this is what atheists believe
This is what atheists believe
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No. This is.
is that trex 2ft or is that chicken 8ft?
>another christcuck thinks evolution works like pokemon thread
And this is what christ cucks believe
This is a slide thread, has been posted numerous times.
Up your fucking game Sup Forums
Atheists want to destroy the world
Plenty of atheists are on our side, myself included.
It usually stems from the moral system you use to replace it. I was heavily influenced by Objectivism, as was molymeme.
In the fires we can build the currently non existent kingdom of God. (kings james ver)
>Plenty of atheists are on our side
Your side is not OUR side. We are on God's side, you are one the devils.
>t. Westboro Baptist
Dinosaurs came from chickens? You are stupid AF.
this is what Christians believe
As materialists we necessarily value what allows us to sustain our brief existence.
Now you might want to argue about our ethical inclinations, thats something you got a highground on.
A lot of dinosaurs had feathers though.
everyone knows trex were 2ft
Evolution was God's plan, ya dingus. You really think God is only as creative as to snap His fingers and create a static ecosystem that never changes?
>"arms can turn into wings if you flap hard enough, goy"
Actually, you've got it backwards.
Christians believe god created light before he created the sun and stars
to think god is smarter than most creationists...
must blow their F'ing minds.
This is silly, nothing can destroy the world. The world would destroy us in a blink of the eye.
How does it make you feel that an enormous set of the world population feel no consequence for their actions after they die?
>denying scientific theory
You do know things like
Are 'just a theory' as well.
Besides,y atheism isn't grounded to evolution, if evolution was proven flash tomorrow it wouldn't have any affect on my atheism, because my atheism lies in myself not being convinced a god exists, nothing more, nothing else. If you want to disprove my atheism, convince me that a god exists, it's that simple.
If God is truly perfect why would he need his creations to change over time and adapt/evolve?
We wuz dinasaws n cluck
>If God is truly perfect, why does stuff happen?
Truly a world to raise a family in.
Your dinosaur has a distinctive lack of feathers, OP.
I am here to share the message of our lord and savior KEK. He loves you, well actually he is kinda indifferent about affection towards you but he still wants your life to be interesting and full of gets.
Don't worry your kids will get schooled to adapt to an athiest world. They will think things like being gay are not only perfectly normal, but favoured.
>be perfect, all loving god
>make malaria, smallpox and plagues
>send gay's, Buddhists and unbaptised babies to hell because I made them that way.
>make tsunamis and hurricanes
>make volcano's
>I love you
Dinosaurs did not really look like giant lizards.
And most had feathers.
>pic related
ex. top is Gallimimus in Jurassic world vs. bottom, which is a more accurate depiction.
Also, even going down an evolutionary path, that image is inaccurate. Evolution which takes place well over a hundred million years takes on many forms and each change in an evolutionary line is often subtle.
That being said, we've actively observed evolution occur at a rapid place on our own time so to deny the idea of evolution is just factually incorrect, atheist or not.
I'll fucking slit your throat before that ever happens motherfucker.
So, where's the hundreds of thousands of transitional species that should occupy the spaces between each example?
Please describe what morphological changes took place and what mechanism caused said physical and chemical changes to occur in those ways?
Too late christcuck
School's will either be occupied only by leftards and illegals or be closed before that happens... Oh, it's already happening.
Here lies the cuck in all his glory. One who would would gladly replace all white non Christians in Europe with nigger Christians if he could. He is the enemy, fetishizing racial cuckoldry taught by the bastardized words of a long dead kike. He is a most devious enemy because he can bypass the defenses of all but the most observant. He is more stealthy than even the kike. His kind will adopt niggers from Africa marry off his daughters to shit skins, vote for immigration under the banner of humanitarianism.
Recognize the type for they are your most devious foe.
That fucking pedo. Her sole face disgust me.
Natural selection, and we have literally thousands of transitioning species, every species is transitioning currently
Feathers were likely a result of scales changing over many millions of years.
Better yet they have control of the uni's. Guess where all the future professors and politicians will come from?
hol up
*kills the entire world population sans a family*
you been saiyan
*forms humans in own image and makes them commit incest*
*fire bombs two cities for being fags*
yous been sayin
*only talk to people in the middle east*
the we was
*stops talking to anyone else for thousands of years except Joseph Smith*
you thinkin
*summons she bears to kill children for calling man bald*
we was God n shiet?
*personally kill hundreds of millions of people when satan has yet to kill a single person directly*
people often confused about evolution regardless they're religious or at heist
How does it feel to know that in our most critical time of gene propagation, white European have not only failed to spread their genetics to the world and their colonies, but are actively becoming a genetic anomaly in the human gene pool? How does it feel that some of the lowest genetic peoples (Black Africans) are set to triple from the current population and grow to 4 billion in just 8 decades?
What does this mean for the future of human beings and the world?
What does it mean for our future now that we have stagnated our ability to evolve and improve as a species due to the fact that we keep the weak healthy and don't interfere with the ability for low IQ peoples and the mentally defected to reproduce? Now that we've eliminated the challenges of daily, rigorous life which once forced the inventive to survive and the uninventive to perish?
What does it mean for our future now that the world IQ has been dropping for years?
Eugenics was here to tackle these issues and improve human kind. Now, Eugenics is branded an evil tool of Nazism.
The future looks grim.
The evolution of man
Do you even comprehend just how rare fossils are? The necessary conditions by which fossils are preserved well enough for us to recover millions of years later happen so infrequently to essentially be a miracle that we do find them.
Here's a link explaining just how fossils form and give you an understanding as to why we haven't found every single transitional species that you think we should have found by now:
I'm not atheist and I still believe that.
Satan confirms that our future looks grim.
Define future. 1000 years? By that time the headstart that the caucasian race had in the iq game will be long gone.
I wish this happened to me.
>when satan has yet to kill a single person directly*
Isn't the point he never will? He just punishes those deemed evil/damned.