaniards and Mexicans I am sure they speak Spanish
but yeah most mexicans in Texas can't even speak Spanish (and hardly any can outside of the wetbacks)
Nice try but guy is italian. I saw his periscope.
Congratulate yourselves when it all turns to dust in your hands, like everything else in your whole history.
Your Spanish-speaking children will come to know hunger again.
Hispanics are here and all, but they don't stand a chance against the Chinese. They are the real people who'll take over this country.
Soulless commie chinks > Spanish rape-babies
I would rather be pissed on than shat on, but I ultimately want neither
And we will be a Third World Country with nukes.
Fuck this fucking gay earth
>I would rather have mexicans than muslims
I'd rather have spics over blacks too.
The one big issue I have with spics over blacks though is that they purposely speak spanish so White people won't understand.
he looks more muslim than hispanic
Hispanic isn’t a race tho. Florida is still probably majority white because most Cubans look like pic related
>No nips
Enjoy the 404.
This is bait but I'll play along. Let America become brown. Then your grandkids will be on here complaining that America became the same drug infested, poor, violent, and criminal hell hole you crawled out of.
I love how people hate on whitey, yet need whitey to keep order. Be real dawg if you liked your own people that much you wouldn't have come to white land.
its not gonna become brown thats not my argument Hispanics carry European blood we will get white washed , but our culture will be the dominant culture ,read the original message again
Fuck this place. Where can we run to? Norway? Uruguay?
He’s clearly brown.
Is that the dad on the left or just the oldest son?
>implying i'm not down to fuck with latinas
Yeah apparently you did. I'm just used to people always implying more Hispanics = more brown, no white. I like certain aspects of Hispanic culture like the ciesta and Catholicism. Whites do have plenty of culture though from European, Greek, and Roman history. Don't let the consumer culture make you think that's all there was.
Looks. like. Samantha 38G
i implied that white women dont prefer white men , in america . People worry about america becoming brown because of Mexicans when in reality Mexicans will get white washed many Mexican last names are already becoming white last names like Fuentes or Lopez surprisingly , a castizo or mestizo can be easily white washed within one generation , the reality of america is not the bullshit leftist black guy white women narrative the number inter-racial couple if you can call it that is hispanic and white , i think this is a good thing , first off the the "brown people" will get white washed , leaving the culture which white Americans need , the reason white people are dying is because of the lack of culture. those are the facts simply saying you love white people will do nothing.
They're indigenous to the continent so it kinda makes sense. Yo hablo español, así que no estoy preocupado.
the funny thing is, at least with blacks it's able to rustle me because it's somewhat true. however with spics i can't do anything but laugh because no women wants to date a 5'4" greasy beanlet. they have literally zero redeemable qualities in terms of dating
better than this
That’s a poor breed of white woman. You can take her. Btw Carlos what you call “sitting around” I call working, you might want to figure that out before you racially replace us and dry up your social security slush fund.
>we will get white washed
no, pablo
I live in SanAntonio and most kids who are half hispanic half white look like pic related. The only white mexicans I see here are the rich mexican ones that only come during that holy week they have to go shopping then leave back to mexico.
>TFW brown hobbit people
>Josef LOCO
you can speak all you want but your fate has been decided
I'd rather have a few million muslims instead of like 30% of my population being spics.
And they are BASED!
*assimilates into mestizo*
*loses IQ*
*becomes illegal*
lol at least Mexicans have dignity to let you whites be Muslims would rape your daughters and ruin the country within days
The Hispanic people have exactly the same history and religion as white people. All they need to do is stop falling for the lefty's oppression meme.
russia has a high murder rate and low iq , and no other people are invading you guys thats embarrassing
See, just like the US.
>no south american country has been successful without massive amounts of violence, balkanization, and military coups
I wonder whats on our horizon.
but atleast we're rich
So? Mexicans do it in within decades.
Hey, but don't forget, Hispanics are Christan and Based!
so if your grand father was a murderer that makes you one?
would it kill 'em to dress better
Trash bag cunt that no white guy wants. Take our scraps.
how ? mexicans "invaded" california and within a decade it became the 6th biggest economy in the world , oh no im scared of the future now
Whats wrong with being a spic exactly?
that would be all your women
If you're serious about keeping white people the majority you need to take action.
1 give up on your stupid and criminal ideas
2 make babies 4 or 5 per couple
3 stop protesting abortion clinics you will need one on every street corner in the hood.
Promote interracial relationships in the gay community milo took one out of the breeding pool what have you done
What are you even talking about?
Not meladdymate, you are not rich. Rich is the top 10% of population, and that 10% has nothing to do with you and your race, apart from using it in modern-day slave labor. Even rich spics don't care for shit about poorfags, so do rich whites. You are not rich.
its also 50% white and nearly all of the economic growth came from the development of the technological sector. My point is its shitskins either way and you shouldn't defend either. The issue isn't solely culture its mainly demographic change.
there are no mexican agendas to target whites , muslims have it and i know you know that muhammed blacks have them ,so do native americans. there is no mexican lives matter
I'd rather they speak Spanish than niggers speaking oogabooga ebonix
Daily reminder that anons who post about how they think spics are based and that bring back European migration is cucked are one of three groups of people
(1. Asshurt Civic Nationalists from Texas and California. These are common since they’re the most bluepilled states in the union. They constantly blame illegal Shitskins but don’t realize that legals are also a problem since they’re also citizens and so are their descendants. That’s why most of their states have regressed to third world Shitholes being taken over by Chang and Pajeet. While smaller and more nationalistic states like the ones in the Midwest/Eastern Northwest and Pennsylvania don’t trust nonwhite invaders and are completely against immigration.
(2. The “Colonizer”: these people are race-mixers who believe they can somehow bleach 60 Million+ beaners instead of you know, making white kids. Anybody who knows history realizes that this has failed everytime it was tried. Because the nonwhite features never go away, even the Whitest beaners still look like North Africans. They don’t realize that their idea makes lobotomies look like they can still be used as a modern practice
(3. They’re Nonwhites themselves, the thought of European immigration such as it coming back with the Raise act scares the Beaner/Asian. Since they won’t be able to make America more nonwhite anymore since more of their “troops” won’t be allowed in. So they try their very best to win over white anons support such as “We fought for you Gringo” or We are natural conservatives” which is stuff that’s easily debunked. Even the majority of beaners in Texas still vote democrat. The old folk will be dying out soon however, once that happens. Texas and Florida will become blue.
Remember to ignore all pro-nonwhite posts.
Mexicans know they killed all the native people just like americano
That’s why moon crickets wife their own
Jesus Christ Pancho - don't you realise this means that by 2050 the continental US will be indistinguishable from Mexico - the same shithole you're all so desperate to escape from? Where the fuck are you gonna go then? I don't think you've thought this through...
Even cucked Europeans are better than spics, at least they'll become conservative over time. Spics will just vote for socialism.
Esta es una junta española. No hablo ingles mayate.
>3 faggots and an asian
As a Texan living amongst spics, you're laughable. I tower over most of them and ALL latinas love white men.
Spics have nothing to be proud of, why are you so full of yourselves?
that top 10% doesn't come out of russia