Can you imagine how many politicans will be forced to resign? We'll never have another male presidet
Are we screwed?
>end up being all Dems
CNN corrected the record and is actually investigating 2-3
This will be amazing, all the neo-libs and neo-cons will be affected. Would love to see Lindsey Graham step down.
If they go nuclear in pedo Republicans, all bets are off. Their world will crumble because the climate is tainted. Won't be hard to get the Dems. It'll be believable, no more veils of disbelief.
And McConnell.
No media outlet will shit on Graham b/c SC will elect someone far more to the right. This happened before when some paper tried to out him
the only person they will link to Lindsay Graham is his long time gay partner
aka: cnn is going to blackmail 20-30 members of congress becuase they know libshits can't win elections.
LOL. Now working on news is reported as news.
Democrats have the pleb media on their side.
This number of "40 senators" has been floating around Twitter for 3 weeks now. Why have the media been sitting on the names?? Why would they not want the names out ahead of the Alabama election??
Is it because it implicates key Dems??
we all know Lindsay Graham is gay, but he doesnt talk about it, or make it a big deal, so we let him be.
he brings home the bacon to SC, so he gets reelected.
oust Graham, and I'll run for his seat
>implying were going to see another election after 2020
Good, no doubt most of them are lifers and need to get the fuck out
2/3rds will be dems....
My roommate at USC said word for word the same thing, so weird. I know he worked hard to get BMW to go to Greenville
34 states with republican governors appointing the replacements. Let them all fall down.
No. It's a farce, now. It's been too long. Normal jackoffs are coming around. Only idiots still cling to the narrative. It because way to inconsistent and Russia never came through. It's over if they blow their load taking out Republican congressman in the most unscrupulous way. For them, that is. It's breaking code. The veil of disbelief that protects them. They have already created helterskelter by bringing down Matt lauer and Weinstein and all the dozons of others that fell all month. Their best defense, is evaporating. People are beginning to believe the gritty reality.
SC is a small state.
Hell, I'm even in Columbia
Oh no the entire Congressional Black Caucus (plus a few Jews) will have to resign and be replaced by other Blacks
There comes a point where you bite off more than you can chew. I would think that 30 fucking congressmen would be that point, all they need to do is call WaPo "fake news" and this #metoo story ends for good.
Honestly if a woman comes forward claiming Graham harassed her my first reaction will be to not believe that unless she revealed she was a trap, and even then I'd be skeptical.
Muh dik is ready.
no, CNN and WaPo would NOT be doing this if it hurt the democratic party
you can expect either a majority of republicans or high ranking republicans
>CNN and WaPo
It'll be 16-25 Republicans and 3 or 4 will be Democrats (who reside in safe Democrat voting states). In case you didn't get the memo, they threw Franken under the bus so they could go after Trump without baggage.
Ah, we're finally nearing the end of the Battle of the Sexes, as this will be the nail in the coffin since nobody is going to resign.
A billion fucking keks, as if anyone will believe this shit anyway.
For the record you all have the narrative wrong, Democrats tend to be womanizers and Republicans tend to be closeted homosexuals.
I think the Democrats need to rethink their strategy, if they want Trump impeached they need a gay orgy to surface. The Russia womanizer thing is going nowhere.
but...but...but...muh RUSSIA
honestly fuck them all
fucking kek
Lindsey Grahm didn't touch women.
lel as if those money-grubbing jewish faggots would ever dump them all at once. they're just going to keep revealing and destroying 1 or 2 people a week. republicans first, of course.
They will all be democrats. Gotta hand it to em though, theyre committing mass political suicide to sell a virtue signal and its both bizarre and fucking amazing at the same time. Like a train wreck
This has been talked about in a Washington for two weeks now. The number is 22 congressmen of which 7 will be Republican, 2 of the Dems implicated are high ranking
One time, I closed my eyes in bed at night. Then I was on a strange, jungle-Island. I was dressed in a thin fabric that barely covered my ample breasts and tender loins. I was making a campfire and setting up shelter when Donald Trump swung in on a vine. His muscular chest glistened in the sunlight as beads of sweat ran down over his washboard abs, and into his loincloth - which did little to cover his big, powerful member.
No, Donald, stop! I pleaded. But he took me with his strong arms, lifted the lower part of my makeshift outfit, and plunged his huge cock into my sopping womanhood. I moaned and cried, but he just kept plowing, until eventually he shot a big, powerful load inside of me. My body didn't stop shaking for what seemed like hours. I was so confused, something that was so wrong had felt sooooo right.
Then I opened my eyes and I was in my bed, and I realized I had just been raped by Drumpf. He needs to be impeached for this, he can't get away with it. #MeToo.
We just need Trump to come out and say something along the lines of, "Sexual assault is a serious problem, but a man acting friendly or flirtatious with a woman is not a crime. We need to put an end to the media witchhunts which distract from the serious sex crimes that happen in our country."
The problem on this issue is that republicans have no defined stance. We're just supposed to bend over whenever some half-assed allegation comes out. We need to define our boundaries of what is and is not sexual assault/rape.
Franken was not in a bus accident.
Gonna need a source on all of that
>the two biggest fake news corporations working together
just bomb them already
Well.. Senate races are coming up. Maybe it's to clean house but it could revenge for Franken. Which I hardly believe he was THAT important.
ring ring, are the phones still ringing in DC?
1. They're testing the waters with Moore.
2. They want it to land for the elections next year, not earlier.
They mean to steal seats. The media is the propaganda arm of the DNC.
Yes and the hundreds of accusers are complicit in skipping their paychecks and 15 minutes of fame so (((they))) can print one fat expose, right?
Every woman that has come forward with sexual abuse allegations need to submit all bank records, as well as job title, for years pertaining to alleged events. There is some more shit going on here, and we need to stop taking women at their word. We all know they use their pussies to get ahead.
More like CNN is hiring people to lie about republicans raping them.
Even if its all dems I still take no pleasure in this witchhunt. What ever happened to due process? Women were a mistake.
>Washington Post
OMG that republican asked for her phone number!!!
He said you looked nice! Expel!!!!
Lmao you're fuckin dumb. Submit it to who? TPTB? The general public? It's 2017 dude no proof will ever be good enough if it gets in the way of your political leanings.
>We'll never have another male presidet
This was the plan all a long. I read a long time ago that this was the long game of modern feminists from one of their write ups. We just didn't know when they were going to pull the trigger for real. They started with Weinstein.
>The one Miss USA saying it was harassment because Trump looked her over in a lineup related to Miss USA
This is what (((((They))))) are pushing as sexual harassment?
Feminists didn't decide to start with one of Hillary's neighbors and big donors.
>no proof will ever be good enough if it gets in the way of your political leanings
some proof (other than a forged signature) would be nice, though...
No they didn't dumbass, Weinstein was on the unlucky end of a twitter hashtag, and most people have heard his name but didn't realize how gross he looked so it made a compelling read of middle America. This isn't some grand scheme.
Y'all act like BillO didn't settle 30+ million dollars worth of sexual harassment suits back in April.
The talk was that it's a list of congressmen who have paid off sexual harassment cases. Using public money, I think, which is probably the scandal. But the accusers already got paid and took the deal, so it's not like other accusations where they could just be making it up now to get on the #metoo bandwagon.
RIP Rand Paul's career
It's not a forged signature, it's a forged date. Plus multiple other accounts that match up.
We don't have a time machine dude. You're basically saying there better still be cum in her or you aren't going to believe it.
And I'm not saying we should wholesale believe every woman crying rape period. This whole thing is a witchunt. But the fact that Moore AD-FUCKING-MITTED to dating 17 year olds as a 35 year old should at least be raising an alarm bell in your head.
Screwing themselves burning out people on false accussations, just like the 2016 election.
You do know with all these sexual harassment accusations that have come out. The majority have been democrats.
They're overplaying their hand.
"sexual harassment" is getting worryingly-some broad a term
>34 states with republican governors appointing the replacements
>all of'em will be replaced by female republicans
>17 year olds
Legal age was 16. It's not like he's fucking 10 yr olds here. The pedophile label is extreme and it's being shoved down our throats by the corrupt media.
>It's not a forged signature, it's a forged date.
>j-just because she got caught lying about that
>d-doesn't mean we shouldn't believe everything else she says!
>d-don't you see, she just lied to help you see the truth!
You people are sniveling cunts.
>she tampered with evidence but the evidence is still trustworthy and she is still credible
I wonder how that would fly in a court of law
I'm not a member of Congress who sexually harassed staffers, so I'm ok.
I had a professor at USC that said when he went there he would come to class stoned constantly as well. He is 100% gay as well.
>j-just because she got caught lying about that
she wasnt though. she just added a date at the bottom detailing when it happened, its been confirmed the actual content is moore's
Moore's loss proved that Democrats can accuse everyone of rape and win.
Told you guys not to cuck and you did. Now the blue wave comes.
Won't be surprised if a vast majority of them were Republicans. It's a pretty well known fact that they're the party of sexual harrasers/ pedos who masquerade as moral Christians these days.
so, it's graham and mccain?
>she wasnt though
Happy Hanukkah Sup Forums !
>Franken under the bus so they could go after Trump without baggage.
>Franken was not in a bus accident.
so who has his baggage?
You're lying. She admitted adding more than the date, and it's clear where the inks differ when the light strikes from the right direction. Now we'll get more lies like that in every election from president to dogcatcher. Congrats.
They just lost of senator to sexual harassment accusations dumbass.
This would be interesting if true, it would definitely reveal the true colors of their congressional choices. Republicans aren't clean much either but we will see who gets the boot more. Money is on more dem losses then reps.
Cute. Franken is not going to resign now. Hope the loss was worth it for the moral good boy points.